Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week 10: This too shall pass... like a kidney stone.

Another short blog, for a short week. I can't start getting behind on my blog- or it'll be August 10th and I'll be a couple short. My list says 52, so 52 I shall post.

I didn't mention last weeks blog the drama that was last Monday, because, well, it's Monday- and bad things almost always happen on Mondays. Now, I'm not going to be melodramatic, 'bad' can range from the dishwasher/garbage disposal deciding to quit working (which is most frequent), to the battery in the Accord exploding, to your landlord telling you he's selling your house. So, I mean, in the grand scheme of things- none of this is life threatening (well, except maybe that battery thing), but it's annoying, and not good news.

Last Monday it was the landlord situation. I know it's time to buy a house, so I don't mind that part as much- but I have been saying for months that our landlord is in way more trouble with the house than he has ever admitted to us. Apparently he's being forced to put it on the market- but he is just telling us this now (when all along this was supposed to occur after our lease was up in February). I know he knew about this long before last Monday. A month ago it was 'we'll talk about it when the lease is up', Two Mondays (see) ago it was 'We'll probably have to put it up in a couple months', last Monday it was 'You'll be hearing from a realtor in 3 to 4 weeks', and then Tuesday we heard from a realtor who said it would be a long time before it was actually on the market. Then, I was perusing the internet looking at houses, and discovered ours on the market- for sale. It's just shady business I tell you. But, then private landlords generally turn out to be that way. I'm choosing to focus on the positive though- oh the ideas I have for a house that's actually mine. I don't know if you heard, but I'm super crafty. And pinterest is the best site ever.

In other news- Haydens very first parent-teacher conference today. It was borderline Ms. Fitterer(Peytons 1st grade teacher who wanted to adopt him)-ish. She went on and on about how kind and respectful Hayden is, how well he listens, and how bright he is. He apparently is on first grade level with almost everything, which makes sense because we spent all of last year working on kindergarten work books. Apparently though, he has to work on his tissue usage. Here's the thing, Hayden was never sick before he went to kindergarten- but he wasn't around a lot of kids other than his brothers either. So, he's pretty much been sick since he started school. And, due to his lack of really needing to use tissues, he's not so good at it. Yes, he's the snotty kid. You win some, you lose some. I guess I'd prefer he's the smart snotty kid in class, if you look at the alternatives.

The passwords are going well, its pretty funny- at times Hayden will go running screaming through the house, but stop briefly at each door to calmly say the password- and then continue running screaming through the house. Apparently they also use passwords at school- and the kids take it very seriously. Peyton is not happy about the addition of multiplication problems as his passwords, I'd like to think it's helping.

Friday I ended up with a migraine like headache. It was really bad- I spent most of my day in the dark in our bedroom. By the time Asa and the boys got home- Asa's schedule changed so he's able to get the boys from school now if I need him to- they asked what they could do to help. I told them I was sick of the bedroom, so they very quietly blocked all the windows and doors with blankets so it would be dark in the livingroom/diningroom/kitchen area. They actually did a really good job, and we're pretty proud of themselves. I tried diagnosing my headache on web md- and discovered I was either having a stroke and/or experiencing near sightedness. It took about 24 hours- but I was cured from both of them.

After this on Friday and Asa getting a cold, we had to change our weekend plans. We were supposed to do our annual fun fall saturday- where we go to the seaworld spooktacular, picnic lunch it, then head over to the epcot food and wine festival- and stop at a super cool playground in Lakeland on the way home. It's one of my favorite days of the year (although this year has some competition with my some of my favorite days ever). But, a las, it wasn't meant to be this weekend- so we have to reschedule. I'm still trying to figure out how we're going to fit it all in with everything we have to do- but we'll make it work. I can't believe were about at the end of October already!

Peyton got to bring the class pet home this weekend. He's a rather nice little hamster named Humphrey. We took him over to Justins for a cookout on Saturday so that he could run around in his ball without us having to worry about the dogs going after him. Peyton had to write about his weekend with the hamster, and change his bedding and everything. He did a pretty good job taking care of him- but Hayden was devestated Monday when Peyton had to take him back to school.

*Football Alert* We spent Sunday watching games, par for the course this time of year- and I gotta say, after that debacle that was last week, the Bucs game was really exciting. But, I have figured out my hatred for certain QBs come from announcers who gush about them straight for 3 hours- no matter how good or bad they are playing. It annoys the crap out of me. Two highlights of the game: the Saints Coach injury report, and our mascot, Captain Fear, mocking Darren Sprolles on a kickoff. Entertaining stuff right there. And, the Bucs are 4-2-- Not bad!

Monday I started to put the house back together- because I was not at all prepared for visitors, and by Friday I was hold up in the bedroom fighting my splitting headache, and the weekend was pretty lazy around here. I made explosion packets with the boys- never fear I'm not making little terrorists or anything- the explosion is from a combination of a packet of baking soda, some vinegar and a zip lock baggie. And, the explosion isn't all that big, but they're boys so any explosion>no explosion. I also had the wonderful surprise of nothing back happening this Monday, and Asa even went to the bank to see about financing. As a bonus nobody had an homework- except for Calib writing his speech for running for Treasurer. I also realized it was a short week- and they pushed back the science project due dates till Monday because of it. Score!

I guess today we're expecting a tropical system to roll through here. The fist half hour of the afternoon news was dedicated to it- but it's not even a named storm, and I've just seen some clouds and light breeze. For my northern friends: It's kind of the equivalent to Stan Stachak telling you a blizzard is on its way- and then getting a dusting. Apparently though, a cold front is on it's way and the high later this week is only 70 degrees! Time to break out the hoodies.

Other things worth noting:

Things that got on my nerves this week:
I had to sign my name 13 times in one night on all kinds of the boys stuff: planners, field trip forms, tests, homework folders, permission slips (to watch a PG movie), reading logs, Ect, Ect, Ect... For a school that talks about how they like to have kids be responsible and organized, I sure do have to back all that up with signatures WAY more than I should have.

Questions answered:
Yes, Hermit Crabs do poop, Peyton. A lot. And, it's gross.

Best Game of the Week:
Hayden's Catch the Invisible Ball. This is way more entertaining than you might imagine.

Next Up: Weddings, Pumpkins, English Football and Food Trucks!

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