Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Week 30: Time to Tackle the Summer Bucket List!

Happy Wednesday! Due to our change in theme weeks, and the boys disappointment when I said we'd take a little break from them, I decided to give the next two weeks a light theme. This week is 'Summer Bucket List' Week, where we're going to try and knock some things off our list, and next week will be Arts and Crafts week. 

After some school work this morning, we headed out for a late lunch. There were a couple of specials going on we  thought we'd take advantage of, especially since we were headed that way for Hayden's Summer Reading Club anyway. 

Our first stop: Arbys for our free Jamocha Shakes. Some of the blogs I follow on facebook had shared the free coupons last night, so of course I printed them out. We each got one for free. Kind of awesome. 

We took our shakes around the corner to Sonic- since it's National Hot Dog Day, they celebrated with $1 hot dogs all day. 

After lunch it was time for Hayden's very last summer reading program of the summer. He will get invited to the party (you had to log six books, and he's done twelve), so he still has that to look forward to. 

After the story, he got to do some crafts. He made an elephant. 

And a construction hat. 

He also got to build some marshmallow and pretzel buildings. The theme this week was construction (the elephants fit in because they read a book about the Brooklyn Bridge, and elephants marching over it to prove it was sturdy) 

Once the paint dried on his elephant we were able to add the 'trunk'. 

When we got home, Asa and I made a trip to Publix. Today is the last day of this sales cycle, and I had some really good coupons to use. This bunch of goodies cost me $7.50. I actually got paid $2 to buy those stuffed scallops! We had them some dinner tonight, and they were pretty good. 

It was another hot day. I think our feels like temperature was 105 when I checked, so we headed out to the pool to cool down. 

I remembered to bring the camera, and all the boys wanted pictures of themselves jumping in. 

I couldn't ever quite catch Hayden, but Calib and Peyton nailed it on the first try. 

It took me three times to 'sort of' get them all in the air at once. (I told you, I couldn't get Hayden) 

We came home and had dinner, and then we picked a bucket off the door for an activity. Peyton had written 'pom pom races' on one of his buckets, and that was easy enough to pull together. Truth be told they were all really hoping for an afternoon thunderstorm so we could check off 'play in the rain', but it never rained today. 

The boys each had one minute to see how many pom poms they could get into the taped off squares, all worth different points, by blowing through a straw. They all went for the three point square which was furthest away. Peyton got four in, Calib and Hayden both got two. 

We had to give them each a minute, because last time we did it, they all went at once and Calib knocked everyone around. This was much more peaceful. (Also don't judge me for my dirty tile grout, it's on my to-do list!) 

Up Next: Another Day off for Asa, and something else off the Bucket List! 

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