Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 46

The US has officially hit a million confirmed Coronavirus cases. And then there's this headline. 

A couple of airlines have come out requiring passengers wear masks, and more states are talking about opening back up. In Florida, we should hear tomorrow what the plan is going forward. Our stay at home order is supposed to expire on the 30th. If we get some sort of an extension of that order, we'll have bingo. 

Hillsborough County (Tampa) today announced everything closed now should remain closed until May 15. (And DeSantis just said the other day how great Hillsborough is doing will all of this, but today he was in DC kissing Trumps ass, and I didn't love that.) 

In happier news, I bring you my favorite picture from Twitter today- it comes to you from the Denver Zoo who took their flamingos out for a stroll around the zoo. 


I took Ellie on the whole loop this morning, we've still got lovely weather. A little warmer today, but I enjoyed it. She was realllllly slow though, she stopped and sniffed EVERYTHING. But you know, that's ok. I've got time. 

Yesterday was Ulysses S. Grant's birthday, but we celebrated today. (Today is actually James Monroe's birthday, but we will get to him in a week or so). 

So I sported my Grant shirt, and had an excuse to get out my General Lee and General Grant finger puppets. 

Hayden drew a pretty awesome two page spread for Grant's birthday too. 

Asa and I did the gator loop after lunch, but saw no gators. We did see a couple of cranes though. 

We haven't done a garden check in awhile. I do have the teeny-tiniest sunflower coming. 

I got some green beans to add to our pile for dinner, and I've got a couple more cucumbers coming. We're starting to get a steady stream of tomatoes too. 

The peppers are really coming along now. We're going to have to be handing out peppers to neighbors, no way we can eat all these. 

And I discovered today we have a lime! 

We've done a couple fun things today. Hayden is making his way through all the Disney movies we like (and there are A LOT of them) and just fast forwarding to the songs. That's been fun.  We're going to add that to the calendar too. We started with Snow White, and we've just gotten to Moana. 

But we decided to get really crazy and swap seats around the dinner table. We all need a change of scenery now and again. I made name tags so nobody would be confused. 

We added the seat swap to our April in Quarantine calendar. We've done some fun things in the last month. 

I wanted to take another walk around the loop (I read a 12 minute walk can boost your mood for up to four hours, so I'm trying that out!), but Asa had student calls after dinner. Hayden said he'd go with me though if we could do Coronavirus walking bingo. So we changed a few things and off we went. 

We found a gator swimming. 

We got bingo several times over.  Lovely evening for a walk though. 

Asa and I also voted on the first place we want to eat at Disney when we can (and feel safe doing so), the winner is: the Polite Pig Butcher Board! Now we just have to figure out our sides. I vote for bbq cauliflower. 

In case you're wondering how we're all coping today, here's where our clips stand. Hayden had an ear ache this morning, and didn't sleep well, so he put himself on Apocalypse Now. I think he might be being just a *touch* dramatic, but I'm letting it go. 

Current binge watching obsession: We finished Too Hot to Handle, so we're looking for something new. Maybe we'll catch up on Billions, or finally pay for HBO and start Westworld. We'll see. 

Most popular game: This morning at 8 am, Peyton was yelling about parsnips and hats. So, he's playing Stardew Valley now. 

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 3. Like, I did things today, and that was nice. But, also eh. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 29. Haven't even made it to the Frozen II songs yet. 

Trips to the store: 4 (2 Publix, 1 Costco, 1 Lowes), and three take out trips (Capital Tacos & 2 PDQ)

Grocery Deliveries: 6  (3Costco, 3 Publix)

Food Delivery Nights: 5 (Greenland Grill & Taco Bell, and BJ's, McDonalds, and Wawa) 

How many times we've walked the loop: 30. Three more again today. 

Days Down: 46

Days Remaining: Undetermined. But at least 3 more. We'll see what DeSantis says tomorrow. 

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