Monday, September 16, 2013

Post-Its, Lightning Delays, and High Wire Bikes

Look at me blogging again! Some kind of record. I'm actually procrastinating. Today for home school, we're doing a whole lot of nothing. The boys each read a book and did their math time trials on their kindles. Then I called it a day. I totally lost my voice yesterday yelling at the Bucs game. 

When Asa got his bonus last year, I wanted him to get something he wanted with it. And so, we ended up with Bucs season tickets. Yesterday was the first home game. If you can call it that. There were SO many Saints fans there. And they were obnoxious, rude, drunk, and terrible to be around. I don't want to elaborate because I'm trying really hard to not let that set the tone for the rest of the season. But, anyway, we got to the game yesterday; used our gift card from the Bucs to get some bottomless pop and popcorn and found our seats. Section 344, row J, seats 1-5. I know it without even looking anymore! 

We lathered up on the sunscreen, because despite clouds rolling into the area, it was HOT and the sun when it was out, was seriously intense. I mean, it's summer in Florida, what can you expect? We got through about 5 minutes of the game when the game was suspended due to lightning in the area. And so everyone had to get out of their seats and wait for about an hour before the game resumed. Take note this picture was taken at about 4:30. It was really dark. 

It was like being at a baseball game. The thing went on for hours. Between the delay, a ton of flags and injuries stopping the clock, the game wasn't over until after 8. It was like we got a Sunday night game without having a Sunday night game. And boy, was I glad I sent Asa out for ponchos before the game. The boys wore theirs almost the entire time. 

At one point the Bucs were ahead by one. And, by that I mean with less than a minute to go. But, they didn't win. Such a heart breaker. I yelled a lot though. The defense kept wanting the crowd to get louder and they played SO WELL, I had to oblige. But seriously, I sound terrible today. So no talking for me. 

Blogging and then planning our October home school it is for me today. Before watching the Newsroom finale tonight. I so want to see it, but then I won't get to watch Newsroom again until July. And so we're clear, I have a new hatred for the media after this week and the way they're talking about my Bucs. I would totally watch ACN, Will McAvoy is on a mission to civilize. And, I'm totally on board. If only that wasn't all fictional. 

Our week here was a good one. Home school is still going better than I would have thought. Teamwork Tuesday this week was hilarious. I don't know if blogger does videos, but if you haven't seen my video on facebook from our activity, you should check it out. It's a goodie. Basically we set up a small obstacle course in the family room, blind folded the boys and had their brothers verbally guide them through. It was a good time. 

Waterstraut Waffle Wednesday was a bit of a failure this week. We tried to make the hashbrown waffles you see on pinterest. They cooked, and were fine. But there was no sort of waffle about them, they just kind of fell apart. Hayden was disappointed. But, I told him all of our attempts won't always work out. Next up for him is actual waffles. (side note: Real men cook with lightsabers attached to their belt loops)

While he was making those, I made pancakes to go along with it. Our friend Tracy had sent me a picture of rats eating tiny rat-sized pancakes, so I googled to make sure it was ok for them. They loved the little treat. I didn't get a picture with Simpson with hers, but I think you can see Ulysses and Grant were pretty happy with theirs. 

Thursday some my co-workers from when I worked at Kohl's were heading up to Wiregrass for lunch and shopping and asked if I wanted to join. Since I knew we'd be out and about with a library trip, and needing to go to the bookstore to get my educators discount card (they recognize home school parents for the discount at Barnes and Noble!) and Peyton needed to pick out a new workbook, I said we'd be able to join. Peyton and I had lunch with them at Panera. It was nice visiting with Janet and Judie again. Hopefully we can do it again soon! 

Also on Thursday, I got a child support payment. They come few and far between and are usually not more than enough to take us to lunch, but this time it was much bigger. So I took the opportunity to go out to Target and clean out their clearance aisle. I got so many good deals. Including drawing paper at 48 cents a pack. I bought all they had left. Hayden happily used it to make a Star Wars drawing. It's his new obsession. I got all kinds of dry erase stuff, notebooks, pens, paperclips, post-its, and even splurged on a planner, and a binder for my stuff. 

This week in home school we did some fun activities. We showed the importance of sunscreen by putting some on black construction paper and leaving it out all day. The sunscreened part stays black, while the rest fades. 

Hayden sent out his first Helpful Hummingbird this week. When he does a good deed, he sends out a hummingbird. That person will then do another good deed, let us know about it on facebook or by sending us a postcard, and then send the hummingbird on to someone they know so they can do a random act of kindness and keep it going. It's like a chain letter of kindness. He was really excited to send it out. 

We had lots of ping-pong ball drawing this week. Peyton drew 'write dad a letter' and came up with a very nice note. 

He also drew a free Plinko chip, which he happily used on Friday. 

Also on Friday we had a Math Post-it Note Scavenger Hunt. The boys had a problem on their first post it. They then had to find the answer. If they picked the wrong one, there was nothing on the back and they had to bring me the post it and keep trying. If they got it right, there was a new problem on the back to keep going, leading them eventually to one that read 'winner' on the back. I gave them one plinko chip for every three post it's they still had hanging around after they were done. 

We also had our brown bag book report. The boys pick their favorite book from the week, write or draw about their book on the bag and then I fill it with a snack we eat while we share. This week it was popcorn! 

Saturday we headed out to the Carrolwood North Tampa Market. It's essentially the fresh market, just the second Saturday instead of the 1st and 3rd. It's just about the same distance from home, and it's in the grass with trees. I might like it better. Our salsa lady moved out to Colorado though, so I'm really bummed about that. I still have her email. I wonder if she'd ship me some. We did split a Strawberry Lime Whatever Pop and pick up some produce. The cultural center was also having a book sale. There wasn't a lot left, but I picked up a book for Hayden for only $1. 

After that we went out to MOSI. Apparently home schooled families get half off a basic membership. So for $50 we got a family membership. And it's Swaptember, so this month we get into the zoo and the aquarium for free. We'll have to take advantage of that. 

We had a good time at MOSI, but I get really annoyed with people not reading the signs or what to do and just fidgeting with stuff, especially when my kids are reading and trying to learn. Kids doing it is bad, parents doing it is even worse. I did tell Hayden the 'rules' of MOSI, and one of them is to read what he's doing. I think between the programs they offer, and their awesome exhibits, we'll get a lot of use out of our membership. 

And lets hope Hayden grows enough in the next year to be able to ride the bike across the wire. He was really bummed he couldn't do it this time. 

We got home just in time to see the Texas A&M/Alabama game. It was the one and only time I will be rooting for Alabama. Calib even pulled out the Alabama things that Rex had brought to us. No Florida game this week. It was a mixed football week or sure. Between the Bucs and USF losing, Florida not playing, but the Falcons and Chargers doing well I'm feeling a little better about football, but still not thrilled. At least I totally killed it on my fantasy team this week. And Calib, who we thought had a poor fantasy draft is the only 2-0 team in the league. Annoying. 

Until Next week! 

Up Next: Waffles, Football, and a Wednesday off!

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