Monday, May 11, 2015

Cheesecake, a Road Trip & an Arrest Warrant!

I posted Harry Truman's birthday blog yesterday, but I left out all the other Waterstraut happenings and the Where in the World project. It's been pretty busy around here, but I don't have a ton on my agenda today, just some odds and ends. Summer vacation mode is nice. 

Anyway, on Wednesday Asa and I went out to run some errands and such, and we stopped by the Cheesecake Factory to finally use my gift card. 

We were super behind on TV, so we caught up. Look how cute Phenom is. Everyone loves his summer cut, and he's just been soaking in the extra pets.  

On Thursday we did our Harry Truman field trip to the S.S. American Victory Ship. I posted most of those pictures yesterday, but here's a few more. 

Friday, after I did the toy timeline and all the birthday activities, I headed out to Fort Meyers. My friend Ben was at his parent's condo for an extended weekend, and even if it was nearly five hours roundtrip, I wanted to go have dinner with him. In all the time I've lived in Florida, this is the first time he's come down here. 

Saturday there was lots of running around, and the boys had their tween game day at the library, so that took a chunk out of the day. 

And we stopped by Sonic on the way home for some happy hour slushies. 

Saturday night, Asa and I had been given tickets to go to the Florida Orchestra play at Raymond James Stadium. We missed it last year when we were in D.C., and the boys weren't too into it this year, so Asa and I made it into a date night. 

I mean, the 1812 Overture with the cannons being fired off the pirate ship? How can I miss that! 

Sunday was Mother's Day. But, I'm not really into those mass holidays. Now, my birthday, then I except some special treatment. Besides, when you think about it, I'm treated pretty well every day. Asa cooked all the meals on Sunday, even though he was working, but the truth is he cooks 90% of the meals anyway, that's just not on my to do list anymore. 

However, I'll take any excuse to get the boys to play the games that have been "retired". Lifeboats is one of those. I won, and everyone left the table pissed off, per usual. It was awesome. 

I had also picked up Disney headbands for $6 on Amazon. I was going to somehow include in in the boys where in the World game, but I wanted to play it, so I pulled it out. 

Speaking of the Where in the World project, we've been working on that along with everything else this week. Calib got this new postcard. The average person may not know this, but based on the front of the postcard he could rule our Bosnia Herzegovina (the heart is their flag). 

Also, he could rule out Bulgaria, if he looked up the information in the book they received earlier. Bulgaria is famous for rose growing, which they use in perfumes, soaps and cosmetics. 

Peyton got another piece of the flag. 

And Hayden got the letter A. 

Peyton also got a list of scrambled countries and capitals to rule out a few more places Carlton has already been. 

Here's where things get interesting, Hayden got more puzzle pieces. When it was all put together, he could tell that it was the page from their book for a particular part of Europe. One country was circled, and while he was allowed to tell his brothers where he thought Carlton was, he couldn't tell them why. This steered him toward Germany, but more importantly set the scene for something for this week, so stay tuned. 

Thursday the boys got a recipe that Carlton had left behind, and on the back, there were scribbled coordinates for where he was headed. The recipe was a sauce for some fries from Belgium. 

So we made frankfurters, fries, and the sauce for dinner. 

Friday the boys got some urgent mail. 

It was time to issue an arrest warrant. 

But they also had two more clues, a W and one more piece of a flag. Calib pretty easily put together the letters were for the 'Berlin Wall', that coupled with the German flag colors, with the countries they had ruled out, they were pretty confident in their guess. 

So they issued an arrest warrent for Carlton in Berlin, Germany. 

They were right, and on Saturday they got a letter of congratulations, some plinko chips as payment, and some chocolate the home office picked up in Germany. 

They also got some labels to attach to the board. Stonehenge has been found & returned, and Carlton has been captured. 

No mail came Sunday, but I have seen the flag up today. Carlton may have been found, but there are still 5 more Fenderson brother's out there. 

It's Monday, and Asa is in the office. That stinks. This is his last week on his current schedule. I'm not thrilled it's changing, I can't imagine four days in a row in the office. Ugh. But I guess I should be grateful he's home as much as he is. I know our situation and all the time we get to spend together is unique, so I'm appreciative. And, on the bright side this week is going to be super awesome. With the schedule change this week and one vacation day, he only has to work 1 out of the next 8 days. We're having another staycation! And it's going to be awesome. 

Next Up: So. Much. Asa. Time! YAY! 

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