Monday, July 11, 2016

The 5th Annual Waterstraut Olympics

I am a week behind on the Waterstraut Olympics, because it's been a very busy week. And I could write a massive blog, but instead I'm going to go ahead and divide them up, so it seems like a smaller task. 

The Waterstraut Olympics is an annual event, we've held every fourth of July for the last five years. There are usually four events, in which the boys earn medals, and they are always outside and water related. But one event always remains the same- the Frozen T-shirt Contest. Last year I mixed up the medals and made candy medals. But Calib insisted the Frozen T-shirt medal still be a medal, so I did that again this year. 

Anyway, I got all the medals made, and our festive sign put up outside, and then the events could commence. 

 Our three events this year was the water balloon launch, a water relay race, and water bowling. 

For the water balloon launch, I bought another set of the rapid refill balloons. They're so handy! 

Then we got our launchers, and put out baby pools. Everytime you got a balloon in a baby pool, you got 5 points. 

Calib won the gold, Hayden took home the silver, and Peyton got the bronze. 

For the water relay, there were various stations (baby pools) set up around the back yard. In each baby pool you had to put on the item in the pool, then circle it three times before moving on to the next pool. Fastest person to cross the finish line (the hose), won. 

The first station was a set of goggles and a snorkel. 

The second set was this adorable inner tube giraffe. 

And the last station had the inflatable dolphin. 

Calib went first, followed by Hayden, and then Peyton- but I don't have any pictures of Peyton running the course. I took video of him instead. And it's awesome, but I'm not sure I can include a video in a blog. 

Again, Calib got first, Peyton won the silver, and Hayden received the bronze. (Worth noting, Peyton was just over Calib's time. It was a nail biter!) 

The third event was water bowling. I took empty Gatorade bottles, and filled them with a little water (to give them some weight). 

Then the boys went slip n sliding to see how many bottles they could knock over. 

Calib only had one bottle still left, so he won the gold. Peyton had two left, so he got the silver. And Hayden had 4 left, so he got the bronze. 

Then I got out the frozen t-shirts. I just fold them, put them in a ziplock, fill it up, and freeze them- and ta da! First person to free their shirt and put it on wins. 

Take note of my Ipad over on the medal stand, Mom and Grandma watched via Facetime. 

Hayden always takes 8 different approaches. He tried to throw the shirt to break the ice... 

..before joining everyone else in the baby pools. 

Calib used the baby pool, as did Asa. 

And Peyton used the hose to try and thaw out his shirt. 

 Asa doesn't play for a medal, but he was the first one to get his shirt on. 

Calib was doing well. And he REALLY wanted to win the gold. He's the only one who had never gotten a gold medal in the Frozen T-shirt Contest. He kept telling me 'it's my year!'. 

..But Peyton and Hayden weren't all that far behind. 

 Calib's broke free first, and did in fact win the gold medal. 

Then it was a race for the silver. 

Hayden freed his shirt just a bit before Peyton. 

But despite knowing he was getting the bronze, Peyton kept going and put on his shirt. 

Candy came with the medals, but I made 'real' ones for the Frozen T-shirt contest, per the boy's request. 

Calib had the sweep of gold this year, but everyone was pretty happy with their candy. 

I know they like to refrigerate the chocolate, but I thought it was funny when I opened the fridge and found this.. 

For dinner on the fourth, we had steak medallions, sliders, waffle fries, grilled asparagus and watermelon. Plus I made an ice box cake, which I thought was pretty festive in the red, white and blue. 

We didn't have much in the way of fireworks, just some pop-its and sparklers. But, the boys enjoyed them. 

Plus, there's always big fireworks in our neighborhood, going off all around us. We watched from the front yard this year, because holy mosquitoes lately in the back yard. 

Ellie's birthday is on the sixth of July, or at least that is when her intake date was, so they list it as her birthday. Since we weren't home on the 6th, we celebrated on the 5th. She got a trip to Petco... 

...where she picked out another Kong rope, and a cookie. I added the peanut butter 4 to make it a little more festive. 

I'm guessing it was the first time she got to celebrate a birthday. 

I think she enjoyed it. 


 Between all that fun- and the other stuff I have to post about, we did get in a candy bar election video. We're working on a few more, and trying to stockpile for when Calib is gone. 

 Anyway, that's it for this blog. I'll maybe get to another one tonight, but I might not. I keep getting distracted house hunting when I'm on my laptop (Did I mention we were house hunting yet? Well, we are, so stay tuned for that madness!) We're going to see our first one tomorrow morning, so we'll see how that goes. 

Next Up: Disney's Yacht Club! 

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