When we got back to the house it was really hot, but I tried to make the best of it, sitting in front of the fans. I did check my email and I got something back from the principal at the boys school about my copy paper. She basically said we couldn't do it electronically, because not everyone has access to a computer (which would be a fine reason if the boys didn't constantly come home with homework they had to complete online and print out), and that for the sake of good communication, that would continue the one folder per child rule, just in case a kid forgets it, or a teacher forgets to give it out. I find neither reason acceptable, and am therefore boycotting buying copy paper this year. Plus, Asa said I should save my whole stack of papers that were unnecessary and count them up at the end of the year to show the school on much they wasted on my family alone.
In happier news, I'm not sure how many of you have heard the story of my grandma wanting to ride a camel, so here is a recap. Last year Asa was on the phone with grandma and posed the question 'what have you always wanted to do that you've never gotten to do?' Grandma's response seemed like a simple request: she wanted to ride a camel. Obviously us being the stellar grand daughter, and grandson in law, wanted to make our grandma's simple dream of riding a camel come true. However, apparently nobody in the family knew of this life-long dream of hers. When we told my mom she seemed quite surprised by it, but was totally on board to make it happen. Now, our zoo has camel rides, so I have been on them many times. But, grandma isn't about to hop on a plane to Florida anytime soon (although we've tried to convince her many times). We tried the African Wildlife Safari, but they only let kids ride. Apparently she had tried to ride one there once with my cousins, and they wouldn't allow it. While I was looking up things for the boys to do while we're in Ohio (because Lord knows you have to keep yourself busy here), I came across the fact that Kalahari (a hotel/resort/waterpark/animal park/anything else you can think of) had camel rides for adults. We decided we would accomplish mission grandma rides a camel while I was visiting.
Apparently grandma was so excited about this camel ride, that she was blabbing to anyone who would listen that she was going to ride a camel. Her friend, and fellow twins club member Diane caught wind of it, and told her husband who works for the local fox tv station in Toledo. They were going to do a small piece on grandma if we sent in a couple of pictures. Mom, as we discussed previously, is quite the rule follower. She figured we should call Kalahari to make sure it was ok to have grandma at their park on the news. She first got someone say no, then yes if it was our own pictures. She basically got the run around, and was told to talk to Marketing, but they were supposed to be out of the office all day. All this was going on while my mom was at work, and once I picked her up and we were on the way she got a call from the Kalahari Marketing Director, Kristy.
Kristy said it would be fine to take our own pictures and have them on the news- which I thought was pretty cool in itself. Then mom asked what would be the closest entrance to the animal farm (its a big complex), and Kristy very nicely told us to come around back, on the dirt road (where very clearly guests were not supposed to be- this was pure employee area) and she would let us in the back gate. Mom told her we would be there around 4, so when we arrived there were a couple of employees, and Kristy waiting for us. They unlocked the back gate and led us in. It was a full on entourage to see grandma ride this camel- I was there with Peyton and Hayden plus my mom, Aunt Bonnie, and Bob and Linda (from last night if you're keeping track). They wanted to come out to be part of the festivities which was great.
By now it had become this huge event. I really just thought we were going to Kalahari to ride the camel, and be done. The general manager of Kalahari had even caught wind of it, and bought grandma a stuffed camel from the gift shop and presented it to her. They were really kind about the whole thing, we will have to send a thank you note. Mom insisted we pay the admission, but they said they would cover the camel ride. The boys did get to spend a little time after that feeding the goats some carrots, and walking around looking at all the animals. As hot as it was, it really wasn't that bad under the shelter and with all the fans going. I'm so glad we were able to go today.
When we were done (and they didn't rush us at all, we got to take our time) They led us out the back gate and back to our cars. Grandma is just so excited about it. It's such a simple dream, I'm glad she got to fulfill it. As we were walking out Peyton said 'so, your dream came true today grandma!' I'm sure my boys will have the memory of today forever. I know I will.
After we were all done we stopped over at Bobs house to email some pictures to fox news, and went out to Fazoli's for dinner. If only there was Fazoli's in Florida. I don't think anyone makes breadsticks as yummingly delicious (and probably as bad for you) as they do. Mom had said it would be her treat, and of course grandma argued. It wouldn't be a dinner out without and Ainsworth whose paying argument. Linda noted that 'You can't argue with Nancy'. I noted 'Where do you think she learned that from?' Grandma won, because, well, grandma always does. Thanks for dinner grandma, it was yum-my! We visited for awhile, discovered the pictures didn't get sent in time to make the early news and would be on at 10, and then headed our separate ways.
The thing about the heat is I don't mind it when I'm outside at all. The inside and no AC is what kills me. It's crazy hot in the middle of the night, and I just can't get used to that. Plus, the low is supposed to be lower 70s in Florida tonight- we'll be lucky to get into the 70s at all, which annoys me. I'd rather be sleeping with no AC in Florida than here. There Is something wrong with that picture. Either way, I do think it's funny that everyone kind of freaks out it's so hot. Drinking lots of fluids make the top of the evening news. But then again, slow news day = camel news day. If the heat keeps up though, it could very well be the hottest they've seen here since 1995. On the way home we stopped to get ice cream at DQ. We were still in our swim suits so we went to the one where you sit outside and order at the window.
When we got home Peyton was noticing the fan in the family room really shaking. I said it was probably fine, that Uncle Clint put it up. His response: 'If Uncle Clint put up that fan, I don't trust it at all' It may have actually been Uncle Cort, but I'm pretty confident the comment would have remained the same either way.
We were able to catch the news. They had a big 'Happy 90th Birthday' boarder around the pictures (even though grandma's birthday inst until September. Then they told about how it was her first ever camel ride, and how her 'granddaughter from Florida' was visiting so they had to do the rides now, even though it was really hot. I'm totally the grand daughter from Florida, by the way. Which makes me pretty close to really famous. They mentioned my relation to my grandma and my state on the news. That totally counts for fame points.
After all of this now Hayden is wandering around saying things like 'I've always wanted to ride a camel' , granted Hayden has ridden a camel many times, just not today. I'm pretty confident he just wanted the special camel treatment that grandma had. When Peyton was talking to Asa on the phone today he told him 'Great Grandma was on tv, and that was pretty cool, when do you get to be on tv? ' He's right, it was a pretty cool day all around.
Funny quote of the day:
Peyton: 'tomorrow kids college is over, so you won't have to miss me anymore.'
Hayden: 'I didn't actually miss you, Peyton'.
Homesick meter:7. Peyton said he is much less homesick today because he knows were going home in two days. Lets hope that means we hit our peak.
Self taken picture of the day would be me fanning myself, because, HOLY CRAP- it's hot in this house.
Next Up: Packing, Last Day of Kids College, and some quality Calib time! Yay!
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