Monday, October 15, 2012

Week 8 & 9: Stop Procrastination, Starting Tomorrow

Holy Balogna! I am so far behind. I have been super grumpy, on kid overload with Lice scares, car issues, internet breakage, and lesson plan mania that I've perhaps had the time to blog, but lacked the will. And so here we are a full week of putting off my blog.. and I still don't feel like doing it. So, you will get two weeks in pictures in the life of the Waterstrauts.

So, we talk in third person in an effort to help Peyton learn point of view. But, only when we are wearing on third person and first person post-its. It's kind of a fun game.

Katie, Kevin and Angela finally made it over for a visit- complete with Bacon and Eggs the Hedgehogs!

Asa will never again play the Headbandz game (where you have to ask questions to guess the card on your head), and Hayden was surprisingly good at it. But I think he'll forgive Katie for bringing it since she made us an awesome enchilada dinner. Calib was super bummed he missed it to go to to hid friends house for a birthday party sleepover.

No recipe repeat October is going well, complete with foil dinners, cheesy rice quesadillas, homemade french bread pizzas, Peanut Butter and Jelly Waffles, Cous-Cous with Veggies and Shrimp, Seattle Dogs, and a Low Country Boil with Crab Legs and Honey Potatoes.

The Chocolate and Chewy Party debates were held. You can always check out the video's on you tube at and . Stay tuned for the official nominees, and all the other fun stuff that comes with the election!

Hayden is getting better and better at big kid board games. This week it was Life, and another Monopoly game, in which we all lost to Justin. He took us out one by one with the crappiest spaces on the board.

In other game related news, we convinced Hayden to do his spelling words by getting the sponges from the bucket instead of all of us going to the pool. He decided to get in the bucket, but it worked all the same.

Plus Brandy and I finally completed our quest to work together in words with friends to cover all the double letter and triple letter squares. It took us four tries! But we totally did it!

We were able to make one last trip to adventure island this weekend too, despite the cooler Saturday temperature of only 79 degrees. Let me tell you, that water was not too warm. But, on the up side the park wasn't crowded- at all!

Flat Peyton left Seattle, and his wonderful hosts there, and made his trip across the country to Fremont, Ohio where he went to a Browns game. I'm thinking he's their good luck charm since they won their first game of the season. (Also, thanks to his new host, Melissa Koebel. So nice of her to take him along!)

Yesterday, Asa made the executive decision that I had to get out of the house without the kids, because I hadn't been in so long. It stinks the Bucs are yet again a losing team, but the up side to that is that people practically pay you to take their tickets. And so off to the Bucs game we went.

Not only was it awesome to go to the game, to get out of the house, but the Bucs actually won! And scored lots and lots of touchdowns! It was amazing. Disclaimer though, they were playing the Chiefs... to sum it up we were walking to the stadium when we over heard someone say "Yea. Brady Quinn" (Their starting QB this week) and then a bunch of people start laughing.

It was, however, SUPER hot (like at least 95 degrees), and SUPER sunny (not a cloud in the sky). We didn't spend any money on concessions except to get a drink, and even then we mostly just wanted the ice. Yay for free refills. Our towels they gave out helped shield the sun a little, but despite the 4 sunscreen applications I still got burnt.

And, thanks for the security guard for attempting to get a good dip kiss picture of us at the stadium, but I think we'll have to keep trying for a good one.

Such a good time, and a good decision to get out. Justin watched the kids for us, so thanks Justin! We joked next time he could just watch them via skype, since when we got home the kids were no where in sight and this was the scene:

All in all, a decent two weeks. A lot of stressful stuff, but this week is shaping up to be a lot better!

Next Up: National Conventions! Spooktaculars! Aquatica! and Throwbacks!

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