Sunday, June 22, 2014

Week 26: Welcome to Reality Show Week!

Week 26! That makes us half way through 2014! 

I know yesterday in my 'next up', I said we were finishing up Sports Week with a bang, which we were supposed to. We had plans to go to the Tampa Bay Rays Baseball game today. But, there was a mix-up with tickets (I ordered through a third party site I've never used before-- and I'll never use again). We DO get to go to a game, but it's not going to be until next month. It was a little disappointing, but nothing  some rescheduling and a Margarita couldn't fix.   So, I guess the last day of Sports Day is to be continued. Boo. Although, it works out ok because I didn't have anything planned for the day we ended up with tickets. 

We decided we'd just move on and get a jump on Reality Show Week. This is a new addition to our theme weeks line up, one the boys lobbied hard for. If you've followed my blog for long, you know we've played Survivor and Master Chef before. The boys LOVE both of these, and begged to get them incorporated into theme weeks, so they are pretty excited. 

I am also pretty excited I found the best prize for the winner of The Amazing Race we'll be playing on Saturday with some friends. You guys, I found a garden gnome! You know, like the Travelocity gnome on the Amazing Race. The boys all really want to win so they get the gnome, and can name him. Thank you Target clearance aisle (and on cartwheel to boot!). 

Speaking of gardens, our dill plant has been completely eaten by those caterpillars I told you about a couple weeks ago (which is ok, we hardly use it and it was out of control). However, now we have a cocoon, and Peyton was super excited about it. He's hoping we get some resident butterflies hanging around. 

So today's event for Reality Show Week: Snack Wars! Kind of a play on all those food network shows "Cupcake Wars" and such. We had some events for the boys to compete in, all using food. (No baking competition here, I already have to give them my kitchen for Master Chef day, I couldn't stand the mess two days this week!) 

The first event: Dangling Donuts

We've done this event before, so the boys knew what to do. Eat all your donut off the string. 

Hayden did ok, but came in third because he used his hands repeatedly, after we told him not to. 

Peyton dropped half of one of his on the ground, but otherwise ate them all. 

Calib had no problem eating them all without dropping anything, so he was declared the winner. 

Next Up: Use Spaghetti-O's to spell some words. Most words in three minutes wins. 

Hayden made the words bad and zombie. 

Peyton made the words hello mom. 

And Calib came up with a whole slew of words, winning another event. 

Shout out to Asa for being a good sport for the next event: Who can throw the most Cheetos's onto the whipped cream.  

Hayden actually won this event! 

Then we had bobbing for gummy worms. Which was just a gross mess, but I have boys, and they love this sort of thing. 

Calib went so fast, I didn't even get a picture of him getting any out. But Peyton came in a close second. 

After a long while, we just let Hayden give up, and awarded him third place for a good effort. 

Last we had a pickle spitting contest! 

Hayden didn't do so well at this either. 

Had Asa been competing, he would have won hands down. He made it out to the palm trees. 

After all the snack wars, we awarded points to the kids for their efforts. Asa went back to work (he's working today so he can be off tomorrow), and I made a quick trip to Target. I had to pick up some stuff for tomorrow, and Raspberries are on sale for $2.00 a container (of course I got them for $1!) 

Asa did totally redeem himself after that slow cooker meal the other night that didn't turn out so well. Tonight's roast, carrots, and potatoes were awesome. 

That's it for today, we've got some pretty full days coming up this week, so it was probably good to have the last few be low-key. 

Next Up: Reality Show Week gets put on hold in favor of a re-scheduled Hobbit Day! 

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