Monday, November 1, 2021

Halloween 2021

Nothing too exciting going on here for Halloween Weekend. We did the Not So Scary Halloween Party way back in August, so it's felt like a bit of long Halloween Season. (I am very excited for Disney to 'change over' to Christmas though!) 

Saturday morning, Asa and I finally went on our weekend bike ride, and had a picnic. I don't think we've done this since May, or maybe June, because you know summer in Florida... blah. 

But, we woke up Saturday morning and it was even a little chilly out, so we packed up some snacks and headed out. 

That's right, we were even in the 60s! Although, I took Ellie for a walk this morning when it was in the 50s and learned there is a very fine line between 'look how nice it is outside!' and 'I'm freezing!" 

Since Halloween feel on a Sunday, we'd be having tacos. Luckily, Calib was off Saturday night, so I put together our usually Halloween Bar for Saturday night for dinner. 

Just some odds and ends... 

A nice cheese and meat board... 

Some homemade pretzels! 

And some finger foodie things like Mac & Cheese bites, pizza rolls, and mozzarella sticks. 

And of course, candy! Because this is Halloween, after all. 

We finished up the evening with watching Muppets Haunted Mansion on Disney Plus. I personally loved it. There were so many Easter Eggs in it for people who love the Haunted Mansion ride (you guys they even had the hidden Mickey Plates!), and the Muppets. And of course, there was a viewing of Nightmare Before Christmas, and the guys watched a scary movie while I read in bed. 

On Sunday, I brought out the pumpkins we had gotten at Aldi's a couple weeks ago. Peyton is not a pumpkin guy. He hates even the smell of the pumpkin guts, so he never carves one anymore. But, Hayden and Calib like to do it, and I take part if I can find pumpkins cheap enough (they are decidely more expensive down here than they are up north- so I appreciated Aldis cheap pumpkins). 

Hayden also hates the scooping of the pumpkin guts. I offered to do it after I did my own, but Asa said he didn't mine, so he scooped out Haydens. 

Calib was lucky enough to get all of Halloween off. He did request off Sundays (for the Sabbath of course) so it's just part of his normal week. He got lucky that Halloween fell on a Sunday, and he wasn't stuck with all the people ordering their $5 Chipotle. 

We did our pumpkins out on the porch with the french doors open. Saturday was the first day we had them opened the whole day, and it was glorious. 

We all did our pumpkins free hand. No special template for us. Hayden did pull up something on his chrome book to look at, but still did his free hand. 

Look! He made Oogie Boogie! Free Hand! This kind is so good at everything artsy. 

Calib gave his some ears. 

And mine was just pretty basic pumpkin. 

Of course Sunday meant Taco Bar day, but I did put out some Halloween candy for our dessert. 

And then we watched a ton of football. You guys, look, it was SLIPPER weather. 

Ellie was being a bit demanding, too. You can see the Bucs there in the background. It was not a great game, and the Bucs lost to the Saints (and I HATE losing to the Saints), but we're going into the bye 6-2, so that's not so bad. 

Because football was on, we didn't hand out candy (we were the 4:25 game), but I heard there weren't very many trick-or-treaters on our street anyway. 
We did light up our pumpkins, but I realized I didn't have any candles, so I jimmied something up, so we could at least see them lit up. 

Check it out, it's a couple of birthday candles stuck in a playdough jar. 

Calib's looked cool all lit up. 

And mine wasn't bad... 

But Hayden's.... man, that thing was cool. 

And he did it free hand. Crazy. 

That's it from here. We had 'Fun Friday' on Friday, and Hayden bought himself a 'Free Day Pass' with all his chips he earned from completing his daily board, and hitting milestones in Duolingo and Khan Academy, and doing Jeopardy (all Math Themed). The chips are a new edition this school year, and he seems to be liking the system. Anyway, he's using his pass today, so I'm using the time to get the next month set up for home school. We're FINALLY going to start Black History. 

Next Up: November, you guys! Time to get into the Christmas Spirit! 

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