Monday, February 6, 2023

Decompression Weekend

Again, I love visitors. You're all welcome here anytime. You know this. But, I am an introvert down to my core. And having mom here for a month, the Cincinnati Sattlers for a long weekend, and Jake here for the week all in the course of six weeks is just a lot for me. Asa knows this, and takes great care to make sure I can bounce back pretty easily. We had a pretty relaxed, chill weekend. And instead if having six people in the house, we were down to four.  That gave us the opportunity to spread out a little and tackle a few projects. Asa finally got his home brew going. 

Safely brewing in our closet, so we will see how that goes. 

And I finally got to rearraging the office to give both Peyton and Asa their own space. 

It's even separated by curtains now! 

Of course, some comfort food was in order, so on Friday we finally had FRYday, which we haven't had in forever. 

And some good doggie snuggles and hugs always help. 

Saturday Asa and I went into Tampa, got some take out (including strawberry shortcake bread pudding!) and picnic lunched it along the riverfront. 

Part of me wonders why so many people live here. And then I'm sitting on a picnic blanket soaking in the sunshine along the riverfront while boats go by and remember it's February.. 

Anyway, it was a lovely relaxing afternoon. 

And we topped it off by stopping by Tiffs Treats to spend some of our free grand opening gift card. 

They apparently have stuff besides cookies, including this killer brownie bar. I need like 8 of them. 

We also played some board games. I'm on a Villianous win streak, and while we play, I convinced Phenom and Porkchop to share Phenoms bed. They looked so cozy! 

Sunday morning Asa and I headed out to Beasley Farm. Sometimes I need less people and more animals in life. I'd like to thank the animals at Beasley for helping a girl out. We got to feed the goats and chickens, give Katie, the horse, lots of pets (including nose nuzzles), and see Bella and her new baby calf! 

This particular Sunday they were even releasing a previously injured bald eagle back into the wild, it was really cool to see! 

Plus we picked up a $10 produce box and some tomatoes for the week. I'm telling you if you're not going to Beasley Farm, you are missing out. 

On the way home, Asa even stopped for some free All you Can Swirl. So not such a bad day. 

Today I was feeling rested and back into the swing of things. I'm getting stuff ready for Hayden's birthday (you guys, he'll be 17 tomorrow!), and working on stuff for the Snackadium for the Superbowl on Sunday. I also compiled my shopping list for our annual Valentines Fondu all while doing the laundry and getting the house back in order and giving Porkchop a much needed bath. And, catching up on the blog, apparently. I also managed to pull togther some Nancy Reagan Mac and Cheese since it's Ronnie's birthday and all. 

So after all that, when Calib offered to get Peyton from the airport, I did not decline. I've recently made four trips to the airport, so if Calib wanted to do it for me, I was not going to complain. I figure everything went ok, because I got a confirmation text Peyton was at O'Hare, and then hours later this text from Calib. They've cleared stopped for some tendies at PDQ. 

Next up: We'll finally just be a Party of Five and Hayden turns 17! 

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