Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Week 11: Running for Office!

When we last left you, we had just started our studies on the levels of government. As a refresher, here's how it worked: We elected a mayor, a governor, and a president. Each level was about a two-day affair. Each level of government had different responsibilities, and we tried to replicate those responsibilities the best we could in our abbreviated terms. The day before the election, I posted information about the job, what the responsibilities would be here, and a sign up sheet for anyone who would like to run, all on the chalkboard. 

At lunch the next day (which gave ample time for campaigning, complete with signs and under the table favors being exchanged), we would talk about the postings. Part of the debates we would have at lunch would include the candidates knowledge of the actual job. Then we would vote. 

I used a cleaned out ice cream tub for our ballet box, and then posted who our winner was. 

Calib won mayor. He got to assign the jobs of the rest of the family. (Hayden happily accepted Police Chief) 

He also had a budget to spent for his constituents. He decided to throw an ice cream party. This made the people of his town very happy. 

That night, another new posting went up, this time for Governor. 

We're also working on lots of History, to get everyone up to speed for our trip to D.C. Hayden needs things to be a bit more visual, so we work on his 'Toy Time Line'. This is the Mayflower at Plymouth Rock. Complete with Pilgrims. Don't worry, he's fully aware the pilgrims weren't aliens. 

Calib decided not to leave his post as mayor, and didn't run for governor. We had a gubernatorial primary, and it came down to Peyton and Me. 

Peyton won, and happily handed out the jobs. 

Calib was pleased to be a State Supreme Court Justice. 

A new job the governor had, was to decide if he was going to sign this bill into law. After much debate, our governor felt it was best for the people to sign this one, instead of vetoing it. 

We also enjoyed a nice ice box cake, since our governor was kind enough to use the budget on something that benefited the people and not just himself. 

After the primaries for President, Hayden and Asa emerged as the top two candidates. Hayden, so kindly, picked me as his running mate. Asa picked Peyton. 

And the Dad/Peyton ticket won in a landslide. So disappointing. 

The new president picked his cabinet members. 

Calib was the Secretary of Labor, and Hayden was the Secretary of Homeland Security. Peyton, of course was Vice President. 

Overall, I think our levels of government project went well, and the boys grasped the concepts and responsibilities of how it all works. 

Saturday, Asa and I took Hayden out for a day. With the tax return, we wanted to do a day out with each of the kids. Calib of course, just got one of us, since he's the kid-sitter for the other kids. Stay tuned for Calib's day though, it was super fun! 

Our first stop on Hayden's day was Game Stop, we picked up Phineas and Agent P.. the last two characters for Disney infinity. He had pre-ordered them, but had no idea when they were coming out. He was pretty excited.  

We took him out to lunch at Red Robin. Asa had his free burger from his birthday month, so that worked out well. 

After a stop at the bookstore (Hayden picked out a sticker book and a very cool Hobbit book), we walked around the fresh market. Hayden was thrilled to get his own Snowcone. 

It was also craft day at the library, so we stopped by for the spring crafts. Hayden made some cool little projects, but the dream catcher was his favorite. 

 The president had chosen to spend his budget on fondue, so that night we indulged. And it was delicious. 

Since the levels of government had ended, I spent my Sunday gearing up for the next week, including putting up a very cool tree for our branches of government project. 

While Asa was working, and I was busy getting the house in order and home school good to go for the next week, the boys happily indulged on a lazy Sunday. 

Monday, Hayden and I were back at his history toy time line. (In case you were wondering, the redcoats we're coming!) 

And we've got one branch up on our branches of government tree. 

We also had to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day, so we made some festive necklaces. 

And then it was time to fill out our brackets for March Madness. Calib happily wrote down Hayden's selections. 

That's it from here for now. I'm a bit behind, and I still have another week to cover. Hopefully I'll get to that soon! 

Next Up: Tax Returns & Florida Gators! 

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