Saturday, June 4, 2016

Just A Day, Just An Ordinary Day

You might have noticed my blogs have become a bit more infrequent, though I know I posted one for Calib's birthday just the other day. Part of that, most of it, really, is that I just don't feel like I have anything to tell you guys/document for the kids. Sure, we've gone to Adventure Island, and the pool a couple of times, but not much beyond that. Which, makes me sound like a spoiled brat. I know people who would be happy to have pool/water park days with their families, but just can't find the time. We're lucky enough not to have to worry about that, thanks to Asa's flexible job, and home schooling. 

Beyond that though, it's true we haven't been out and about as much. Part of that is with all the broken stuff, we just haven't wanted to spend the money to go out. But, part of it is also that I have been feeling we haven't quite found our stride lately. It's been nearly six months without presidents birthdays, and with Asa on his new schedule, but I feel like we haven't adjusted well to all of that. Calib and Peyton sleep in later and later, which, as teenagers is totally to be expected, but getting out of the house and avoiding the three hours that is rush hour traffic on the coming home end of things, has proven difficult. It's past lunch by the time I can drag anyone out of the house, and then if nobody is super motivated to do it, I'm not either. And most of the time, when we do get out of the house, it's to do the 'same old' things (which again, I know, makes me sound whiney and ungrateful.) 

But, in the last couple weeks, I realized maybe we have found our new stride. Maybe it's just me who is feeling a bit off. The boys aren't jumping up and down to go on every adventure I have planned. But, they are still asking to hang out and play games, and to go to our same stomping grounds. And it's not that this 'new stride' is a bad one. We get up, we do school work, we have mid-day snacks (and drinks-sometimes president themed!) and play cards, followed by possible more school work for Calib (he's studying for his entry exam for community college) while his brothers adventure the neighborhood trading pokemon cards, and riding their bikes and scooters (or now that it's super hot, have their friends in for video games). We eventually do dinner, followed by a family dog walk (which sometimes ends up as a mission to get various balls and brooms out of trees for random neighborhood kids- see:my facebook post), followed by a game of horse/around the world (and Ellie gets to sit outside and watch lizards go by), and some late night games nearly every day. Then, Ellie lays in bed with me until Asa is done with work. 
Wash, rinse, and repeat. 

And, is that really so bad? Sure, it doesn't make for exciting blogs. But, it makes memories for the kids. I'm always surprised at the things they bring up. Just today Calib said 'remember when you made grapes taste like sour patch kids, we should do that again.' That, was like, years ago. It was a 'recipe' I found on Pinterest, and took five minutes to do. But, that's part of his childhood memories. Sure, they say things like 'Remember when we pet that moose in Alaska?' and 'The Oregon Coast was cool', and 'Remember that time Peyton Manning signed my jersey?", but they also appreciate and remember the little things I've done for them. It doesn't all have to be big events, that I had to take them half way across the country for. It can be a five minute Pinterest project. Or really, anything in between. And sometimes, it doesn't even have to be anything I'm responsible for. Twice in the last two weeks, the boys have been up late playing video games together, or watching TV. And, I let it go. Because watching gaming conventions on TBS with your brother at 2 AM is the stuff childhood memories are made of. (Disclaimer: My ten year old had long been in bed, he does have some rules!) And sometimes they're made with improptu basketball games in the kitchen, or 'rendezvouses in the kitchen for late night snacks.' 

I don't really freak out about the kids getting older, but Calib turning 16 was a reminder of all the 'big' things I still want to do with them/for them, and my time to do that is running out. Maybe I won't get to it all, strike that, I won't get to it all- time and funds are/will be an issue. But, I can do what I can do. And if that's just a long string of ordinary days that make up a happy childhood, then that's ok. 

*Gets off my soapbox* 

I do have a few more tidbits/pictures for you. 

Calib's basketball season comes to a close today. He's aging up out of the i9 sports league, so this will be the last time he plays. I haven't posted (or taken pictures) at all his game, but here are a few. 

I had a super good coupon trip this week. I don't post them often, but I got all of this (including a $10 gift card to use on my next trip) for $23! 

We're out of the dark ages with the new computer and Asa's tablet. 

Also, after a disaster in which Hayden's entire deck of Pokemon cards got sent through the wash, my cousin came to the rescue, and her kids sent Hayden some replacements. It was so nice of them, and we really appreciated it. I didn't tell Hayden they were coming, so he was super surprised when he opened them. Fun fact, Max and Henry actually gave Hayden his first ever Pokemon card, so having them replace some was super awesome. Anyway,  we definitely had some fun mail days this week- it's so much better when it's not all bills! 

Also, you know those basketball games we play every night after dinner,... So, I took this one shot at horse, the ball bounced off the rim, and directly onto a stick coming out of the ground. It was kind of amazing, it had to hit it just right for such a 'disaster' to occur. No worries, I got a new pink ball at Target. I thought this would keep the neighborhood boys from playing with it. (I was, however, wrong). 

And I leave you today with some cute Waterstraut pet pictures. 

Next Up: Like I said in my last blog, I think our last 'weekend' with school in session is going to be rained out. That tropical system hasn't gone away yet. So, until our anniversary week (which proves to be full of those awesome big event type of memories), it'll just be more of the same. And that's ok. 

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