Tuesday, January 17, 2017

South Africa

Today was a little different as far as our country project goes. We had planned to do Austria today, dinner and all. But, Asa slept really poorly last night and we've been running around like crazy since we are leaving tomorrow (Hayden needed new shoes, Calib's dentist appointment got moved today, and we had errands to run, laundry to do, and packing still on tap), so cooking a big country dinner was not his idea of fun tonight. The idea was to do South Africa day on Saturday when we returned. Now, that's totally out of alphabetical order, BUT in D.C. we always try and eat at Nando's Peri-Peri, a restaurant that originated in South Africa. We're going to have to try and incorporate some countries into our travels, since we have to average 17 a month- and this seemed perfect. So instead of not cooking a dinner on Saturday, we did South Africa (sans dinner) tonight, and we'll do Austria on Saturday. If that makes sense. 

So, South Africa, politically and economically, one of the best countries in Africa. It has a lot to offer, giving you a snapshot of the whole continent in one country. They have ELEVEN official languages, an array of landscapes, and varying ways of life. Plus, you can go to the beach and hang out with penguins- PENGUINS! Plus you can dive with great whites (in cages of course), and have monkeys steal your food while picnicking on top of the table mountain (one of the oldest mountains in the world!) Fun fact, table mountain is often covered by clouds and they call it the 'table cloth'. South Africa is decently safe if you pay attention, although they usually rank in the top 20 countries for murders, so um, watch out there, but there aren't any official travel warnings or anything. 

We discussed how it's the 'Cradle of Humankind', where you can walk in the footsteps of our ancestors, and go in the very caves where some of the oldest human-like fossils have been found. Super cool stuff there. Africa is also home to the biggest hand made hole, thanks to all the digging for gold and diamonds. It's unoriginally called 'the big hole'. 

The boys made some cool cards today, and we all voted on those after dinner, even without our usual country fare. 

We also colored in South Africa and scratched off the world map. 

Now, here's the thing. It did kind of fit in, not only because we can go to Nando's tomorrow night, but also because of Nelson Mandela, and the first free election South Africa got to hold in 1994. 1994, people. That really isn't that long ago, especially when you realize people have been living there since people existed.

Many of you know, tomorrow we are headed to Washington D.C. for the inauguration. Most of you also know I how I feel about our incoming president-elect. But you also know, that we said nearly two years ago, in the middle of our presidents project, that we were going to this next inauguration no matter what. I don't regret making that decision, I'm excited to go. (Granted not as excited as I would have been to go if someone I voted for was being sworn in). But, this is the last inauguration with two of my kids as kids. I'm not sure I'll ever get the chance to take them again. This is their shot to go, so we're going. (And honestly, it's almost a better lesson for the boys that we are going to see someone they wouldn't have voted for get sworn in). 

You see, it's not really about Donald Trump. It's about Democracy, and the fact that we get to freely elect a president, that we have a peaceful transition of power, that people can freely protest that inauguration, and that people can freely go to the inauguration, for whatever reasons they choose. . Part of this country project is to teach the boys just how lucky they were to be born in a country that lets you have a say. You might not always like what the whole has to say, but you get a voice, and you should never, ever take that for granted. 

So, what exactly did we have for dinner? Well, Nancy Reagan Mac & Cheese. Not only did it seem appropriate, it's easy to make and a total crowd pleaser. 

 And that Austria strudel I had bought for today,  would have not been so good when we got back, so we had a little of that too. 

Next Up: Austria (for real), AFTER our couple of days in D.C. (I'll let you all know how it goes!) 

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