Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 18

184,000 cases in the US tonight. 6,700 in Florida. Exponential growth is crazy.

Today, Governor DeSantis "If the Trump team tells me to isse a shelter in place order, that'll weigh heavily on me.

Someone asks Trump as a Press conference about it, and he says "We're really going to go defer to the governors here" and then Trump and Pence went on to say what a great job DeSantis is doing and how he took "decisive action early" to stop the spread.

And that's where I turned off the news conference.

Last day of March. What a year this last momnth has been, right? Lost in all the bananas that was this month, the fact that it hasn't rained a drop of rain THIS. WHOLE. MONTH! It's getting windy, and it was cloudy this evening. I've heard we have a chance of rain tonight, but we've only got a couple hours left if it's going to rain in March.

My day started out with some couch buddies while I had my morning coffee. As Asa has gotten more students, his mornings have really filled up and he's not around as much. But that's ok, these girls aren't bad company. Sometimes, though, Etta has trouble coping when she gets shut out of the office.

I've resorted to not taking the three dogs for a walk together. There's too many people out, too many other dogs to bark at, too much criss-crossing the street. So. I've taken to walking Ellie first, and then the little two second. On the upside, I get a couple of miles of walking in before lunch. Helpful in times like these. 

I did see some uplifting notes and sidewalk chalk along my travels, though. 

I enjoyed the Disney sidewalk, they had an UP house amoung other things. 

Calib was up early, in Calib time at least, to do math with my mom on Zoom. Thank goodness for her, because his teacher isn't not having the best of online lessons to go with his class. He's also single handedly taught all the dogs to beg for strong cheese. 

In other pet news, Dipper was happy with my Tinkering Tuesday project for Hayden. I told him to gather up all the cardboard boxes in the garage and build himself a house. Dipper quickly claimed one of the boxes, and slept in there almost all afternoon. 

Hayden, meanwhile worked on his box house/fort. 

I think what he came up with was pretty good. 

I helped a little, but mostly just to get him a good base going, and then tape up some areas I thought needed a little more stability. 

My project for the day was cleaning out my closet. I threw everything on my bed and sorted through it all, I have another whole big bag of stuff that's too big to give away.  I also moved things around, and ut my sweatshirts and colder stuff up and away. (Tomorrow might be the last day in the 70s for months, so it's time to break out the summer gear. Plus I got rid of a bucnh of other stuff that didn't need to be in there (or anywhere, really) anymore. 

Calib, meanwhile, had been up so long, he was napping after dinner. 

Garden check of the day, something is fricken eating my squash and zucchini. They get about an inch to two big and then they're gone overnight. I don't get it. Like, not something ate a while through them, like someone eats the whole thing. But, the tomatoes have taken off, they're doing awesome. One of our cherry tomoto plants has 34 on it! And then peppers are taking off. 

Tonight would have been chess club at the libary, so we had another week of chess club here. 

Hayden easily beat me. 

Then, in a shocker he beat Asa. 

Calib came out, saying how much he hates chess, and doesn't get it. 

But in the biggest shocker of the night, Calib won. Hayden did not take it well. Calib gloated, hard. 

Then Peyton came out, and said "I like to play reverse chess to see how fast I can help Hayden beat me." So I wouldn't say everyone has the best of attitudes about Waterstraut chess club. 

I did take a picture of Peyton at his computer today. I told him it was proof of life, because he's not making an appearance in any of my blogs lately. In fact, outside of dinner he's either in the office or his room on his phone or computer. 

But to be fair, this is the gamer's time! They've been staying up till 4 am, living off of cereal, and social interaction over the internet for years. This is what they've trained for. 

Most popular "hurricane snacks": Calib discovered fig newtons in the secret pantry, while Peyton ate handfuls of cereal. I swear I fed them dinner! With vegetables!

Current binge watching obession: Ozark! 

Most popular game: Chess Club!

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 3. I did resort to cleaning my closet today. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 13.5 (I'm leaving it the same as yesterday, but I do think Hayden watched part of it without me. And I might have put the soundtrack on while I cleaned the closet.) 

Trips to the store: 2, and one take out trip

Days Down: 18

Days Remianing: Undetermined. 

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