Friday, August 3, 2012

Week 50: There Another Kogre Coming?

This week's blog title is brought to you by my nephew, Garrett Sattler.. and the most adorable things he said today while we were watching him, since we skipped church. Asa was playing a video game containing Ogre's and he was quite excited about it.  Before he left, he even let me pick him up for a self taken picture, which was quite the feat. It takes awhile to get him to warm up to us.

Get Ready for a super speedy blog, because it's late and being in Ohio my days are super full the rest of the time I'm here!

But, lets start back on Monday when I was watching another pretty awesome kid, Angela. We had an awesome day; swimming, crafting, and catching lizards.
Her and Peyton caught the tiniest lizard, which has since escaped his make shift cage from Tupperware and burlap- and is currently making his home in Calib's room. We'll go ahead and refrain from telling Calib this information though.

The next day Hayden was so tired he used his ultimate sleeper pass, and slept in until the afternoon. He was so out.

This week was list week; trying to get all kinds of things on my list (which I'm going to be lucky to have 50 percent complete), and checking off the items on the boys summer bucket list. So, Tuesday night we made it to Summer Nights at Busch Gardens. Let it be noted Hayden was SO brave, and not only did we make it on the skyride this time. But, he also went on some other big kid rides: the log ride, the Sand Serpent, the Sandstorm. Which, has prompted us to buy him (and by default me too) Cedar Point tickets--- YAY!!

Wednesday we  took Porkchop to Picnic Island Park to the Dog Beach. He absolutely LOVED the beach. However, this later translated him into jumping into the algae ridden pond in my moms back yard, and that was not so awesome. Still- good times!

Justin came over that night to celebrate his birthday, his few days early since we wouldn't be home for the actual day. Ugh, we're getting so old. But, at least I can take solace in the fact he'll always be older than me. Anyway, Happy 33rd Birthday Justin, sorry we weren't there for the  actual day, and instead left you to feed so many animals you were prompted to make a spread sheet. I'm sure the hermit crabs will be thrilled to have new water on the right days!

By Thursday, I had a huge list of things to do before we left. Somehow, I managed to tackle them all- and the four of us, Porkchop, and Phenom headed out around 4. Seventeen hours and five stops later we were at mom's house. We drove through the night which was pretty miserable. Asa refused to let me drive, and did the whole thing himself; yet picky sleeper me slept MAYBE three hours, never more than 30 minutes at a time. By 9 am Monday we were at my moms house; but she wasn't here since her flight back from Chicago got cancelled the day before, and we were all exhausted and miserable.

Needless to say, Friday was a complete wash. We were all in bed asleep by 9 pm. Even after having naps. We will never do that again, at least not leaving so late in the day. Driving through would have been better if we left at 10 am or so. That one vacation day Asa saved better come in handy later!

Saturday was Mom's surprise retirement party. It was pretty genius as we disguised it as a surprise party for Jessica (my sister in law whose birthday was Friday). Mom was supposed to be the diversion for Jessica, taking her out shopping to get her a new outfit for her birthday before delivering her to the park that I 'had picked out for the boys to play at'. We even had her call Cort before she got there for the warning that they had almost arrived. She called to give us her own warning. It was pretty epic.

Anyway, it was a great day. Lots of fun and family and food. Always a good combo. Max and Henry and my kids had an absolute blast playing with my kids (we missed you Joanne!! But it was nice to see Ray too!). And, my cousins Jake and Nate are the best generation buffer between me and my kids. Jake better still show up to family functions when he's a big college guy (sadly, at OSU despite my attempts to sway him otherwise)

All the Sattler cousins were together, which also hardly seems to happen. And I got to see Ben, which is always a highlight!

I got to spoil my niece terribly. Though she was pleased with the slice of cake I cut for her, Holly was not so thrilled.

We even had Calib back (just for the day), which was great because then we got to take a family picture, and he got to see GiGi.

Things got a little out of hand when the party was over and cake remained. Peyton spent a good ten minutes blowing frosting out of his nose. See, I had children so my brothers would leave me alone and pick on my kids instead. A pretty genius plan if you ask me.

Saturday after the party we came back to Fremont and ordered Pizza for dinner. The weather has been so awesome, we ate out on the deck.

The kids did sparklers, and then we played the best game ever that we're going to have to get. I wanted it for my birthday, but it's rather expensive even on Amazon, so I may have to wait till Christmas. But, Bean Game Lovers, watch out.. This is going to be hard core when we all play this game. Someone bring the divorce papers.

Which brings me to today. We got to watch Garrett and Gwen, which was nice. I'm trying to convince Holly to leave the kids with me when they come to Florida sometime! Cort made my dad's eggs for lunch- which is  pretty awesome, but still not cheesy enough to be exactly like dads. He's getting there though. They're closer everytime he makes them!

After everyone left, we took the kids and the dogs down to the Hayes Presidential Center and walked around.

Asa and I even recreated our ever so famous wedding picture!

We had an early dinner at the Pizza Palace (since Chuds is closed on Sundays- BOOOO!!)

And then Asa and I had date night at Cedar Point. Cedar Point is the place that feels most like home here. The memories that come back with those sounds.. the clicking of the coasters, the faint sound of PA spiels, and the constant noise of screaming is somehow very comforting.

We played Putt Putt. I totally won- minus the last hole I won by 2. (You know, we have to keep the golf balls so we can't ever play that last hole!)

We walked the boardwalk and the beach. Something about Ohio sand isn't quite as awesome as Florida sand though.

And, then we crashed the camper village pool. It wasn't all that warm though.

We just got home about an hour ago, but we are sleeping in tomorrow! Mom said the kids were great for her, but Porkchop whined ALL night long. He even got out of the fence looking for me. Peyton said he was about to ask my mom to call us to tell us to come home. Who needs another baby when I have Porkchop? He's such a loyal dog.

Cort even spent the weekend trying to get Porkchop to like him. Porkchop, however, was having none of it- and didn't even want to take people food from Cort. Eventually, Cort just said 'take a picture of me and the dog that likes me!' Though, Porkchop sat nicely for a picture with Gwen.

That's it for the week. I think I'll post again on Thursday, since there will be a lot to report this week and then I'll be right on track! Only 2 left before we start all over again!

Next Up: I'M GETTING MY HAIR CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And other vacation fun.

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