Saturday, August 25, 2012

Week 2: Screw That Gall Bladder

A couple of days ago I posted something on facebook about not having anything interesting to post this week. I was hoping to get some guest bloggers in here, but it's Saturday afternoon and I haven't really had any serious offers, so alas, you get a not so entertaining week to read about.

This is the second blog in a row that I am writing from the hospital. Katie still has not been released. Her platelet count has to reach 100,000 before they let her go home. (So, positive thoughts/good vibes/prayers for platelets please!) The problem is they can't figure out what is making them so low. So, they switch medications here and there. Some of them are ok, some of them have terrible side effects and she ends up being absolutely miserable.  Katie, however, handles all of this better than I ever would.

Anyway, in an effort to do anything I possibly can for her and Kevin, I've been at the hospital most days all day, with the exception of Tuesday and Wednesday when Asa had to go into work, and I could only be here in the evening. I did take that opportunity to get the boys situated with school paperwork and supplies organized (instead of Calib's being all crammed in his backpack). Plus the laundry had piled up, and the house needed a serious woman's touch.

Last Weekend was nothing to write home about. Asa and I did get a 'date day' to come out to the hospital together, while Justin watched Peyton and Hayden and Calib went to a friends house. We stopped by Ikea on the way home to get a roll of paper and some paintbrushes for our home school supplies. It was nice to be able to visit Katie together, so thanks for watching the kiddos, Justin.

Sunday I was at the hospital all day, and it was the last day of summer vacation. I still had not gotten the boys backpacks or an outfit for the first day of school, so Asa and Justin took the boys out while I stayed at the hospital. I think they were happy Asa took them to buy new clothes. Since I got a text message that says "I don't have to get them plaid shorts and polo shirts, do I?' Hayden found an angry birds backpack, Calib didn't find one he liked, and that was big enough for all his stuff (no lockers in middle school but tons of binders/notebooks/supplies to carry around all day), so he's using mine until we can find him one he likes.

Monday Calib got on the bus for his first day of middle school without any problem. I think he felt like a big kid getting on the bus with his schedule in hand. He's liking middle school so far. His favorite part: not walking in lines. He also has some of his Oakstead friends in his classes, and has lunch with two of his best friends.

Monday was also Hayden's first day of his new school. I took him out and dropped him off in his classroom (which is awesome by the way he even has a big picture window that overlooks a pond where wildlife always shows up), he was only the second kid there- but Ms. Shimer got him some crayons and he happily colored while she assured me he was going to be fine with his new school and class. She even wrote a note home in his planner the first day telling me how Hayden did so well, and made a ton of new friends. The next day Hayden was on the Blue Level (above and beyond good behavior) with a note that said he was a great role model for his peers. His teacher has been so wonderful, and I do get a good vibe from the school. I just wish he would have been able to stay at Oakstead.

Tuesday we decided we were going to try the bus. It's gone ok. The first morning he said he didn't want to ride it, and blinked back tears asking if he had to. But, he did go to the bus stop and get on without incident. Wednesday was more of the same, but Wednesday afternoon he said it was a great trip home, because said he sat in the first seat and read 'Bear Wants More' to the Bus Driver the whole way back. By Thursday he had made friends with a little girl on the bus, Alexa, and is now totally happy with it. I'm so glad, because it is quite the trek out to his new school, and didn't want to do the hour of driving everyday to get him and pick him up.

Because of my prolonged hours at the hospital, and Asa being able to work from home most of the week, Peyton got one extra week of vacation. We got our official home school paperwork this week, and will start on Monday. Calib found this to be terribly unfair, but when asked how much work he actually did this week, he had very little rebuttal. I've made a checklist for the year, constructed a planner that will work for us, and found all kinds of activities to do. It's going to be a lot of work on my part, but I think it'll be so worth it. After Asa looked over the curriculum I built based on what Peyton needs work on and what I would like him to know, he said 'Whoa, this would be so cool if Peyton knew all these things. Most adults I know don't know all these things'.

I will say I was terribly sad to see summer go. I love having the boys around all day and having them to do activities with, and take them places. At least this year with Peyton being home schooled I won't have that daily empty nest syndrome. I even still get to plan activities! It's just so different this year with everyone doing their own thing, and going their own place. It's a lot less chaotic in the mornings and afternoons. I don't have three backpacks to check, planners to sign, or papers to read over. We don't have to stagger morning shower times.

As for the rest of the week, it's just been the boys at home and me at the hospital. I am getting super appreciated when I get home though. One night I this sign on my bedroom door, and they are all giving me hugs and kisses before I leave. They are even bummed when I go. (Of course they understand why and everything, they are being very understanding) I can't imagine how they'd fair if I went back to work, I can see now how much they enjoy me being a stay at home mom. 

That's really all I have to report. I wish life was more exciting around here, lets hope for next week to be a lot better. And hope for platelets. Lots and lots of platelets.

Up Next: Hospitals, Hurricanes, and Home School!

1 comment:

  1. You're doing a good job too babe, and I'm doing laundry at this very moment. Things will return to normal soon enough.
