Saturday, September 15, 2012

Week 5: There's A Papaya On The Doorstep

Blah! I am so frustrated today. I knew I was going to get sick. It's the beginning of the school year, and so my kids are like little germ incubators. Even worse they're both around totally new kids with new germy snot, and therefore even more susceptible to bringing something home to me. Don't you dare correct my Science behind this, Brandy Schalow. I know what I'm talking about.. sort of.

Anyway, last weekend Calib had a slight cold. Then, Hayden started to come down with it. Next thing I knew immune system of steel, Peyton was sniffling and asking for the puke bowl. And that was that. So, I sit here today, coming to you live from the couch in the Family Room. Yes, I have ventured that far away from my bed for the first time in days. But, if I'm watching college football, I'm going to be watching it in HD; that means migrating to the couch.

Last weekend was fun though. I got up early Saturday morning to meet Katie, her mom, and Kevin's mom at David's Bridal to hunt for a wedding dress. She hadn't planned on getting bridesmaid dresses; but after she found such a great deal on her dress, and found ones that were super cute, I also ended up with a bridesmaid dress. It's really pretty cute, and I might actually wear it again. If I ever get to go on a cruise again and have a fancy formal night it would be perfect.

 After I met the boys at Kevin and Katies house (so I didn't have to go all the way back home), we headed out to Orlando. We had to go get our pass certificates to Disney exchanged for our actual passes. Since you have to renew them within a month, we were cutting it awfully close (our old ones expired the day before my birthday). We stopped by Downtown Disney first to exchange them. Secretly, we were hoping we could upgrade them to Premium passes (to include the water parks and Disney Quest) and get put on the monthly payment program. Luckily, it worked out, and we could. The monthly payment is even super small. Totally worth it.

It was funny, when we were talking to the lady at the counter about if we could even do that, Peyton whispers... "Premium? Whats premium? Mom, what's premium?" They were super excited when they found out we were the best Disney passholders, ever.

We had planned on going to Epcot, since it's the only park we hadn't made it to this summer, but with going dress shopping it was already 2 o'clock, and the heat of the day. We opted to hit Blizzard Beach instead. Blizzard Beach is probably my favorite waterpark of all time. If not for it's awesome slides, and forever long lazy river, for sure for their ice cream buckets. It was my first stop when we got into the park. After all, who doesn't love a sand pail full of ice cream?

Hayden was so little the last time we were there; it was like a whole new park to him. He loved climbing on the ice burgs across the water, and going on the bigger kids slides; while his brothers opted for going on the zipline that drops you into the water.

Asa is hell bent on going on Summit Plummet (the ridiculously tall water slide), despite the fact he's terrified of it. Besides sting rays, this is the only real fear I know Asa to have. He didn't go on it this time though, because we only ended up having about 2 hours at the park before closing. I didn't want him to spend half the time waiting in line for it.
After the park closed, we changed back into our clothes and headed over to Disney Quest. I wasn't sure I would be totally sold on Disney Quest, but I will say, it was kind of super awesome. (Yes, I realize the contradiction there) It is a 5 story tall arcade. And, everything in it is free, once you pay the admission. They have regular old games. And by old, I mean like stuff we had on the Commodore 64! Like Qbert and Dig Dug! They also have things like guitar hero, and air hockey; racing games, and little kid games. But then they have things like virtual reality games, and six player pirate ship games. Plus Peyton loved the create your own roller coaster then ride in it! The boys had an absolute field day. Of course by boys, I mean Asa included. He thought it was the best place ever.

After a couple hours at Disney Quest, we had some stuff I had packed for dinner and started to head home. We stopped by Katie and Kevin's to pick up the other car and visited with them awhile. The boys all played Madden while Katie and I went out to get the stuff to make the centerpieces for the wedding. We got home a little before midnight.

Sunday was the much, much, much, much, much, much anticipated Bucs game. NFL Football is back---- yayyyy!! Calib even put on his Ronde Barber jersey for Ronde's 200th game. Whats sad about this jersey- when he got it, it went down to his knees. I think this might be the last season it fits him.

Anyway, I put some Italian Beef in the slow cooker, and parked it in front of the TV.We had Verizon Fios and Red Zone issues, but it was all fixed in time to see the Bucs win! Yes, WIN. They hadn't done that since early October last year. If I don't see them win for a long time again, it will be ok. I just needed that to keep my hopes up.

Monday it was back to the old grind, but that's when the illness descended upon the house. We only home schooled Monday and Tuesday. By Wednesday Peyton was too sick to function, and by Thursday it had gotten to me. Hayden also missed a day of school this week. Calib toughed it out. He said he'd just have a ton of homework to catch up on.

This week, however, has inspired me to make a 'Mom's out Sick- What Do We Do?' Binder for not only homeschool, but for chores and such. That way if I can't be home for whatever reason, or if I'm sick they will have that to guide them.

The new school rules are yet to go into effect. Between the Great Illness of Fall 2012, and the hospital we're yet to hit our new school year groove and routine. I told the boys next week we start with our new nightly format, our video game sign out sheet, and the new chore list. We did however have the school year's version of the auction. Because they earn less points, not being at home all the time, and because some rewards if given out during the school year would be considered bad parenting; They instead of a shopping trip. There are less exciting options, but still some good stuff to pick from. There is three of everything, so no competing for the same thing, and we'll hold it on Friday nights to give them the weekend to use some weekend only rewards. We'll see how it works out.

Hopefully, next week we get back to normal. It's a busy week ahead of us, and I'd really like to get started on our fall format soon: Disney/Busch Gardens/Seaworld Day on Saturday, and football Sundays! The tourists are gone, and the humidity is on it's way out as well. It's my favorite time of the year.

Awards for the Week:

Best Flat Peyton travel Companion: My Mom, Aunt Bonnie, and Aunt Pat who have taken him to England! Here he is pictured where my Grandpa (Peyton's Great-Grandpa) was baptized. Pretty cool! (Thank goodness he made it in time)

Best Bad Parenting Moment: Hayden lost a tooth, and the tooth fairy forgot to come. Luckily, Hayden had forgotten to put it under his pillow, or in the Tooth Fairy pocket that hangs on his door; We told him the Tooth Fairy won't come if the tooth isn't in the right place. The next day he got $2.

Fastest Leaf Participants: The Gatchels of Michigan! They already sent us some leaves for our project.

Best Improvisation: Asa Waterstraut! Our washing machine won't drain, and although they are coming Wednesday to fix it (yay warranty!) Asa has come up with a plan to drain it involving pvc pipe and a pool noodle. My husband is super smart.

Grossest Moment of the Week: Watching Kevin and Katie's fish eat a giant bug that landed in the fish tank. So gross!

Best Neighbors: Lonnie and Jane. Last night 5 of their papayas had finally ripened and fell off the tree into our yard. Asa left them on their doorstep last night when they weren't home. Today we woke up to two of them on our doorstep.

Weirdest WTF Moment of the week: Walked into the bathroom to find Penelope doing this:

Next Up: Another Rootbeer float night (so soon! Gooooo Asa!), Book Fairs, and feeling better!

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