Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Week 20: Paintings and Peppers

I know I just blogged Friday, but Tuesday is supposed to be my blogging day, so in an effort not to get behind, here we are. 

Though, the downside of having last blogged only being a few days ago, there really isn't much to report. 

Saturday Asa had to work, in the office no less. With Calib in Ohio, it was just Peyton, Hayden and me. I have been super busy planning summer theme weeks. The boys home school check lists have all been things that they can work on by themselves, so I can focus on getting our summer together. 

Saturday afternoon, Justin came by to see if anyone wanted to help him put together some IKEA furniture. He was offering up tickets to see X-Men next week, so Peyton went to help out. That left just me and Hayden. While I worked away at the computer, he decided to make all kinds of books and crafts. 

He was pretty pleased with his lego steps. 

He made a smell-a-scope from Future-rama. 

And he made the Oncler from the book, The Lorax. 

I finished up one week on Saturday (our first week, Disney week!), and yesterday I finally finished up week 2 (Decades Week). I'm hoping they go a little more quickly than the first two have gone. I want to get through all 10 before Calib gets home.

Peyton came home in time for dinner, and decided instead of a movie ticket he wanted summer of shakes from Sonic. So Justin came and delivered us all some shakes. We gave Peyton some points for helping out, too. 

Since Calib is gone, Peyton has been sleeping in his room. Hayden's been having a hard time adjusting to this though, so we got them some walkie talkies. He's still a little nervous about sleeping by himself, but the walkie talkies do seem to be helping. 

Meanwhile, Peyton's living the dream with a big bed, a computer, and his own room. He will not be happy when Calib gets back. Although, then at least he can rotate his chores out of dishes duty. 

Sunday was free Art Museum Day. We'd never been to the Tampa Museum of Art (at $10 a person that's not happening), so we decided it was a not to be missed opportunity. 

The boys enjoyed the exhibits, but if you know Hayden, you have to know how nervous he made me. I must have said 'don't run, calm down, and don't touch' a million times. All preemptively of course. He just had that look about it, and I figured I'd warn him. At one point Asa had to tell me to stop freaking out. 

On the second floor, with all the art work, there is also a balcony with a great view of the river. 

Since it was an open house for them, they had various kids activities. Hayden, Asa, and Peyton all used the easels and crayons, and pencils to color some pictures. 

They also had all kinds of paints out. I painted a picture with Hayden, while Peyton and Asa finished up their drawings. (Hayden's drawings are both Harry Potter related) 

The Tampa Museum of Art is in a great location. Just outside it's doors is Curtis Hixon Park. They have a pretty good playground, so the boys happily played for awhile. 

The weather was GORGEOUS. It was warm, but not too hot, and not humid at all (very unusual for this time of year for us)

I asked the boys if they wanted to run through the fountains, but they said not with their clothes on. 

Peyton has ALWAYS been like that, he won't get his clothes wet at all, but Hayden, well he used to run through water no problem- no matter what the circumstance. I was a little sad he wasn't going to do it. So, I told Asa we should run through. You know, show them you're never too old to run through the fountains in your clothes. 

So we did. And it was SO. MUCH. FUN. 

What do you know? It totally worked, at least on Hayden. Before I knew it, he was running through the fountain without a care in the world. 

I guess getting one out of two to join us, isn't too bad! 

I love downtown Tampa, we need to go down there more. There really is a lot to offer. I guess I just love the Tampa area in general. I have friends who say there's nothing to do here-- but they didn't grow up in a small town in Ohio. There's really not much to do there. 

Also, I've been couponing more and more lately. Minimal effort this week got me $101 worth of groceries for $34. I know that it isn't all the healthiest stuff in the world (and the only reason I bought pop was because I need the bottles for a project, and Asa is about to pass another class!), but it was a ton of groceries for not a lot at all. The only thing we paid full price for was the bread and pepper. (Come on bell peppers, hurry up and grow so I can stop buying them!) 

I realized I never got a picture of Asa's drawing, so I took one once we were home. He said it's about how having more money doesn't translate to happiness. Something we preach here, a lot. 

I thought my painting was pretty cute too, though. 

And, my bell peppers might not be ready yet, but my Cubanellle sure did take off. We had an AWESOME pepper pasta the other night. 

That's it from here. Asa is in the office today, but he's already manipulated his schedule so he won't have to go back in the office until June 9th! I've got to get some work done today before he's here to distract me with his charm and good looks for the next couple weeks! 

Oh, let me leave you with a funny story from today (though I did just facebook post it) 
This morning, Hayden announced to me that he had found the Elder Wand (from Harry Potter). He presented me with a plastic stick, I had no idea where it came from. 

So, I asked " Hayden, what is that?" 

He seriously answered " The Elder Wand, mom." 

So, I stare blankly at him. 

And he leans in and whispers "It was disguised as the toilet brush this WHOLE. TIME" 

He had taken the scrub part off of the toilet brush, and was using the handle as the Elder Wand.

You know I'm a seasoned mom of boys when I just sighed and replied with " Well, lets at least wash it with soap and water it first."

Next Up: Flag laying and blueberry picking. See you next week! 

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