Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Closing Out September

Not too much to report here over the last couple days, just a few odds and ends to finish up the month. Can you believe it's almost October already? Bring on the moldy pumpkins, sweaty Halloween costumes, and everyone pretending fall exists here in Florida. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I went to Ohio a couple of falls ago, and it was not the pretty colors and nice weather I remembered. Instead I got rainy, muddy, and gross. I am hoping for a slightly different experience when Peyton and I head north in November, but it might be a little too late- we'll see, I guess. 

Anyway, Saturday night Hayden and I worked on making the One Night: Ultimate Werewolf game we've played with Clint and Jess. We printed out some pictures, cut them out, glued them to index cards and laminated them. We added the tokens and the directions and then downloaded the free companion app. I'm sure we broke some copywrite laws, but now we totally have the game! It didn't cost us anything, and Hayden loves projects so he was more than happy to help (in fact, it was his idea!) 

Sunday morning Asa and I went out to pick up some Disney Infinity characters, since Target had them buy two, get one free. The boys were  pretty excited about it. Little do they know we also got some and put them away for Christmas. My box of Christmas presents is pretty full and we still have just under two months to go- not bad! 

Sunday also was our first football Sunday at home just the five of us. Since we had so much leftover from last week, we decided to go with a nacho bar again. 

And then the Bucs game started, it went well.. and then it didn't at all. 

And then it did! The Bucs won in fantastical fashion! Like, needed a touchdown with a minute left, went down the field and scored with seven seconds left- fantastical fashion. 

So then the eat and drink our feelings pie and rum turned into celebratory pie and rum! 

Also, Sophie and Dipper are like best friends these days. 

For some reason he enjoys chewing on her ear, and Sophie doesn't seem to mind. 

Meanwhile, these two were buddy-buddy. 

Monday Calib was not feeling school work, and he bought the first ever 'Ditch Day' card. His work gets absorbed into the later part of the week (minus reading and daily things like his board), and he gets a day off --- for the low cost of a whole lotta points! Nobody has ever bought one before. 

Meanwhile Hayden and Peyton worked away. They've done an awesome job on their work the last two days! 

(Notice Dipper helping Peyton out there)

Asa also had to go into work on Monday, it was rainy and stormy. Poor Sophie doesn't do too well when Asa isn't here. She crawled behind the library book basket under the end table in the living room. (Speaking of storms that's like all it's been doing lately-- SOOO much rain!) 

I had a couple couponing trips this week that were awesome. I'm going to keep track of all my receipts in October and tally up the saved and spent amounts. But this one was the ultimate stacks. Target had some great deals with ice cream on sale for $3 a gallon, but if you bought two you got free chocolate syrup. Eggos were on sale for $2 (I've never actually eaten these but Asa and Calib fight over them for late night snacks). If you bought three you got free syrup. 

But then I had a weird combo coupon of $2 off one ice cream and one eggo. I printed out four of them (essentially making the eggo's free), then from earlier in the week I had two free $5 gift cards from other purchases. Using those, my total came to $2. How crazy is that? Not the healthiest food in the world, but the boys eat pretty well balanced meals, so I let them splurge on snacks. 

Asa also finally got his free Red Robin gift card for his team winning some competition for the month. He called me to invite me out to dinner, but he's coming down with something and it was pouring down rain, so I suggested since it was on his way home, he could pick it up and we'd have 'date night' at home. Our dinner came out to a whopping $3.52 at Red Robin.  I was going to take a picture of the burgers and fries, but I forgot- so you get the recipet instead. 

Since October starts tomorrow, I got the October board up- we're filled with LOTS of fun activities. We have lessons by Dad, Science Project Week, Grandma visiting, Super Saturday, Aquarium classes, tons of library events, a couple build n grows, some field trips, and the end of October/beginning of November will see the MUCH anticipated Harry Potter week. 

I also had some great finds on teachers pay teachers today (awesome website, you should check it out if you're looking for worksheets) 

And my new hair clippers arrived. Our old ones gave out between haircuts, and poor Hayden and Peyton are in desperate need of one! 

That's it for September- lets bring on October! 

Next Up: A possible Disney trip, but we'll see if the weather cooperates. We've also got Science Project Week on tap! 

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