Monday, September 15, 2014

Jumping on the Next Available Bandwagon!

 Another Sunday, another Bucs loss. The good news is we've been Bucs fans long enough to know you need a secondary team to root for- all of ours (except for Peytons), has looked a little shakey at times (each going 1-1), so we might need to jump on some other bandwagon if we're going to want to enjoy some football. Perhaps my pessimism is a bit premature, as it's only week two- so we'll hang in there a bit longer before jumping overboard off the pirate ship docked at Raymond James. Or, we'll just learn to have fun even if the Bucs can't beat a back up QB, or even a back up- back up QB..... 

Cue tailgating! 

We opted yet again for some Little Caesars. It's quick and easy, and on the way- so it works out well. I think we'll mix it up next time (we don't have another home game until October 12), and bring along our mini grill if it isn't so hot. Nobody wants to be slaving over that thing in these temperatures. 

But parking at the park instead of the Season Ticket Holder lot is MUCH better. There are not many opposing fans there (though I'll let you know once we play some more high profile teams), and the grass and shade are a welcome change of pace from the lack of trees and plethora of concrete. 

Though, that doesn't really stop Hayden from getting hurt. Seen here icing his foot, he was out in the first few plays and relegated to announcing duties. 

Maybe we should have just stopped there for the day- I mean it was a lovely afternoon. 

It started off as another hot one though (obviously), but the clouds quickly moved in providing some relief. 

There was a cool Fort McHenry opening for the 200th Anniversary of the Star Spangled Banner. I had so hoped to go when we were in DC this last time, but it didn't work out. Next trip, for sure! 

And we were all THRILLED when we saw the Browns beat the Saints. 

But then, in true Florida fashion- we were hit with a weather delay. 

It was ugly, and rainy- but mostly the lightning sent everyone seeking shelter. 

After what was I think about an hour, the last 6 minutes in the second quarter were played. Lots of people left, but we waited it out. 

At halftime we got to see one of the Buccaneer greats- Derrick Brooks- but put in the ring of honor. 

So he's now up on the stadium wall with the likes of Warren Sapp and LeeRoy Selmon. 

Things went well, and then they didn't, and then they did-- but really when there was 5 minutes left, I already knew EXACTLY what would happen. 

Cue the Rams going down the field, kicking a feild goal and us losing by two. I've seen this one before. 

So, I bring you the cheer dad up sequence of pictures- 

Then we made the walk to the car, and drove home. When we got into our subdivision Asa announced "Ok, I didn't want to say it before- and I don't mean to alarm anyone, but this lizard made the entire trip home on the dash board"

The good news is, to ease the pain of another loss- Asa's Nexus arrived on SUNDAY! Apparently, in select areas (yay for Tampa Bay!), Amazon is now delivering on Sundays. Asa's screen on his Nexus cracked rendering his old tablet useless last week. Since we had a big OT paycheck on Friday, we went ahead and ordered him a new one. 

So, what have we been up to besides football? 
Well, Saturday Hayden had a build n Grow class. 

He hasn't been to one in awhile, they've been falling on Asa's in the office week, and its quite the trip to go in the not so reliable Accord. (I know, I know- we've got to get that looked into!) 

I was so proud of him for pulling out the directions and doing the whole thing all on his own! 

After lunch on Saturday, Peyton had a tween gaming event at the library. I took him to that and scoped out some new books and picked up some workbooks. We swung by Sonic on the way home for a happy hour slushie. 

Then I spent the rest of the day watching college football (The Gators won in the third OT!), and putting together Bookopoly. It gives the boys different incentives to spread out to different genres. I made it so we mark off the squares when they land on them- so they won't be on the same square twice. 

We also glued a small toy of their choosing to clothespins as their markers for moving around the board. Peyton is the walrus, Calib chose Mario, and Hayden is the monkey. 

This week we also tied up some loose ends from USA week. 

Remember our stars from the walk fame? 

They took two days to dry as nicely as we wanted. 

But then they were ready for painting. 

They turned out great! 

Remember the paper we made for Maine Day? 

Well it dried nicely, and since we had the paint out- we decided to decorate it, too. 

Today was back to school work day. After a month off of traditional work, it was time to get back to it. I found these awesome checklists online and laminated them so we could reuse them week after week. So far they're working out great. 

But my 'back to school day' was met with some resistance. Luckily, I totally anticipated this and made it a light day, which also doing all kinds of workbook and online work that required minimal help from me to avoid me getting frustrated. Then I just put on my headphones and ignored the loud sighs and groans. 

Oh, but I did pick up a ton of Crayola stuff 90 percent off at Target. I love that Hayden can just write his spelling words on this dry erase board. (I love it even more since I picked it up for next to nothing!)  I try my best to minimize our use of papers around here- for so many reasons, but we'll go with the fact I'm just being environmentally conscious. 

Oh, and the Bucs giveaway this week- the Derrick Brooks bobble head. I tried to tell everyone we didn't need FIVE of them, but they all disagreed. 

Next Up: Back to work, and finally getting to that zoo day! 

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