Sunday, November 2, 2014

So Long, October!

I hope ya'll had a great Halloween! It was pretty strange around here, with all the build up to the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party, and the candy we've had around here since then- it seems like Halloween was already over. 

But, knowing my time is limited with my trick-or-treaters, despite some serious headache days around here, I powered through and we did a lot of our usual fall activities. 

I knew the boys weren't into carving pumpkins, but I bought one anyway, in addition to their free ones they got last week. They seem so useless since here you have to carve them on Halloween or they'll rot, but it's a tradition from my childhood, I just can't seem to let go of. I cut it open to scoop out the goop, which Hayden tried for about 2.5 seconds. 

Then Peyton was all 'I'll do it!', and lasted about 2.6 seconds. Calib refused to even touch it, which was fine because I couldn't find our carving kit, and just had to go with a knife. 

The boys did want to paint their mini pumpkins, though. 

I had an idea of what to do with the pumpkin nobody wanted to carve, so I quickly cut two eyes and a mouth. 

Then, I had the boys take our candy from the party and sort though, because I decided we could mix in the stuff everyone was passing up with the candy I had bought to hand out. Yes, we still have that much left. 

PDQ was offering a BOGO deal for people in costumes, AND free kids meals for kids under 10 in costumes, so we decided to head out for dinner- we ate like kings for $18. 

And, I thought it was so cute they got CheerWine to go along with their 'Ellie badges'. 

We got home and there were already a few trick or treaters out, so we grabbed our buckets. 

Asa and I figured we might as well keep our costumes on for taking the kiddos. 

And Hayden really wanted to use his backpack and his sword to go as Finn from Adventuretime. 

Calib, meanwhile stayed behind to hand out candy- end of an era. 

But, I still have two trick-or-treaters, so I'll take it! 

And one nice lady (who was handing out FULL SIZED peanut butter cups) thought Asa and I deserved some candy too. 

I had told my mom to keep our costumes away from the cats while she was here. This is why- look how interested they were in my headband when we got back home. 

Peyton and Hayden got lots of candy, we dumped it into the big bowl with the remaining stuff from the party- and I'm pretty sure we'll have it all until Christmas! 

Asa was in the office Friday, so the boys wanted to wait for him for our usual Halloween activities. We didn't have time between dinner and trick or treat, so on Saturday we did our usual bobbing for apples and the dangling donuts. 

Why are they wearing sweatshirts you ask? Because it was a high of 62 degrees yesterday. Yikes! Today was a little better, and we should be back up into the 80s late this week. 

Calib did a good job on the donut on a string. 

But Peyton did better. 

Poor Hayden just couldn't get the hang of it. 

Asa also got in on the apples. 

But Calib got really into it, and smoked everyone. 

Then we took my poorly carved pumpkin and did the baking soda/vinegar reaction to make it throw up. Hayden LOVED this. 

Oh, hey Washington- nice seeing you a-ok after your run-in with Dipper the other day (maybe we could close the cage next time we put the rats away, Calib) 

I also nabbed this in the Target dollar section 70% off, I'm going to turn it into the sorting hat, and it's going to be awesome. 

As for other stuff this week, I finally got a permanent Jeopardy board up. Every wall in my house is officially taken up with something or another at this point. 

We've been studying elections (I've also determined Hayden is a Republican because he 'likes elephants') 

And, I got a new board up for Peyton. He wants to learn cursive, and we're on to Africa for countries, capitals, and flags. 

The Bucs lost today, so just imagine a nice pouty picture of Asa and I below.  I was so sure we were losing to the Browns though, so I preemptively posted on FaceBook for all my Brown's freinds not to rub my nose in it. They obliged, so thanks for that guys. Todays loss also resulted in us attempting to sell our tickets for the Green Bay game. We'll see if we can get our asking price for them. I'm not about selling our tickets, but if they're going to go for twice of what we paid for it, it might be time to sell them. 

Speaking of games, Peyton and I have nixed the second half of our trip, because Lincolns tomb isn't open Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday when we were going to go (lame) so we're basically just heading to Saint Louis and back to see Peyton Manning play. I can't wait to see a good team play. I'm really hoping I can get him some lower seats. 

The kids are off at the park, but not for too much longer- I hate when it gets dark so early. Though the time change was nice for an extra hour of sleep (and somehow Calib STILL managed to sleep until 12:30) 

November should be exciting. Peyton and I have our trip, we've got Pie Making Wednesday, and we're even heading to Legoland, I believe. 

Next Up: Election Watching- Make sure you vote on Tuesday!  

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