Monday, November 10, 2014

Weekends with the Waterstrauts!

Doesn't it always seem like the weekend? It's either our weekend, or everyone else's. To be honest, we need to get into a better routine, but I don't see that happening with all of our trips, holidays, and upcoming events. But, we're squeezing in work while we can, I ordered a couple of new workbooks to help do a little more "book work" with minimal prep (the boys actually love when I tell them they can pick any page instead of following their checklists) 

I don't have a lot to report, since I just blogged Friday (I think), but I have a TON of stuff to do before Peyton and I leave on Thursday, and blogging won't be at the top of that list. I have Hayden and Calib's school work for the week to set up, packing to do, plus we're having a Native American theme week when we get back that I'm trying to get all prepped, and I need to skype like 80 million people (You're all on my list, I swear!) 

But, I'll give you a quick update and then be on my way. Hayden had a Build N Grow Saturday morning, and he built this fun Science Project set. I was busy trying to figure out a good time to meet up with a friend, and totally distracted by my phone (which I NEVER EVER do, I hate the parents that pay that much attention to their phones). But it was so funny because Hayden was all "Mom, I have a hammer here, you need to pay attention!" Opps. Message received, Hayden. 

He did a great job without my help, or really even supervision for most of it and earned himself a badge. We won't be here for the December one, and I'm hoping by January the new Lowes right around the corner is built, so we won't have to drive 25 minutes to the Build N Grows anymore. 

It even came with some cards and some experiments that Hayden was right ready to do when we got home. We had a quick lunch, and I headed out again (it's always the theme of my Saturdays) 

When I worked at the airport (something like 7 years ago.. holy geez!), I met Nate. I don't really keep in contact with anyone else I met there, but Nate and I get along pretty well. He moved to Jacksonville awhile ago, but was in town for the weekend to visit family and so we had some coffee and caught up. 

I had to get home to run Peyton back out to the library for his Saturday event, and to check out the book sale. I also cleared out the Native American section for reading to go along with our lessons. I'm totally excited about this theme week, it should be lots of fun. 

Sunday Asa worked in the morning to be able to work from home for half a shift next Saturday when I'm gone. Since he didn't clock out until 11 am, tailgating didn't really fit in the schedule so we stopped by PDQ as a special treat. 

The boys even got free PDQ t-shirts. We love PDQ, and free stuff! It was like free t-shirt Sunday since the giveaway at the game was also free t-shirts. 

Since we didn't tailgate we didn't worry about parking in a nice open space under some trees, so parked closer and didn't take nearly as long to walk to the stadium, we ended up being there super early, so I took the opportunity to take a picture of our seats. These puppies cost us a fortune, I might as well document them! Ok, not really a fortune, they're probably the most affordable season tickets in the league.. but still. Maybe we could see them win once this year for the price... maybe? 

No tailgating picture Sunday, so we got a nice stadium one. 

And since the NFL was celebrating ahead of Veterans Day tomorrow, I wore my dads Navy hat to the game. 

We had paratroopers, too. 

Lots of military on the field. 

And we even got a fly over! (Our second of the season!) 

So, here are my kids all bundled up, because you know, it was 70 degrees and cloudy. My kids, true Floridians. 

Things actually went pretty good, considering the last time we played the Falcons. But, there we are- ahead in the fourth quarter... 

...And despite our smiles, we knew it would be short lived. The Bucs blowing a 4th quarter lead is like text book at this point. 

Poor Asa, wiping away his tears (actually he was wiping his eyes after looking into the little bit of sun there was, but it doesn't make for a good story, or as funny as a picture) 

The only one happy at the end of the game was Hayden, since Calib went to fill the popcorn late and he still had a pretty full bucket at the end of the game. 

We came home, watched some more football, ate our depression chili, and relaxed. Asa has to go into the office Thursday because he's so super awesome (I'll fill you in on that another time), he had to move a day off and he picked Monday, so at least he's been home all day today. 

We had some errands to run. We picked up some Christmas presents for the boys (Disney Infinity characters are B2G1), did some grocery shopping and some banking, went to the park, and then finally got around to our Super Saturday activities, since we never quite finished them up on Saturday. I finally got to use my semi permanent Jeopardy Board. We had some good categories this time around. 

And, I've given up on telling them not to bet all their money. 

Asa wanted to play host, so I let him have at it. 

So intense. Excitement runs wild. 

But, then the disappointment sets in, especially on the Jeopardy re-do questions. I just took questions they got wrong last time. I actually saved the incorrect ones this time for next time, too. 

I told you, exciting stuff. Peyton lost half his money in a daily double, it was just brutal. 

That is about it from here. Asa is in the office tomorrow, and I am going to do my best to get a ton of work done, and we're hopefully getting out our first 'Waterstraut Weekly' newsletter this Wednesday (because what other day of the week would it come out on), I might post it here, I might start a new blog for it, we'll see. But, either way, I'm hoping to get that done. 

Then, Thursday Peyton and I are headed out. I am SO excited. Our hotel has been booked, our tickets are bought and my Omaha shirt arrived today! 

Next Up: Our stops include Huntsville, AL; Nashville, TN; Springfield, IL; and Saint Louis, MO. I'm so happy I could make good on my promise I made to Peyton when the Broncos were losing in the Super Bowl and it became very apparent Peyton Manning was not going to be the MVP at Disney World the next day: "The closest he comes to Florida to play next year, we're going!" And going we are! See you in Saint Louis, P. Manning! 

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