Thursday, September 20, 2018

LAN Party 2018

We had just gotten back from Ohio when our friends Nate and Allison came down for a visit. They had hoped to come in August, but then they were moving and it didn't quite work out. So despite the fact they had just moved, and Allison is 7 months pregnant, and there was a hurricane looming between their house and ours, they decided to make the trip down to visit. 

Asa had to work during the week, but we made time for trips to the pool on his lunch... 

... and for games in the evening after work. They even picked to play Lifeboats, so I got to play for once outside of my birthday or mothers day. For the record, Asa and I tied, though he still claims he 'never wins'. 

Their dog, Beau, also came along for the ride. He fit in nicely with the majority of my pack and cozied up to the boys. It didn't take him long to figure out who to go to for food either. 

Of course Nate and Allison were here to visit with us- but they had a top priority- visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, so on Saturday the four of us headed to Orlando. 

We haven't had passes to Universal for a year and a half, but we've got a couple visitors in the next year who want to go, so it made more sense for us to get them. Heads up, if you want to go to Harry Potter with us, come anytime before next September! 

Allison and Nate decided on one park, and to visit Diagon Alley. Hogsmeade is great too, but if you're only doing one park, you have to do Diagon Alley. It's always fun to go with people for their first visit and show them around, or just watch them wander. 

Of course, Butterbeer had to be tested. 

And we spent a lot of time going in and out of the shops. I never ever get tired of wandering around Diagon Alley. 

Obviously at 7 months pregnant, Allison can't do the rides- but she did get to wait in line for Escape from Gringotts because the cue line is something to be seen. 

We stopped by Olivanders too look around too. 

Overall, a totally successful trip to Diagon Alley. 

The park was only open until 5 because of Halloween Horror Nights, so we decided to head over to Disney Springs for dinner. We grabbed some food from various places, and found a centrally located table. 

While I was sitting with Allison and my poutine waiting for the boys to come back, Allison coerced a squirrel into coming over (she obviously doesn't know how terrible and aggressive Disney squirrels can be). And this little jerk ran up to my Poutine, took both his little hangs, grabbed a whole french fry and ran away to eat it. Allison thought it was hilarious. I was not pleased. 

The boys returned with the trio of sliders from the Polite Pig and shooed away the squirrel when he came back for seconds. 

Then it was off to do a little shopping. Allison wanted to make a few lego guys. 

Asa and Nate got sidetracked creating a lego scene of their own. 

It was a super fun day, but it took a lot out of Allison. You know, with all the walking and the heat. So she spent Sunday recouping in bed while the rest of us watched football and ate tacos. 

Monday Allison was feeling a bit better, so we played some games and hung out. 

Oh, and then there was the spaghetti pizza. It was the brain child of Nate and Asa, and it evolved from putting spaghetti on top of frozen pizza to an actual pizza that didn't sound too bad. Allison helped and it all came together pretty good. 

Tuesday morning, Nate and Allison and Beau were headed home. Phenom will miss 'Fake Phenom'. And we'll miss Nate and Allison! Next time we see them, though, baby Layla will be here, so that is exciting! 

Oh and shout out to them for bringing me some campagin buttons. My collection is really rounding out. I think I may have to take our inauguration tickets out of my fourth shadow box if I get any more and start another one for the buttons. 

Since Asa and I were up early to see them off, we decided to go to breakfast before he clocked in. We finally made it to Brunchies and it was delicious. I highly recommend. 

That's it from here. We've moved on to more normal school work loads, and we even started making our way through the state project. I'm not sure if I'll make a blog for every state, yet, since it's not nearly as in depth as the countries, but we'll see. 

Next Up: Asa is on call this weekend, so we're going low key and resting up from all of our trips and visitors lately. 

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