Hey guys! It's the last day of May already, so I thought I'd get you all caught up. I really figured I had a lot more pictures because it seems like we've been super busy. But, I have been trying to use my phone significantly less, and therefore I think I miss a lot of pictures. But, I did think it would be wise to get in a quick end of May blog because we literally have every single weekend planned until July 13th.
So, when I last left off I was about to head to Washington D.C. The night before I left I took a picture of Hayden and Calib both wearing their red dirt shirts from Hawaii, because I thought it was a fun coincidence. But, then when I returned and they claimed they had done laundry, I got to point to this picture and say 'then why are both these outfits in the washer?!' Turns out they did Calib's work clothes, and nothing else. Boys.

Also, the night before I left Asa put his bike together. Calib helped, and it took them about an hour- but now Asa has a new bike and he can stop complaining about using Calib's.
Tuesday the 14th I headed off to Virginia to see Allison, Layla (and later in the week, Nate). I flew into Reagan and was happy to take the metro. I love D.C. transportation! If only Tampa had anything like this.
I wasn't really there to see the sights though. I was there to see the Foster's! And, I may not have had Ellie to sit outside the bathroom door waiting for her morning walk, but I had Beau waiting at the bottom of the stairs every morning waiting for his.
And, I learned how to use a coffee maker, thanks to a 45 second youtube video. I also had the world's best Peanut Butter Pie. I saw some list of the best grocery stores in America, and Wegmans was listed #1, with Publix at #2. And I was like 'no way there's a store out there better than Publix'. But, I was wrong. Wegmens is in fact the best grocery store, and they have the peanut butter pie to prove it.
It was super nice to spend a few days in a quiet house with a couple of girls. I'm a boy mom through and through, but every now and again even this boy house gets to me. Plus, Allison is always fun to hang out with- and I hadn't seen her since the fall. When Nate got back from his trip, Allison and I went out and about a bit down to a nature park, and to grab dinner.
But mostly I get to spend my week with Layla, who basically is the cutest baby ever (I had boys, sure they were cute, but Layla has the best outfits and hair accessories to go with her cuteness). She's so chill for the most part, and I finally understood people who want a baby fix. Let me be clear, I have never been a baby person, but Layla totally won me over. Hopefully it won't be too long before I get to visit again.
I left on Saturday, but Nate and Allison had a cookout to go to, and I told them they could just drop me early. I dropped my bag off and then took the metro to the mall just to walk around. I didn't really have time for museums, hopefully next time!
I mostly just wandered the mall and went in the sculpture parks and such.
Shout out to Asa for holding things down at home. I left him a list to do, and he had lots of running the kids around to various places plus work, and of course he handled it all, because he's kind of amazing like that.

Sunday I was back home, and Sunday fun day is for bike riding for me and Asa. We happened upon the Connerton Market and picked up a few things for the week.
The tomatoes and the peppers are home grown though, we had lots of stuff ready in the garden when I came back. But holy geez does it need to rain,

The ponds are all super low, almost to levels I've never seen them before. The afternoon thunderstorms haven't hit yet, but the heat sure has and it's turning into a rough combination. (I did spot the gator on my bike ride to Publix though! He didn't seem to mind the weather too much.)

Asa and I also finally cashed in our BOGO coupons at Mod Pizza. Usually I prefer Blaze. But when we can get two pizzas for $8 I'm in at either place! Later that week I took some inspiration from our trip to Mod and made Naan bread pizzas for dinner.
In a big milestone this week, Calib finally got his license! I told him Asa and I were going to Disney over Memorial Day weekend, so he'd either have to get it so he could drive himself to work (he worked all holiday weekend), or he could ride his bike. I ordered him a bike lock just in case he didn't pass his test (I mean, I'm a pretty good driver, but even I failed the first time!), and it came the same day he got his license. He actually said the test was the easiest thing ever, which makes sense given how Floridians drive. Like, the driver's license place is out on route 41, a busy highway. Yet, they never actually make you drive on that highway, instead you take back roads and never top 25. Like, what? Either way, I'm thrilled he has his license.

Though he's mostly only driven himself to and from work. One night when we had pizza for dinner (which he understandably didn't want since he'd been making pizzas for seven hours), he went to get McDonalds. And one night he went to Publix to get ice cream, and when he got home, he complained about the price of whipped cream for like 20 minutes. He's really an adult now!

Work has been busy, so Asa's been pretty chained to his desk, so one night we went on a long bike ride after work just to help him get out a bit. At least it isn't nearly as hot when the sun goes down.
Yesterday and today were pretty humid, but before that it was still pretty dry. So the boys took advantage of the nice evenings and played some basketball.
With Calib's birthday coming up, he's been getting lots of free stuff, so one night we went to PDQ to collect. We even left Etta out of her crate while we were gone. So we're still making progress there!
Asa and I also made a trip to the Magic Kingdom. I'll get to that blog later and update our Disney Quest list. But in the mean time, you can enjoy this picture of the Disney celebration donut. It's only available until the end of June, and we're blacked out until August starting tomorrow so it was my only chance to try it. Also, it was HUGE and delicious.
Speaking of food, I went to pick up cupcakes this afternoon for Calib's birthday tomorrow!
And in a scheduling win, Calib got his braces taken off today. You guys his teeth are so straight it's crazy. (I mean they should be for the amount of money we spent to fix them!) It's been just over two years since he had them put on. You get five free brackets if you break them but he never used a single one. He mostly stayed away from all the foods they told him too. But an unforeseen casualty was Publix Chicken Tender Subs. He tried once and it just got all kinds of stuck in his teeth. They're like his favorite too, so I promised him subs the day he got them taken off. we'd get Publix subs. He had to work tonight though, so we had them for lunch.
That's it from here. My mom just called, she's about an hour away. She's coming for at least the next two weekends, for Calib's birthday and then some time with the Sattler's. I hear there might be an index-card-o-fun in my future.
Until then I leave you with the only two pictures of dogs I've taken over the last two weeks.

Next Up: Calib turns NINETEEN tomorrow!
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