Thursday, January 30, 2020

A Can of Worms

Holy geez, it's been a busy month for us. By the time Calib got back, it was time for him and Peyton to register for their classes, and Hayden to get back into school work. In case you've been living under a rock, and haven't heard we've got a couple year long projects going: we're doing the Candy Bar Election one last time AND we're doing all the President's birthdays again (But this time with a few new twists!) 

Plus I have props, and even some pertinate attire to wear! It's a lot of work, but so far I'm enjoying doing it all again. 

In other news, the garden is doing ok with the cold snap. We harvested a lot of broccoli, and it was some seriousily awesome stuff. 

But the first couple weeks of this new year was dominated by working on some things around the house. When Calib came back he loved his new floor so much, he suggested we do it to Peyton and Haydens as well. But then I was like, we might as well go through the hallway and into the bathroom, too. And a whole can of worms opened. 

But, before we finished laying the floor, I did let the boys write on the cement underneith. My dad let us do that when he built the addition, so I thought it would be fun. 

Once I got past all the weird cuts of the hallway and the closet, the floor flew in their room. 

The most annoying thing was having to take apart the bunkbeds to get them out the door and then back in. But it looks so nice. 

And then we were on to the bathroom. First of all, their sink had started to rust, and I knew it was just a matter of time before we had to fix it, so I thought we might as well take out the whole cabinet so we could floor underneith it and just get a new vanity and sink. 

But then, I realized when they built this house they left a giant hole in the wall for the plumbing, and just backed the back of the cabinet up to it. So, I fixed the hole in the wall, with drywall even! 

And once it was dry I painted the wall with paint we had matched at Lowes. 

And we went and picked out a new vanity, which barely fit in the car, and only if we took it out of the box, and then just sat in the family room for a couple days. 

Because we still had to put in the floor, and then I was just a couple boards short, so we had to go get one more box of flooring from Costco. 

And, I even got new baseboards, because there wasn't some there before. I actually got new baseboards for the whole bathroom. 

Then I put together sink! 

And then there was an incident, and we had to also get a new toilet. Which, I knew was coming, but turns out the thing was running nonstop and had also rusted and was slightly leaking. We probably could have fixed some of it, but it wouldn't have bought us that much time. And, if we were getting a new toilet, we could also put it on top of the floor, instead cutting the floor around the toilet. 

And ta da! Ok, not ta da, like it was super easy. The whole process took like a week because we kept having to go back to Lowes for new tools or parts. The sink wanted to leak, and it took forever to get it right. 

But it looks so nice! And, I don't really have to clean it for all of our visitors, because it's all brand new! 

I also had to work on putting a transition strip from the new floor to the carpet. After deciding I just could not screw into the concrete floor, even though youtube insisted that I could with a normal drill and a masonary drill bit (I assure you, not with the drill I have), I ended up jimmying something up, and it's actually stayed really well with theadhesive, a wood strip and some nails. 

So, that's the bathroom week. 

I'll leave out the part where we were all super frustrated and using the same bathroom, because now it looks so pretty, I barely remember that. 

The animals were not pleased with all the moving around of things too. I came out of the bathroom one evening to find all the dogs in my room. Porkchop loves to jump in Phenoms bed in the middle of the day, but Phenom is not always thrilled about it. We had a couple of  cold days, so maybe they were curled up for warmth. 

Cold days make for cold walks, too. But for the most part, they've gotten to go every day. I have such a great dog walking neighborhood. And, a good biking neighborhood too. Asa and I managed to squeeze in a weekend bike trip before visitors. 

I really was hoping to get a Disney date day in here somewhere, but it just didn't work out. So, we took a break from the bathroom mania to go to lunch at Greenland Grill instead. It's one of my favs! 

Asa and Calib did go to a USF Basketball game in all the madness too. They were playing Memphis, and we got the tickets when that guy was still playing for Memphis, and Calib wanted to see him. But, it was two tickets for $20, so it was a good deal with or without Memphis's superstar winner. And they had a good time. 

And Hayden has had a ton of library events as of late, including building this nice napkin and salt and pepper holder. 

I leave you with the usual dog pictures. Calib got this giant beanbag like chair from Costco, and the dogs love sitting on it with him. (In fact, Ellie slept on it last night). I told Calib about it, and he went to Costco with me to check it out and they were down to only the floor model. It was $30 off, but we had to squeeze it into the car, and some nice old guy helped us. 

Next Up: Championship Sunday Pizzas & A visit from Jake

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