Saturday, April 4, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 22

11,545 cases in Florida tonight, and we've topped 300,000 nationally. I know Trump was bit shit crazy at his news conference, toting some drug as the savior to corona virus. He's an asshat. 

That's all I have for you on the world front. Asa is waiting for my laptop to play Stardew Valley over Facebook Messenger with Jake, so I'm going to make this quick. Nevermind, they've resorted to Google Hangouts on Asa's phone instead. 

Asa and I went for about 12 miles on our bike ride today. Lots of ins and outs. Passed lots of people. Only one person had a facemask on. I don't think we have to wear them on like walks and stuff, right? 

We did see FIVE gators, none in the same spot, today. Three babies and two big ones. 

Like, I thought it wasn't quite mating season yet, how are there are these babies around everywhere? Maybe they are like a year old, I don't know. I have no frame of reference for how fast baby gators grow. 

Over in the Groves, there are American flags lining the road, and lots of them people hung from their houses. 

Connerton has quite a few bears. We're going on a bear hunt! 

And I even spotted a Tangled sun in sidewalk chalk! 

Per the usual, we had lunch outside. 

Dipper, meanwhile, had a lovely afternoon laying in his catnip, which has really wilted in the heat. Usually this is about the time of year we get him a new plant. But, also, I don't think we're supposed to be going to Lowes, right? 

Asa and I also spent a little time in the backyard pool. 

Then, Asa and I worked on making some alternate dining reservations in case our anniversary doesn't work out. We picked a week we could go in July and August if June doesn't work out, and made reservations accordingly. Hopefully it doesn't come to that, but we're prepared if it does! 

And for dinner, we had a cereal bar! 

I opened up five different kinds of cereal, which is fun, because I usually only let the boys have one or two kinds open at a time. 

I also made some cinnamon rolls, and put out muffins and fruit to round out the dinner. 

Most everyone just had one kind, or mixed a couple kinds in one bowl. 

I, on the other hand, got out a muffin tin and had almost all the kinds. (I passed on the Trix). 

We played Catan this evening as well. Hayden won, for what he thinks is the first time ever. 

I just couldn't get anything going. Too many fricken sheep. 

The guys played basketball (check it out, even Peyton is out there!) 

I sat out on the porch with Ellie. She's doing much better. Her foot doesn't seem like it's bothering her at all. 

Tonight for our walk we were joined by Hayden. 

And we came across the most Florida thing ever. But also, I HATE that I can't pick up trash these days. 

Ugh, and then we got to the park, and there was, no joke TWENTY people playing baseball. Like, Florida is so screwed. The benches are tipped over now, our subdivision is doing what it can to curb people gathering, but people just aren't listening. We were over in Connerton today, and none of their playgrounds were blocked off, and kids were on them. They did take down their volleyball net, so they're like, what, a week behind the Wilderness Lake Preserve? 

We watched the Lion King this evening too, and I started my work on Thomas Jefferson's birthday, while everyone else played Civ 5. I made us a charcuterie too, since we had an early dinner (and since it was cereal.) 

And then we had drinks with a bunch of my cousins and visited with all of them for awhile, which was fun. I think we're going to make it a thing as long as we're all quarantined. We are all on varying levels though, since we're all over the country. 

Hayden drew everyone who took part, and then we showed his drawing off. 

Most popular "hurricane snacks": Cereal! 

Current binge watching obsession: Ozark! 

Most popular game: Catan/Civ 5/Stardew Valley

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 3. I did much better today. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 14.5 Nothing new today. We went with Lion King, Little Mermaid, and Coco. 

Trips to the store: 3 (2 Publix, 1 Costco), and two take out trips (Capital Tacos & PDQ))

New addition! How many times we've walked the loop: 5. It's becoming a new after dinner tradition, as long as the weather is nice. 

Days Down: 22

Days Remaining: Undetermined. But at least 27 more! 

And I leave you with dog pictures. 

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