Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 25

I haven't updated you on numbers lately. I think the US is just under 400,000 cases. Florida is at 14,747 cases tonight. All but two counties. Some states are seeing a slowing, and that'd be awesome. I don't think Florida is one of those states, though. Every day we see about 1,000 new cases. But, we continue to practice our social distancing and hope for the best.

This week, I'm not even going to the store. I placed an order at Costco for Instacart, but even the "same day" delivery was quite a few days out. I ordered it yesterday, and it will be here Thursday, which is fine, because that's usually my store day anyway. I'll let you know how it goes. But I'm pretty excited about not going to the store. It's so much anixety! Also, shout out to whoever IS going to the store to do my shopping for me. There is a sizable tip for you!

This morning Asa was available to take the dogs with me, so we went on the whole loop. 

Then later, after lunch we walked the loop again. This time in the opposite direction! Whoa, look at us, We're getting crazy! 

There was some funny sidewalk chalk to be seen. 

An alligator. 

And pretty flowers. I'm really trying to observe pretty, happy things when we're on our walks. Release those endorphins, you know? 

Garden check today! I told you I had a zucchini getting big! 

And while we picked all our banana peppers, there are some tiny ones coming! 

And my sunflowers are getting taller by the day! 

And then, Hayden and I set up a little Happy Birthday for a girl we know who has to celebrate her birthday in quarantine. Happy 11th Birthday, Lucy! Hopefully we brightened your day. 

But then this gave us an idea! Perhaps we could re-enact the beginning of Toy Story with all the characters. We even made the Pixar Lamp. 

There was lots of crafting, and ingenuity, and the end result was super amazing. It took us like three hours to set it up, film it, and edit it. But it's 2 and a half minutes of pure amazingness. I don't think I can post videos on blogger, or I totally would. Just trust me, it was a day well spent. 

Though we did make quite the mess filming. So, it also took a bit to clean it up. 

Most popular "hurricane snacks": Those Sargento Snack Breaks have become very popular! 

Current binge watching obsession: Last episode of Schitt's Creek tonight!

Most popular game: Chess Club. Hayden is about to play online with Max and Henry for Tuesday night chess club. 

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 1. Amazing how not-bored you get when you spend hours playing with Disney/Pixar Toys. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 17.5 , what do you think we watched while we edited? 

Trips to the store: 3 (2 Publix, 1 Costco), and two take out trips (Capital Tacos & PDQ))

How many times we've walked the loop: 8 (Twice Today!) 

Days Down: 25

Days Remaining: Undetermined. But at least 24 more! However, you guys, check that out- if the May 1 date holds we've crossed the half-way point. (I don't have a ton of faith that's when we can leave, but I'm going to believe that it is for now!) 

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