Sunday, April 26, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 44.

I feel like the monotony of this whole thing is really starting to settle in. You know, at first it was like watching how things changed, what was different at the grocery store, what things closed today. There was sidewalk chalk everywhere, kids outside playing, riding their bikes, more and more walkers out and about. It was almost fun, or at least interesting to see how people adapted. TV. Movie releases. Take out. 

But now, it's just all kind of the same. Everyday everything is still closed. But there's less and less sidewalk chalk, probably because Amazon is like out of it. There's less people outside. Nothing barely even happens to check off the bingo card. The novelty of the Late night shows from home is wearing off. The numbers go up, but when it first started, it was something I followed, and now, I just mention when we pass another 100,000 mark (in the next day or two we'll probably hit a million). 

It's just become.... life. And that kind of sucks. I wonder how long this will be life. But, even the 'lets get back to normal', I think is insane. Like, normal won't be normal. Does everyone know that? I don't know what normal will be. Will it be Disney opened with some serious modifications, or will it be Disney closed for months and months on end. Will 44 days just seem like a drop in the bucket six months from now? Who knows. 

All we can do is take things one day at a time, even if every day is the same, which is why you can find most of us on Groundhog Day. Calib and Peyton have trashed their sleep schedule in the last 44 days and are "cycling" today, or trying to stay up all night- and most of the day- to correct their schedules, so they are a bit ornery. I even threatened to move Peyton up to Apocalypse Now. 

At least Etta doesn't know anything has changed, except we leave the house less, and she's happy about that. 

We had lunch outside today, because humidity was at like 50%, a little strange for this time of the year, so I spent as much time outside as I could today. 

I even worked on Grant's birthday stuff. His birthday is tomorrow, but I'm not done yet. We'll celebrate on Tuesday instead. 

We had a nice harvest from the garden today. 

And Asa and I took an afternoon walk around the loop and spotted one baby gator. 

Then, I really wanted a Blueberry Pomegranate Smoothie from Wawa, so we ordered drinks. Milkshakes and Smoothies all around. You have to treat yourself in times like these. 

Hayden and I treated ourselves on the front porch. 

Asa made us burgers and fries for dinner too, and then banana foster bread pudding for dessert. So I'm going to have to walk a lot tomorrow, and go back to eating lentils over cauliflower rice. 

While I kept working on Grant stuff (his story is done, but I still have some other stuff to do), Dipper hung out with me. He's discovered he likes the little triangle area by the windows and the chair. 

Current binge watching obsession: Finished Little Fires Everywhere last night. 

Most popular game: Hyrule Warriors is still going strong. 

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 5. I should have saved bike riding for today. Or gone again today. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 29. None today

Trips to the store: 4 (2 Publix, 1 Costco, 1 Lowes), and three take out trips (Capital Tacos & 2 PDQ)

Grocery Deliveries: 6  (3Costco, 3 Publix)

Food Delivery Nights: 5 (Greenland Grill & Taco Bell, and BJ's, McDonalds) add Wawa to the list today. 

How many times we've walked the loop: 24. I wish I had been keeping track of this one since the beginning, I know it's way more than this.  

Days Down: 44

Days Remaining: Undetermined. But at least 5 more. Today, again, DeSantis said he wasn't in a hurry to open things back up. But still no direction for when the order expires on the 30th. 

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