Sunday, August 16, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 151 thru 156

I am starting to have a little hope for Florida. We've had a lower percent positive (hovering around 8 %) and between 4-5,000 cases a day. I think all the businesses requiring masks and the city mandates might be helping! The infection rate is below 1 in most areas now! This is all great news. 

The bad news is we are quickly approaching 10,000 deaths. And in a couple of days we'll have more cases than the entire population of Wyoming. So, when you put it that way, things aren't amazing. And I'm concerned about what opening schools and bars and movie theaters will do. But, now might be my window to run to Trader Joes and try another Disney Park. 

In other news, there's a huge debate about mail in voting going on. Meanwhile, we've already requested our mail in ballots. Sucks the first time Calib and Peyton get to vote for president they'll just be mailing in a ballot. But, a lot of things suck for them lately. It's hard to be 18-20 with all this crap going on. 

 Day 151: Tuesday August 11

Brought some good news! Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris as his running mate. Just the fourth woman to run on a major party ticket (3 Veeps and Hillary) and if she wins, it'll be history making for a whole slew of reasons. (Fun fact, she won't be the first non-white VP- that honor went to Charles Curtis, Herbert Hoover's VP whose mother was a Native American.. There's your presidential trivia for the day). 

My brothers and my mom also got together for a birthday zoom for me on Tuesday. (Cameo by Elemeno in the background of Clint there). 

Day 152: Wednesday August 12th

Asa worked a longer than normal day to make up for taking Monday off, and Etta was really stressing. She needed extra love every time he came out of the office. 

We also started puzzle #17 of quarantine. This was one we bought at World of Disney on my birthday. 

Asa was not pleased at the "brown-ness" of the pieces. It was a tough one! 

Day 153, Thursday August 13th

We kept working on our puzzle. 

Ellie likes to take her stuffed animal and fling stuffing all over the house. We make Calib pick it up and stuff it back in over and over again so she can keep doing it. 

We also turned in Hayden and Peyton's evaluations. That makes Hayden an official high schooler, and Peyton an official high school graduate. 

So grandma zoomed with us, with a special background to celebrate. 

And Hayden made Peyton his own diploma. Usually there is an official graduation for home schoolers, where you can get your diploma on stage, but for obvious reasons that's not happening. Instead, Peyton just very unceremoniously turned in his paperwork. He doesn't mind though. I'm not sure he would have gone to a graduation if he could have. 

Day 154, Friday August 14th

I happened upon this scene and took a picture. No explanation. Just. This. 

And then Asa worked on helping Calib to register for his classes for his last term at PHSC for his associates degree. Look how involved Calib is in the process. (He is the one that had to actually talk to the advisor over zoom, but Asa set him all up.) Calib got all the classes he needed, but was shocked to know he would have to pay a $15 graduation fee. After the $8 he had to spend on proctored exams, he's annoyed at how expensive college is. (To be clear $23 is the cost of his associates degree thanks to duel enrollment- so pricey!)  

In honor of Peyton's graduation, grandma bought us dinner at Taco Bell. She even encouraged him to get a bean burrito because "it reheats well", when we brought home the order, Peyton declared "Tonight, we're eating like kings!" 

And then I worked on some Herbert Hoover stuff, while they played rock band (and Hayden drew) 

Puzzle update for Friday (this one is HARD). 

Day 155, Saturday August 15th

I still have a couple birthday rewards to use, but my free Firehouse Sub expired on the 15th, so we ran out to get that and got some Panera Bread and Bagels for everyone at home. 

And Hayden, Asa and I went down to play some tennis. 

Since I was already sweaty and gross afterwards, we walked the loop. 

And then we made a deal with Peyton that Asa and Hayden would watch something he wanted if Peyton watched Hamilton. He's only seen Act I, and he's just ok with it. I think we're going to pick up Act II on Wednesday (Mondays and Tuesdays are just too busy for Asa). 

We also got out the popcorn maker and had some candy with it. 

Asa and I had date night with lobster ravioli and lemon cheesecake in our room. 

And we kept on with the puzzle. 

Day 156: Sunday August 16th

Asa and I took our Sunday morning bike ride today. It's so fricken hot. Summer is brutal here, especially when you can't go on vacation and step out of the greenhouse for a bit. 

We also finished our puzzle! Just in time for Monday, although now I've spent most of my weekend puzzling and hanging out that I didn't actually work on Herbert Hoover enough to celebrate his birthday tomorrow. That's ok. We will get to it this week sometime. 

We also decided the blanket fort will come down at the end of August when it's time to start back in full time with school for Hayden. So, we're soaking up the last couple weeks of it. We had drinks and snacks and played cards in it today (that's Princess and the Frog on in the background, but we also watched the 4th episode of the Making of Frozen II today- which I highly recommend.) 

It's been a little stormy today, though. We tried for a walk, put on our shoes, opened the door and it was raining. Anyway, Etta doesn't deal well with storms (I think she's learned from Porkchop), so she was really pouty today. 

For dinner we decided to try and re-create Chuds for everyone, a local place in the town I grew up in. Obviously we can't make it to Fremont, Ohio anytime soon, so we made our own Chud Spuds (fried potatoes with cheese and bacon)... 

And chef salads. They come just like this will the sliced hardboiled egg and the containers of salad dressing on top. It was pretty spot on, if you ask me. Next time I need to make sure we have canned pop, and club crackers on hand. 

Asa and Calib also ordered Calib's books, which would have been over $800--- for THREE classes (He has Spanish II, Art Appreciation and Geology). That's bananas. But, for duel enrolled kids, books come free, thank goodness. 

There's talk of making beignets tonight, everyone is playing rock band, and I picked getting caught up on my blog instead of writing Herbert Hoover's story. That'll be waiting for me tomorrow. I also have plans to clean out my closet for the second time during quarantine, and I need to tackle a clean out of home school central before August is over too. So, at least I have projects! 

Most popular "hurricane snacks": Chud Spuds! 

Current binge watching obsession: We have live feeds from Big Brother back! 

Most popular game: Overcooked is still aggravating everyone but me. 

Boxes of Elbows used: 3 of 16 

Puzzles completed: 17 (Periodic Table, Track & Field, Villains times 2, Chicago, 2 Pixar Ravensburger Puzzles, the 4 pack of 500 piece Disney Puzzles, the impossible Mickey Puzzle, the Princess Puzzle, the Silhouette puzzle, Tangled, and the 9-in-1 Ravensburger, Brown Frozen). 

Boredness scale 1 to 10: Depends on the time of day. We're really all over the place here. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 602 I think. If I don't blog frequently it's hard to keep count. 

How many times we've walked the loop: 80. 

Days Down: 156

Days Remaining until the inauguration and help (hopefully) arrives: 157 

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