Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Days 172 thru 193

It's been three weeks since I gave you a social distancing update. And three weeks in Coronavirus times is about 8 years. I don't even remembered what I was outraged about three weeks ago. I don't even know what stupid thing Trump was doing three weeks ago. But, I do know I'm tired of being outraged. The only thing keeping me going is being so close to the election, but I'm also so worried he'll win again. And then, this is just life. For years. I can't even. So, lets just recap whats been going on here. 

Day 172, Tuesday September 1

We've hit September, which as I discussed in my last blog is mentally so much better. I know it isn't the end of summer, and we'll still have hot days- but it signals an end to the summer and I am ready for it not to be so stifling outside. And Ellie is happy to take longer walks when it's not so hot. 

But on September 1 we were still having unpredictable yet predictable afternoon thunderstorms. I had JUST asked Google if it was going to rain, and she said no. So I put on my tennis shoes and went outside with my 'it's September' pep in my step just to be greeted by a downpour. 

So, Hayden and I made banana bread instead, which went nicely with dinner. 

And this is apparently how we play Civ now. 

Day 173 Wednesday September 2

Still hot, doesn't matter. It's PSL season. Just get that on ice. 

Day 174 Thursday September 3

New puzzle time!

And Asa and I finally decided to adventure to Trader Joes. They were doing an AWESOME job by the way. They were lining people up outside, limiting people in the store, wiping down carts, and keeping every other check out clear. Someone even wiped the pin pad before we used it. 

We decided on our way home to try and get take out from Goody-Goody Burger. There is a little walk up window for take out and we called ahead to place our order. We planned on eating it in a park or somewhere, but the tables outside were totally empty, so we sat down. 

And I got myself a bananas foster pancake. This was the last restaurant we ate inside at before the Pandemic, when the five of us came here on Leap Day. (I remember Leap Day so fondly now!) 

We drove past the stadium on our way home, and Tom Brady made it up on the side of the stadium *barf*

But I had survived going into Tampa, to Traders Joe and I stocked up HARD on 21 seasoning salute. I was out of this stuff right after the pandemic hit, and I missed it SO. MUCH. 

Plus I got some other goodies. 

We also went frog hunting that night. There were a few. (Asa gets so mad about how loud 'my frogs' are in the backyard at night- he's gone out there with a broom yelling at them to get out- at midnight, in his boxers a few times). 

Day 175 Friday September 4

Hayden did not love this puzzle. He found it super difficult. 

And Asa also wasn't very pleased. I did most of this one myself. 

But man, the sky was hard. 

Even though it's September, we still have some hot days around here, and a free smoothie is a nice way to cool off. 

See. Still SUPER hot. 

So, we're still kind of couped up. Cooler temperatures mean more time outside, and I can't wait for that. But, we're dealing with that ok. Lots of puzzles and rock band. 

But even poor Etta is bored. 

Day 176 Saturday September 5

Morning coffee with Nooms. 

Followed by finishing the puzzle. 

Followed by yard work- mowing, edging, and planting new plants. That's right, we can plant new stuff now! 

We planted some greens and cucumbers (which had since perked up since this picture) 

And we're trying zucchini and cucumber again. Hopefully no powdery mildew this time around. 

Oh, and we got our first lime! 

But holy geez was it hot out there! 

Meanwhile, Peyton was in the kitchen eating ice cream with a giant spoon. And I didn't complain, he passed his first class. That's cause for celebration. 

And grandma thought so too. She treated us to taco bell in celebration. 

We did start a new puzzle, with half as many pieces as Ariel, and I just could not get it. I don't know, but the flat colors were just not my thing. 

And here is Etta and Ellie playing with their rope. 

And we got a present from Layla (and Nate and Allison) in the mail. I'm so sad I'm not going to get to see them anytime soon. 

Day 177 Sunday September 6

PDQ was doing BOGO tenders for Labor Day, so we went and picked up some, and now they come in this cute packaging. 

And we finished the puzzle- in record time. (Well, Asa and Hayden did. Me, not so much). 

We also had our fantasy football draft. 

And Etta consoled Calib for drafting such a crappy team. 

Day 178 Monday September 7

Another day, another puzzle. 

Which we also finished in a day. 

And then, we took down the summer blanket fort. Usually it comes down when we take a late-August trip to Ohio, but there's no such trip this year. Hayden was sad to see the fort go, and the two TVs. So, after much begging, we put up a shelf and kept both TVs. Because, if playing the Xbox and watching Hamilton at the same time is what makes you happy in 2020, then just fricken do it. 

We also moved Peyton's TV he never uses into Hayden's bunk for night time viewing. I know, I know, lots of screen time. But, he'll survive. 2020, people. This is the least of our worries. 

Day 179 Tuesday September 8 

With the blanket fort, and labor day behind us, it was time to get back into the swing of school work. Technically, it's his first day of high school. Which, even during a pandemic, looks about like every other first day of school. He did some computer work. 

Some candy bar election work. 

And some Finer Things Club Reading. 

And some tennis for PE. It sucks that all the extra classes, and library events aren't something we can do right now, so we're trying to make things a little more fun at home when we can. 

Peyton had an Uber Eats code for $20 off, so he ordered himself a feast. 

Day 180 Wednesday September 9 

We have had issues with the boys coming in our room at all hours of the day, with no real sleeping schedules around here. So, I made a custom do not disturb sign. 

Day 181 Thursday September 10

It had been a month since we had been to Epcot so we thought we'd give it another try. 

It wasn't as much of a ghost town as the first time we went, but it wasn't terrible. 

And we came across some new character cavalcades. 

And spotted Alice back in the UK Pavilion. 

We got some more pork belly. 

And I took a picture of the fun new utensil dispensers. 

Tangerine Cafe is still closed, so you can still eat there away from people. 

And we stopped in Morocco for some hummus fries. 

Again, a little more crowded. 

But plenty of social distancing markers. 

We stopped in the American pavilion for a lobster roll and some carrot cake, which was DELICIOUS. 

And I finally got my Spike the Bee Sipper I was so excited about. 

Those characters are pretty good at spotting selfie opportunities. 

And there are updated signs everywhere with the rules. 

On the way out, we passed the princesses. 

And a few more people. 

But I was less worried about the people than the rain coming for us. 

Luckily, we were on our way out when the downpour started. 

So we were able to get our rain jackets on. 

But, masks in the rain are tough. As soon as they get wet, it is very hard to breathe. I took mine off before we even got to the car, but we were in the parking lot with literally nobody around. 

That night we also got to watch football for the first time this season. A Disney trip and an NFL game in the same day, what is this, pre-covid times? 

Oh, and then there was the brunch burrito discussion. It's been a heated debate in this house for years. 

And it always grows in intensity. 

Day 182 Friday September 11

Our day to run errands, and at Costco we noticed Christmas had arrived. Normally, I would complain. But if you want to buy a Christmas tree in September in 2020, have at it. 

So, I might have purchased the pumpkin pie. 

And we might have had that for dinner. 

Day 183 Saturday September 12

I decided to try and finally put the brunch burrito to rest. I set out brunch like food and told everyone to make a protype. 

So everyone tried their hand at it. 

And Asa taste tested. 

There were plenty of good brunch burritos, in case you were wondering. 

Day 184 Sunday September 13

The first NFL Sunday in forever, so it's time for a taco bar. 

And everyone was awake for it! 

I put on my Sunday best and cozied in 

fort football and tacos! Covid can't take everything from us. 

Hayden, who isn't into football, double watched Hamilton while eating tacos. 

Oh, and then there was the rain. I forgot about it till just now. We didn't get hit by a hurricane, but there was a slow moving one out in the Gulf for DAYS and it just kept on raining. FOREVER. 

See, check out Sally. She was a big one. 

Day 185 Monday September 14

This marked six months in quarantine. We had naan bread pizzas just like we did six months ago (I remember this, because it was pi day). 

Oh, and because, 2020- there were FIVE active tropical storms/hurricanes. Fun. 

Day 186 Tuesday September 15

I finally got quiet morning coffee time! It's hard to come by these days. 

And we got a package, that came pretty banged up. I knew there was a problem based on the oil stain at the bottom. 

It's one of the few times I ordered something from Walmart and one salad dressing bottle came completely broken. 

I've also decided I will only be cooking on Monday's now, and the boys can alternate Tuesdays (Asa cooks the rest of the week- but he's too busy with work on Monday and Tuesday to do it.) Calib kicked it off with spaghetti. 

And Hayden was nice enough to help him with salads. 

But if you know anything about Calib's cooking ability, you should find this impressive. 

Day 187 Wednesday September 16

We finally celebrated LBJ's birthday, albeit a bit late. (It was back in August). 

Hayden drew his picture, which I rather enjoyed. 

And for dinner Asa and I ordered out and had a date. 

Day 188 Thursday September 17

We ran out to do a grocery pick up and swung by Wawa because we both had free rewards. And they have pumpkin spice in stock! (This is also the first time I'd been inside in awhile). 

On the way home, we swung by the library to pick up Hayden's curbside craft. They can't have events, but they're doing the best they can! They did say to tell Hayden how much they missed him! 

In an effort to give Hayden a few fun, new things to do, we did sign up for online piano lessons. 

And we started on our puzzle we bought when we went to Epcot. This one we're still working on- it didn't meet my 'finish by Sunday' standards. So it's been moved for home school and it'll come back on the table for the weekend. 

I've been working hard on Taft's birthday. Dipper took my spot though, and it looked like he was the one researching the 1908 election. 

Day 189 Friday September 18

We got to work on Hayden's library craft. It came complete with everything you need. 

So he worked on that and made a little felt mushroom. 

And Walmart replaced our salad dressing. It came packed much better this time. 

Ellie, meanwhile, looks as bored as me. 

Asa and I also had date night with lobster ravioli. 

And then we were working on the puzzle, when Calib broke the news about RGB. I've never cried when a 'famous' person died. Until now. I just can't even with this. 

She didn't have to make it that much longer. 

The whole thing was cause to move my clip. 

Peyton saw how distraught I was, so he went and got me a big chipper and dropped it in my lap. What a guy. 

Day 190 Saturday September 19

In mourning, we worked on the puzzle and I avoided social media. 

Day 191 Sunday September 20

We were back to Tacos. 

Etta had nacho envy. 

And at least this time the Bucs won! (They lost week one). 

Porkchop was a good football watching buddy. 

Oh, and then the Emmy's were on. With everyone at home. On Zoom. And awards being handed out by guys in hazmat suits. So, that's weird. 

Day 192 Monday September 21

It is finally starting to cool down. The humidity is being lowered, and we have even had a light breeze. I cannot tell you how much hope this gives me. If I can even just sit outside to read a book, or eat a meal, or hang out, I'd be thrilled. I feel bad for everyone up north who is about to be couped up inside. I recommend puzzles and alcohol. 

Day 193 Tuesday September 22

Today the US hit 200,000 deaths according to John Hopkins. Just horrific. A day after Trump said 'virtually no one' dies of covid. I can barely stomach this guy anymore. 

But today is also the first day of fall.  Time for a coffee mug change! (We change them out at the start of every season)

I've got my election mug now, in honor of election season. But lets hope this one ends with a giant blue wave, and a Joe Biden White House. 

Oh, and it's Tuesday, so Hayden was on dinner duty. He made salad and baked potatoes and did an awesome job. 

That's it from here. All caught up on a half-assed blog. But, there you have it. 

Most popular "hurricane snacks": I bought those little pepridge farm cakes because they were bogo, and they've been a hit. 

Current binge watching obsession: Hamilton. All Day. Everyday. Still. 

Most popular game: Still working on Overcooked. 

Boxes of Elbows used: 5 of 16

Puzzles completed: 24 (Periodic Table, Track & Field, Villains times 2, Chicago, 2 Pixar Ravensburger Puzzles, the 4 pack of 500 piece Disney Puzzles, the impossible Mickey Puzzle, the Princess Puzzle, the Silhouette puzzle, Tangled, and the 9-in-1 Ravensburger, Brown Frozen, 1 Haunted Mansion, Matterhorn, Disney Pins, 2nd Haunted Mansion, Ariel, another Disneyland poster, and 3rd Haunted mansion ). 

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 5. I think I'm numb. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 66 ish? Maybe I should start counting Hamiltons. 

How many times we've walked the loop: 80. It's about to cool down and we can start doing this again! 

Days Down: 193

Days Remaining until the inauguration and help (hopefully) arrives: 120

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