Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 194 thru 201

Hey guys, it's been a minute. So let's work on getting you up to speed with what's been going on here. 

 Day 194: Wednesday, September 23

Etta always struggled on Wednesdays- because Mondays and Tuesdays Asa has been in the office ALL day. By Wednesday morning she's lost all hope of spending time with him. Of course, she's a dog so you can't tell her by the time he's done with work on Wednesday afternoon it's basically the weekend. And her pattern recognition skills aren't great. So this is her, basically every Wednesday. 

There's only one president's birthday in September, so we took care of William Howard Taft's timeline about a week late (but still in September, so we're on pace). 

And of course Hayden did his drawing. 

And after a breif delay, the boys were happy that the new Mario game arrived. 

Day 195: Thursday, September 24
We woke up to a half burned out pot pie box in the recyclables and ash on the counter. We spent hours wondering about what happened until the mystery was finally solved when Peyton got up. 

Apparently, late the night before Calib decided to make the pot pie in the toaster oven, and the directions read 'do not remove from container', so he asked Peyton if they meant the box. Peyton sarcastically said 'Yea, Calib, cook it in the box' AND THEN CALIB DID. I know my failure as a parent. I have not properly taught microwave and toaster oven etiquette. We have also told Peyton from now on, he has to take Calib seriously- but ONLY when it is kitchen related. 

I took this picture because I thought it was funny Asa had a whole slew of coffee mugs on his desk. 

And speaking of coffee, we got Asa a PSL on our errand run on Thursday, and I got a wawa smoothie. 

Day 196: Friday, September 25

So, I'm a little sad that Calib and Peyton's first experience voting was going to be by mail, like a month before election day (because of the pandemic), so to make it more a little official, I made a voting booth. (We're also going to use this for the candy bar election in the next couple weeks.) 

And we've decided if you had to have a pandemic birthday (which is all of us but Hayden who snuck his in before the world fell apart), then you got screwed. In an effort to make up for it, we're celebrating half birthdays. Because two pandemic birthdays = one normal birthday.  Or at least close enough. So, for Asa's half birthday, I made him a half birthday cake! 

And we got a special combo for dinner usually reserved for Christmas time: Chinese food AND pizza. 

We also watched Avatar, but Etta was pretty bored with it. 

Day 197: Saturday, September 26

Oh, also on Friday (the 25th), Florida's governor just opened everything up- going right to Phase 3. We basically have no restrictions. Everything CAN be open 100% (that doesn't mean everyone is doing it, though- but still). He also said nobody could be fined or cited for ignoring a mask mandate, which later led to a couple of counties repealing their mask mandate. DeSantis said we should fill our stadiums and get back out there. So far, two weeks later, no real spike in cases. But, last time it took about a month. So, we shall see. But man, the paper on Saturday morning was something. 2020 is crazy, man. 

Saturday has become bike riding morning, since Sunday's are football days- and you don't want to double up on fun things. 

Which also means it's Mickey Waffle days! 

And then I got a couple code out of nowhere for $10 off an Uber Eats order, and wawa was on free delivery for like 10 more minutes when I checked. So I quickly yelled at everyone 'WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM WAWA?!?" And we got drinks delivered for four of us for like $8 (tip included!) 

I transferred mine to my aloha cup and got to work on Chester Arthur. 

We also finished another puzzle. I LOVED this one. 

Plus, look how cute it was in the end! 

We also had no room for cake on Asa's actual half birthday after all the Chinese Food and Pizza, so we had cake the next day. 

Day 198: Sunday, September 27

Sundays are for football and taco bars. But, Asa and I both had coupons for a free cup of queso from Moes, so we cashed it in and got queso, chips, and an order of guacamole to add to the taco bar. 

And it was delicious. I'd not had their guacamole outside of a burrito before, it's pretty good.  Plus Moes chips might be terrible for you, but they are delicious! 

Oh, but this week Calib played Asa in fantasy, and that's just the worst. They spend all day arguing. 

And arguing... 

Day 199: Monday,  September 28

Hayden draws and writes A LOT, but he hates how his paper gets all smudged. We investigated, and apparently there are gloves for that. So we ordered some. He loves them. 

I did some powerwashing, and was a little annoyed Asa didn't clean up the porch before hand. But, then I came in to shower and had a lovely card and a flower. So, I think I'll keep him around. 

Oh, and our ballots arrived. So we put them in the voting booth for a more convenient voting day (not a Monday or Tuesday when Asa has time). 

Oh, and the Tampa Bay Lightning won the Stanley Cup! It's the first time a Tampa Sports Team has won a championship since we lived here. We're not big hockey people, but it was exciting to watch. Although, as the news reported from packed bars and streets with nobody masked, I thought 'oh boy, this isn't great'. 

But still... exciting! 

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Day 200-- TWO HUNDRED, PEOPLE! Tuesday, September 29

And now we've arrived at the 200th Day of Quarantine. 

It also fell on what would have been my grandma's 99th birthday. And since the two were the same day, my mom bought us a pinata to celebrate (we all did a pinata on my grandma's 95th birthday, since she had never had one before- we we hit it with her cane!) 

But, the weather was crappy, so I cleaned out the garage to do it in there. 

And of course, the pinata was coronavirus themed! 

I hung it up in the garage and surprised the boys with it. 

And got my mom on Zoom so she could see. 

And then we took some swings at it. 

Even I got to swing at it. 

And we finally broke it, sending the boys scurrying for the candy. I got good stuff too, they were really excited about it. 

It was a fun way to celebrate both events. 

So thanks, grandma! 

And then, Asa got an award at work, and we were treated to Ford's garage to celebrate!! 

We got burgers AND Mac and Cheese! 

That night was also debate night. Busy day, right? I didn't intend on making debate bingo, but Peyton was disappointed. He was like 'but you HAVE to'. So, of course, I did. (And then Peyton didn't even watch.) 

But Hayden was excited about it, so that worked. 

Etta was unimpressed with the debate. I, however, would like a shirt that says 'Will You Shut Up, Man?' They exist. I saw them on Amazon today. 

We also got several bingos- because it was pretty predictable. Except for the time Trump told a white supremist group to "stand down and stand by" 

And as always, Twitter didn't disappoint. 

Day 201- Wednesday, September 30 

The Lightning came back to Tampa after being in their bubble in Edmonton for the whole playoffs, with the Stanley Cup, so that's cool. 

Also cool: THE WEATHER!!! 

In fact, we had the doors open ALL. DAY. 

Which, is very exciting the first day you can do that. (We had a few days in a row with them open, but the last week or so, it's been hot again). 

I even wore my sweatshirt taking Ellie for her morning walk. 

And when everyone got up, they all rejoiced for the doors being open. 

We even had lunch outside (our leftovers). 

And an after lunch walk, without coming back sweaty. Amazing! 

Tuesday nights the boys are rotating cooking dinner. Peyton treated us all to a bowl of his ramen this Wednesday (We got take out on Tuesday, so he got pushed back a day). 

And I'm not usually a big fan of one bowl dishes, but this was actually pretty delicious. 

Peyton's actually a pretty good cook (he made us omelets tonight that we're delicious- but I'll get to that blog eventually). 

And if it's cool enough for an after lunch walk, it's certainly cool enough for an after dinner walk. 

Ellie and Hayden joined Asa and I for a trip around the loop. 

It was so inviting outside. I can't wait until it happens again. 

We strung together a couple of good days. 

And now, we're to October, so I'm only two weeks behind. I'll get you caught up asap. 

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