You know all those 'this year <insert random event> looks a little bit different' commercials? Well, luckily, this year, our anniversary didn't have to look different. Sure, we picked Fort Wilderness for our three night stay because we booked it nearly a year ago- and knew no matter what we could social distance at the cabins. But, we also really love the place. We last spent our anniversary here for #6 back in 2016, with the boys tagging along (Remember when those boys were underage and had to go everywhere with us? That seems like such a distant memory now!)
This time we'd be going back, just the two of us. Which made it the first time ever just the two of us stayed at the cabins. It's a lot of room for just two people, but it was nice to spread out a bit and just have some quiet time. Because, sometimes it's hard to get time just the two of us around here (especially in the last 15 months!) You see, Asa is an excellent, attentive husband. But, he's also a very attentive dad, and fur parent, not to mention how attentive he is to his students. So, there's only so much attention to go around. It's so nice when we just get to hang out, and I get all the attention he has to give.(There's no attention like Asa's!)
And the cabins are perfect for soaking all that in.
I took most of the cabin pictures right before we left, so it's not as nice as it was when we first showed up. But, in the cabins you get a bedroom, with a queen sized bed and a bunk bed.
A nice kitchen space with most things you would need. (Years ago they replaced the full sized oven with a convection oven, and that kind of sucks). But, you still have a stovetop, a full sized fridge, and a dishwasher. Plus a fully stocked kitchen everything from grilling utensils (because you have a grill outside) to a toaster.
And you get a nice little living space with a couch (that folds out), a chair, and a dining table that seats six.
Plus a big TV and lots of storage.
We arrived with all our Disney Springs food in tow, including the picnic basket full of things from The Basket at Wine Bar George.
There was so much food in this picnic basket we literally ate it over three meals (plus a little add ons we brought from home)! We saved most of the meat and cheeses for a true picnic. But we cut off some of the bread, and some of the 'worlds best jerky', and opened up the mac and cheese bites and the hummus.
And just like that, our fridge was fully stocked from Disney Springs.
Another fun part about staying at Fort Wilderness is the golf cart you use to get around. You can't drive around Fort Wilderness (only if you're coming or going- there is no parking around for cars up by the pool or the boats to get to the Magic Kingdom), just golf cart spots. Now, these are nearly 70 bucks a night, so keep that in mind- you'll want one for sure. You can take the internal bus around if you have to. But, seriously, the golf cart is SO fun.
We made our way up to Seven Seas Lagoon. You can catch the boat here to Magic Kingdom, but our passes currently block us out of the summer at MK. I was a little sad to see the beach on this side had been closed off. We used to love watching MK fireworks from here! A new hotel was supposed to be coming this way, but it was scrapped in all the Covid-cuts. So now, it's just kind of overgrown.
After taking a trip around we headed over to the quiet pool.
And later, for snacks, we had *some* of our donuts from Everglazed. So these things are HUGE. Like, I cut mine in fourths and it took me four days to eat it. Asa, who doesn't like sweets as much as me, ended up bringing half of his donut home to share with everyone. (Mine was the Nutella Boston Crème, Asa's the Peanut Butter Explosion).
June 17th this year fell on a Thursday (the same day of the week we were married!). And take note this marked 4,017 days married (I know this because it wasn't too long ago Asa had set a reminder that we'd been married 4,000 days!)
It's so strange that it's been 11 years. It simultaneously feels like forever, and yet never enough. It took us awhile to hit our stride, but I feel like we work like a well oiled machine most days. It's like a blissful autopilot of a marriage. We spend every day, all day, together, and I could still stand to spend more time with him. I just know that I have it really good. Because it's not the cliche 'oh I'm married to my best friend'... like, no, I'm actually married to my best friend. Like, I don't even know who second place is. He's just my favorite person. And, I know he'd say the same about me.
He's the guy who tucks me in every night, makes my coffee in the morning, and vacuums the house after a long day of work just so I don't get the allergy sniffles. The guy who cleans my pond out, and takes my dog (that he hates) to the vet, and takes all the kids to their dentist/doctor/school appointments. All without ever complaining. He even plays Overcooked with me, and he HATES overcooked.
Sure, we have our disagreements. Sometimes I have to remind him of something three or four times, with the annoyed tone of 'babe, we talked about this', but he's always the first one to own up to his missteps and apologize. It's a trait I'm still working on. And he's patient with me while I do.
He's learned to help mange my anxiety over the years. He can instinctively tell it's a high anxiety day. He doesn't ask why anymore, because he knows there isn't always an answer. Instead, he'll turn the air down and pop into out room to lay my weighted blanket over me, all without ever being asked. For good measure I usually get a kiss on the forehead and the lights turned down low.
In the funner times, nobody makes me laugh more than Asa. Nobody makes every outting feel like an adventure the way he does.
He just makes life better, with a back rub or a warm hug (a really warm hug, he's like my own personal space heater!) Everything he does, he acts like it's no big deal. he shrugs it all off and chalks it up to being his 'love language'.
But he is kind of a big deal. I can't imagine my life without him. He takes care of us all, loves us all fiercely, and would do anything we ever asked of him-big or small.
Basically, what I'm saying is I know I have it good. I know I'm very lucky that I spent the last 15 months being cooped up with a guy I adore this much. So, as we start year 12, I wouldn't really change anything.
Love you, babe.
Here's to the next 12 and beyond.
Oh, did I also mention he's the guy that will take a hair dryer to swimsuit if it's wet and we're about to hit the pool (without me even asking)! On this particular morning though, he was drying our shoes which were still a bit wet from the rain the day before.
Some people at Fort Wilderness decorate their golf carts. We've never done this before, but I figured now was as good of time as any, so we ordered this cute little 'Happily Ever After' banner for our golf cart.
And we packed a picnic brunch. We brought a long things we had gotten the day before at The Basket at Wine Bar George (meats, cheeses, crackers, bread, jerky, leftover hummus), but we added in some things I brought from home: the delicious garlic and rosemary almonds Allison introduced me to, some dried Mango from Trader Joes, some grapes, and even a bottle of wine I had ordered from Aldi's before we left.
Come on, isn't that just the cutest?
There's plenty of nice open green spaces for a picnic at Fort Wilderness. For Thursday's Anniversary picnic we headed up to the meadow area by the bike barn and spread out our picnic blanket.
We picnic a lot on bike rides, and I had picked up silicone wine glasses months ago for that purpose, but I finally sprung for the plates/napkins/silverware/cutting board combo on Amazon for our anniversary. It all comes contained in this nice little case (that looks kind of like one of those old CD cases). But, it's just nicer (and more environmentally friendly) than using paper plates all the time.
Oh, and there is napkins too! We also brought along the little portable speaker for some Disney music!
Favorite picnic of the year.
Once we were all done eating, we laid on the blanket and enjoyed the scenery. It was actually a really nice day. I suspect that a tropical system in the gulf was keeping things overcast, but that just means it's way cooler than the average nearly-summer day.
Fort Wilderness is also home to Disney horses! Up at the front of Fort Wilderness you'll find regular old horses for riding (stay tuned: we did that too!), but in the back at the newly built Tri-Circle D Ranch you'll find all kinds of horses: from the ponies that pull Cinderella's carriage, to the draft horses that pull the wagon rides, to the horse used by the Headless Horseman for Halloween.
Sadly, you can't pet any of the horses here. In the old barn you could pet the ponies, they were just out and around behind a wood fence. But, the new one keeps you at arms length. Still, I never pass up an opportunity to see any horses.
We then decided to head on out to Disney Springs. We wanted to go into World of Disney and see if we could find some cute matching coffee mugs.
We did spot a vending machine with face masks in it just outside the store (we live in a weird timeline, don't we?)
We nosed around the store a bit. I particularly enjoyed this water bottle that looks like a scream container.
And there is a lot of new Up stuff.
Ultimately, we ended up with one coffee mug (no cute matching ones), and a magnet. We even got to use the new mobile checkout, and check ourselves out on our phone. It was the very first day World of Disney was debuting it. It was super easy, and even applied our passholder discount. Two thumbs up. Highly recommend.
And then we decided to head on over to the Hangar Bar.
We're still not quite ready to eat inside. But, most of the Hangar Bar seating is outside, so that works out. I was excited we even got seated out on the "boat" (it's just a deck that looks like a boat).
We had a lovely view of The Boathouse, and all the amphicars coming and going.
Asa has wanted a giant pretzel for awhile. We almost got one at Baseline, but opted for the steak pie instead. And, well, the Hanger Bar's pretzel is the best deal. It's 8 bucks, but it is huge. And soft and crunchy all at the same time. Perfect. The cheese and mustard are nothing to write home about, but the pretzel is really the star anyway. And as a bonus it comes on the fun airplane rack.
Now, special items come and go from the Hangar Bar all the time, but The Bacon of Doom just came back after being off the menu for awhile. So what is The Bacon of Doom you ask? According to Disney it's: Thick-cut Applewood-smoked Bacon dipped in The Ganachery’s Milk Chocolate and Chipotle Ganache. And it's served with your choice of a shareable "smoked cocktail" (It really is enough for two- or even three people). We went with the Trusty Revovler: Bulleit Rye Whiskey, Tipplers Orange Liqueur, and Luxardo Cherries. Smoked and served with an Ice Sphere.
Now, it is $32. So, had it not been our anniversary, we wouldn't have gotten this. It's really a special occasion type of thing. But it isn't a bad deal. You can get the bacon on it's own for $13. But, it won't come with the cocktail (and thus no smoke). But if you get the whole thing, you get a show when they bring it out and release all the smoke.
And I mean, look at that presentation.
Now, I had a little bit of the cocktail, and I had to water it down. Because, I am not a drinker. Asa had the rest of it, and was a happy guy after that. Oh, and you get ice spheres, which is how all the fancy people have their cocktails.
But the bacon, you guys. The bacon is AMAZING.
It's thick cut applewood bacon, cooked perfectly. And they pair it with chocolate from The Ganachery right across the way (the chocolate there, by the way, is awesome) And not only is it dipped and coated in it, but you also get little crystalized bacon pieces on the outside. There is chili involved, but it's really in the background. Don't let it scare you off if you're not a spicy food person.
The chocolate will melt fast, but the bacon and everything holds up. It tasted like it was dipped seconds before it showed up at our table. And you guys, I am not usually a sweet and savory person like that. Bacon is fine, but I'm not a fantatic or anything. But this. THIS. It was the best thing we ate all week.
I am, also a chocolate person, and you better believe I asked for a fork to scrape off and eat the chocolate that was stuck to the cutting board after you pulled off the bacon.
We also asked for a Teddy's Tea (no ice) to go, so I could take it back to the cabins with me. It's green tea with mint and tangerine, and it's named after Teddy Roosevelt! It's my favorite non-alcoholic drink on Disney property. I read somewhere you can order it spiked (it's like a secret menu item, and it's called the Bull Moose- because, Teddy, get it?)
After our trip to Disney Springs we headed back to Fort Wilderness and over to the bike barn. At the Bike Barn you can grab things like tennis rackets or basketballs, or even get out the shuffleboard equipment. And then there's some things you have to pay for. You can take an archery lesson, rent bikes, or take out the canoes and kayaks. So, while the archery is expensive, our canoe trip was a whopping 8 bucks.
Every time we had rented canoes from the bike barn before you couldn't take the whole loop around the campgrounds- because some of the canals were too low. But, lucky for us, there had been a lot of rain recently, so we were able to take the whole loop around! (Though some areas were really shallow).
We even spotted a few turtles, and couple of deer!
It took us about 45 minutes to paddle all the way around, but we loved our trip.
But when we were done we were ready for the pool, or sure.
After some swimming we decided it was time to take our yearly picture-in-picture. Every anniversary since our second one, we've taken a picture of us holding a picture of the previous anniversary.
A few years ago we got a tripod and a clicker for my phone camera, and since then, Asa thinks it's hilarious to click the picture while I'm trying to get things centered and set.
Except now I know he's doing it (the first couple years I didn't).
I half contemplated making this one our official picture in picture for year 11. It accurately portrays our relationship, I feel.
We do take the picture in a couple different spots before deciding on 'the one'. We did the back of the golf cart, just like our 6th anniversary. But, we thought the picture looked too far away.
So we ended up with this one as our official picture. I've even already ordered it. I know we're off-center, but the picture in picture isn't, and that's really the star of the show anyway.
The closer up ones were nice, but Asa had a lot of glare in his glasses.
While we had the tripod out we took a couple of other cute pictures.
And then we were off to dinner. So, one of the cool things that's come from all the pandemic changes at Disney is table service restaurants- to go! You used to have to either get yourself a dining reservation or you were out of luck. But now, you can order take out. We decided to go over to the Polynesian to get Kona Cafe To-Go, and we quickly figured out the place was like a ghost town.
A couple of hotels remained completely closed, and a couple remain only open to Disney Vacation Club Members. The Polynesian is in the middle of a refurbishment, and so it's just DVC there right now. And it is EMPTY.
You'll never EVER see this lobby this empty. It just does not happen.
So you order your food to go, and they'll place it on this counter once it's ready. It's a great set up.
We were there primarily for the sushi from Kona, but the noodles down at the quick service (Captain Cooke's) looked appealing, so we ordered some of those too. While Asa waited up at Kona, I ran downstairs to pick up the Captain Cooke's noodles. I had to pass by an abandoned Ohana though, and that was sad. O'hana has been closed since March (it is FINALLY reopening in July though!). But you can see all the chairs stacked in the back by the windows- and that's sad.
Captain Cooke's was also very, very empty. Usually this is quite the hub of activity.
It didn't take long to get my noodles, so I headed over to meet Asa in the lobby.
We had packed our cooler backpack with a bottle of wine, and our cake from Amorette's, and brought along our picnic basket so we could find a quiet place to eat outside. Turns out that wasn't difficult at all- because the whole place was quiet. But, as we headed toward the beach, I rounded the corner and saw the very tippy top of the castle. I haven't seen even the tippy top since December 2019. I nearly cried. I believe my exact words when I spotted it was 'be still my heart'. You have to look REAL close in the picture, but it's there. I promise.
Off we went to the virtually abandoned beach to eat dinner with Seven Sea's Lagoon, and the castle as our backdrop.
With our wine and our cake.
And all of our take out.
We had the noodles, sushi, and lobster mac & cheese. Well, some of it. We also ended up taking a lot of leftovers back to the cabin with us!
Now, it wasn't a conventional anniversary dinner. But it sure was unique. An empty resort, a beach to ourselves, take out Disney table service? All unheard of a year ago! And, except for the take out (which I SO hope sticks around), none of it will likely ever happen again- and certainly not in June.
After dinner, I got myself a Dole Whip, because their might not be many people at the resort but the pineapple lanai is open! It was my first Dole Whip in probably two years. And it was delicious.
I even ate it inside... in an empty lobby!
We also nosed around the gift shop a bit too. Again, a total ghost town.
Back at Fort Wilderness, our fridge was filling up with leftovers. I even put Teddy's Tea in a pitcher (so I could spike it later).
And then we went for a golf cart ride.
Asa was super excited when we (cart #4909) parked next to cart #4910.
We nosed around the meadows gift shop a bit. Most things are back to normal in the gift shops, but there are a few social distancing signs remaining.
While Trails End and the Hoop Dee Doo Review remain closed at Fort Wilderness, you can get take out (stay turned) at P&Js, or you can get yourself some drinks at Crockett's Tavern. The bonus here is that you order your drinks from the outside window...
...and then enjoy them on the front porch in rocking chairs.
I got the Blackberry Lightning, which is one of my favorites. Asa got some long island iced tea thing, but the drink was STRONG. So strong in fact, I had to drive the golf cart back. Safety first!
Arcades are the latest newly opened thing at Disney resorts. We went in hoping to find an air hockey table, but there wasn't one.
We do have another anniversary tradition, started on our wedding night-- when we jumped into the hotel pool complete in our wedding attire.
So, if possible (sometimes weather does not permit)- we jump into some "body of water" in our anniversary clothes. It's been the Gulf of Mexico, random fountains, various resort pools- and even our neighbors pool. This year it was in the quiet pool just across the street from our cabin.
So at least we had a short ride back to our room in our wet clothes!
The next morning we were up and ready to enjoy our last full day at Disney. We decided Friday would be our Fort Wilderness day- to soak it all in.
We had our morning coffee, and instead of using the tiny cabin coffee mugs, Asa made mine in my new Tangled mug. This is one of my favorites. I saw it, and knew I had to have it (I had gotten it at World of Disney on our anniversary). Also note, I'm wearing my hoodie. I let Asa keep the cabin as cold as he wanted- and he kept it COLD.
We also spent Friday working on all of our leftover food. So we packed another picnic..
and headed out to find a good picnic spot.
Perfect! The Seven Seas Lagoon!
Not a bad spread.
We brought along our speaker again for some music and enjoyed the beach.
And since we were up that way, we decided to visit the horses at Tri-Circle D Ranch again.
It's worth noting, if you do have little kids, this is where you can take them for pony rides (you can see the track a bit there behind me).
Also worth noting: while (fully vaccinated) guests don't have to wear masks indoors, everyone still has to wear them on Disney transportation. We found this sign when we passed by the bus stop for the Magic Kingdom.
It is a little weird, maybe even a little sad, to see how empty some places at Disney are. Usually this place is hoppin- thanks mostly to the very popular dinner show Hoop Dee Doo Review. But, most of the time we were up at the settlement, it was totally dead.
even the gift shop up that way was only open 11-5.
That little speaker we have, though, was excellent for golf cart music. We got some honks for our choice of 90s music when we switched from our Disney playlist to the one we made for the pool over at the neighbors house. California Lovin' at sundown was particularly popular.
More coffee! You guys, I love this mug. And, note the Disney Parks channel in the background. I wish they'd put this on Disney Plus. Yes, I know it's just park hours and show times with Disney music in the background, but it just makes you feel like you're at Disney. And after last year, it was oddly comforting to put it on while I sat quietly with my coffee.
Fort Wilderness has lots of little extras, and one of those is horseback riding. We thought about doing this weeks ago, but the recreation line even puts you on hold for hours. So we decided we'd just head up to the barn when we got there and see if there were any available time slots for horseback riding while we were staying there. There was: but only two times to choose from (and they go out like 5 times a day!) Luckily, we were able to nab a Friday 12:30 spot for two.
We signed in, and they weighed us (discreetly of course- to know which horse to give us) and sent us over to wait at our assigned table with our helmets.
All of us rode these horses five years ago. I remembered, because we did it for the last summer Olympics. When people in our group were getting on their horses, I overheard some of the horses names including Bart and Bonanza, and I was pretty sure those were Calib and Peyton's horses. I confirmed with one of the guides they had been there that long- and checked the blog when I got home (and I was right- those were their horses!)
Also new from five years ago: they let you bring your phone for pictures. Everything else they have you tuck in a (free) locker, but they let you take pictures before and after the trail ride (not during- you have to give your horse your full attention then).
So, this is Asa on his horse, Major.
And me on my horse!
This is Winston, or Winnie.
He was super pretty.
Now Asa had a real big horse, and Major, they said was 'a MAJOR tailgater'. He REALLY liked to get on the horses ass in front of him. Asa constantly had to tell him to back up. There was an extra guide on our trip though, and she rode near us most of the time and helped out. Usually there isn't a guide in the middle, but her horse (Cash) needed to loose some quarantine weight so he was going out extra. She also told us it was the first day cast members who worked outside could finally shed the masks. So she was excited to be out on the trail mask-free.

Our ride out on the trail was lovely. You get about a 45 minute ride, along a pretty simple trail. My horse was a fan of social distancing and did not love the guides horse riding near him, or the horse behind him getting up in his business. Winston actually jumped back a couple of times. And, you aren't supposed to let them eat the grass, but Winston took one giant bite and I had to pull him back. I did my best, but man, he was determined.
We had so much fun though. I hadn't ridden horses in (five!!) years. And, it's like one of my favorite things to do.
The nice guide who rode next to us most of the time was off her horse and took us around so we could take pictures.
Back at the cabin, we made some drinks and played some cards. Note: those are cards from Chicago, from when we went on our Honeymoon.
And for lunch we decided to heat up some chicken tenders to eat with all of our Chicken Guy sauces.
I also had some Teddy's Tea to go along with it!
We also brought some bubbles along. (Note to self: next time ALSO bring sidewalk chalk. A cabin in our loop had all these cute drawings in their driveway).
We headed back down to the big pool after lunch.
Mostly because we wanted to hit the waterslide (see behind us there). It was a bit busy, but it was nice to see the lifeguards and pool entertainment cast members so happy with their masks off! (A little weird, but you could tell they were thrilled). It was however weird to hear so many kids screaming again.
After our time at the pool we hung out at the cabins for awhile,
and then got ready for dinner (and took a dip kiss picture- another wedding original).
We had some leftovers, but we also decided to try P&J's Southern Take Out for dinner. You could mobile order, but once we got up there and selected 'I'm here, prepare my food' it still took awhile. So we hung out on the back of the golf cart and waited outside the restaurant.
When it's ready they let you know, and then you can go in and pick it up.
You do go into Trail's End (still closed) to get it though, and that made Asa very sad. Trail's End is one of our favorites.
But hey, take out success!
Basically, P&J's is serving up the food you would get at Hoop Dee Doo Review- chicken, ribs, sides, that sort of thing. So we got the meal for two. It was good, but not as good as watching the show while you eat!
Later that evening we went on a golf cart spin.
And then made smores.
You do get a grill with your site- but we didn't utilize it for anything other than toasting some marshmallows.
So, the bed in the cabins is queen (and we're used to a king), so I kept joking around with Asa that I was going to sleep in the top bunk. He was not amused when he came out of the shower and I was up there. But, I thought it was hilarious.
There's still a bit of our trip left, but checkout day was Saturday, so I'll go ahead and tac that on to the next blog. There are plenty of pictures in this one!
Next Up: Go home day.