Monday, October 24, 2022

Fall in Florida

 It's been a crazy week or so around here, but before I get to all of that, I had a blog started before the craziness commenced. So, I will get you all caught up on that first. About two weeks ago, I finally made it back down to the pool. It's been awhile, but the water has gone from 'bathwater' to 'just a little chill when you first get in', with the latter being more appealing to me. With everyone in school during the day, we usually have the place mostly to ourselves. 

We also finally made it back to Beasley's Farm. Between car drama and schedules, I wasn't sure we'd be able to make it out there for their fall festivals- which they held every weekend in October. Obviously, there were the usual things, including the $10 Produce box. 

And the goats to feed... 

And the chickens to visit... 

But there was also a whole bunch of fall activities. A maze. Pony rides. Pumpkins, all that sort of thing. 

But what I was MOST excited about, and what made me determined to make it out there was when I read they were having a "baby goat arena" where you can visit with, pet and even HOLD a BABY GOAT. Um, yes please. 

Asa held Jack, who was happy to just hang out. He wasn't squirmy or anything. 

I held Diva, who despite the name, was equally as friendly. 

Seriously, look how excited I was when they first handed her to me. I'm pretty sure I've never held a baby goat before, and I was in love. You know me and animals. I'm pretty sure there's no other way to dump large quanities of saratonin in my brain. 

Of course, no visit to Beasley's Farm is complete without a visit to see (and feed Bella). 

I don't know the smaller cows name, but she (or he) is as qually friendly. 

Saturday (and Sunday) were also home improvement days. We were gifted one of those new fancy locks for our door, and I installed it pretty easily. 

I also decided to try and get a new dog gate- we often try to block the dogs out from the front of the house. It makes it easier when someone comes to the door, and just for generalized barking (there's no dogs walking by in the back of the house- so they only seem to bark when Huck and Murphey are out in the back). Our old dog gate was basically just an old piece of wood, but I foudn this retractable one and thought I'd give it a go. The bad news is that Porkchop can easily fit underneith it. But, it does keep everyone else out, and it's easy to come and go through it. 

We did have our first cold snap of the year- I'm talking lows in the 40s. (Luckily, it has sinced warmed back up), but Phenom and I were ready for the cold weather. 

Sweaterless Porkchop just bundled up in a fuzzy blanket. 

Asa and I had date night. We swung by the Panera over by the old house and used up the rest of our gift card our neighbor had so kindly given us for watering his plants while he was on vacation. 

And then we nosed around Greenwise for a bit (sadly, we didn't see Jenn). We did however end up with Jones soda and sushi, which I sent to Peyton with the caption "miss you". 

And then we made our way out to the Starkey Ranch library. Ours still is not open (although they just announced it would be opening on November 14!!! This is not a drill, I cannot WAIT to have a library 10 minutes from me. This 30-40 minutes stuff SUCKS). Anyway, if a class seems worth it to us, we'll make the trek to Starkey Ranch. 

And Asa was quite interested in the hard cider/meade making class, so I tagged along. It was a good time, though we narrowly missed out on the gift card give away to a local brewery. 

A second cold morning for us here in Florida. Nooms kept his sweater on and I dug out my leggings. 

But by mid afternoon, it had warmed up, and I was ready for an outdoor project. 

Our back patio alcove has been pretty bare since we moved in. The grill was out there, and Dipper's litter box, but I thought we could do better than that. I've been convinced since Calib got his new bed that I could use his old mattress to make an outdoor couch. I'd seen enough of them on Pinterest to believe I could do it. So, off to Lowes we went for the base: Some cinder blocks. I lined those up how I thought I wanted the couch, and then I got to cutting the mattress down with one of those electric knives. 

I wasn't sure that the surface area of what I had and what I was thinking would work out, So I started with the one long piece against the wall and worked from there. 

Turns out I didn't have quite enough mattress foam to cover the whole area. You can see the L shape portion of the couch is missing foam. So, I debated my options. 

I decided to head back to Lowes, buy a couple more cinder blocks (and caps) and make it like a little armrest/table at the end. 

Now, eventually I am going to get some wood to act as a platform (it's not solid cinder blocks, more just an outline- but the foam is so dense, it works without it, for now). That way I can put it on hinges, and you can open it up for some storage. But, only storage in the long section. The L shaped section is a secret hideway for the tortoise, Delano.  I discovered if I simply turned one of the cinder blocks on it's side, he could crawl right in there and have his own little den

I have ordered some fabric to make covers for the cushions- but it just arrived yesterday, so I haven't gotten around to it yet. However, for now, we just have some old sheets on it, so you can still sit out there pretty comfortably. 

In fact, on cold nights, under some blankets it was very cozy. (Fun fact: We aren't telling Peyton about any of the new stuff to see what Peyton notices upon return). 

It's gotten warmer the last few days, so we've spent very little time on the patio. However,  Ellie will hang out with me on cooler days. And Asa and I did have a lovely charcuterie lunch out there the day after I built it, complete with all of our finds from Greenwise. 

We also finally made our way down to the new Main Ingredient store that opened up at the end of our subdivision. The place is full of all kinds of local things- lots of spices, and tons of teas. 

So, while I can go get my tea at Main Ingredient, Asa can get his coffee at Aroma Joes, and it makes for an awesome bike ride trip. 

Friday night, our neighbor, T'Ola, invited us over for sort of a going away get together. If you've read my blog lately, you know I've just been devastated by this. T'Ola cooked everyone dinner, and even bought a Nothing Bundt Cake- and then sent us home with ALL the leftovers. We also met some of her other friends, who ALSO sent us home with leftovers. 

We ate so good all weekend- with leftover cornbread, gumbo, short ribs, asparagus, chicken wings, and cake. 

We had offered to take T'Ola out for a going away brunch on Saturday, though I did tell her if it was too much Corinne and Asa in a 24 hour period, I'd totally understand if she wanted to reschedule. But, she must not have been too sick of us, because we made it to First Watch the next morning. 

Sunday was a rough football day for us (this year's been rough). But, we're taking it ok. I mean it hasn't been that long since we won the Super Bowl, and we're kind of resigned that it's just not our year. We have books, an outdoor couch, and tacos to help make it a little better. 

Last week was T'Ola's last week in her house, so we were helping her out with some stuff. We told her we'd take care of some things- like her curtain rod and her porch swing- while she was at work, and then sent her the pictures that we'd "completed our chores". 

As for your Waterstraut kid update: Peyton is still off having a great time in the UK with Jasmine. We hear from them every once in awhile, just so we know they're doing well and alive (I tell Peyton to send me "proof of life" texts so I know not to worry). Hayden has become the new Peyton around here, fully cycling to basically sleep all day and be up all night. But, Hayden's been working and doing well on WGU Academy, and is on pace to be a full blown WGU student in the next few months. Hayden's also been enjoying not having a roommate. Calib, meanwhile, is about to start his first term and WGU (and possibly a new job, we'll see). Anyway, turns out Calib's Pell Grant was eaten up mostly by ONE semester at USF, while Peyton, working off the same Grant hasn't had to pay a dime in two years at WGU with Asa's discount (that tells you how ridiculously expensive college is). Anyway, realizing the true cost of continuing at USF, Calib has opted not to take out loans and instead transfer to WGU. But, between what's left of his grant and Asa's hefty discount, Calib still owed a decent chunk. Here he is applying to the University of Grandma for a scholarship over Zoom. (Calib starts November 1, so we'll see how he likes WGU. Asa always says it's not for everyone). 

Also in your kid update, Calib made me a poptart and asked how done I liked it, to which I replied "medium well", and he basically gave me a rare one. Maybe medium rare. And yes, that's now how we categorize cooking poptarts. 

I leave you with your Waterstraut Dog pictures. 

Next Up: A whopping 36 hours in Ohio. 

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