Friday, May 18, 2012

Week 40: Birthday Party, Cheesecake, Jelly Bean, Boom!

Yesterday, I found my ipod. Today on my way to whole foods (cuz, hello it's $1 hamburger patty day- just in time to stock up for our Memorial Day Burger- minus the Bean Game-bash) I listened to my ipod (thank you Honda Fit for this radio feature!). And sadly.. very very sadly, I could not remember all the words to 'It's the End of the World as We Know it'. My freshman year in college, I learned all the words. I learned them by listening to the song multiple times a day. So many times in fact, my roommate posted in the rules to our room that I could only listen to it once per day. Then, I convinced her we should also learn the words to 'We Didn't Start the Fire'. I wonder how many of those words I remember. Anyway, there's a nod to my freshman year in college. Which was 13 years ago. God help me. 

Also, when did staying super late at school become a privilege? As I type this Calib is still at school, at 8 pm on a Friday. And he will be there until midnight. He read 15 Sunshine State Books this year, and therefore gets to stay at the Sunshine State Party the entire time (kids who read less leave earlier in the evening). I guess there's pizza involved. He's been pretty excited about this for months. He better be up and ready for the fresh market early though, Peyton has a birthday party to be at by 1:30. Meanwhile, I'm typing watching the boys play Disneyland Kinect Adventures. Maybe we can use the game to convince Hayden to get slightly more brave. I'd love to be able to hit Splash Mountain a little more consistently. Let it be known the jokes on the Jungle Cruise are way better on the video game. Who's a princess who weighs 5000 pounds and wears a glass slipper? Cinderella-phant! Ha! 

So, this week's blog may be a little lacking. Usually I write things down throughout the week. And, I could say I've been busy- because I have. This week I've made a quilt, did 20 songs on DDR everyday, got all my normal chores done, did flight investigating for my mom, read 3 books, and even went on a bike ride (although now I need to make a trip to the bike shop since my tire is flat)  However, I hate when people say they were busy, because it's not like I was lacking in time. Just motivation to do it. I'll be better this week, I promise. 

Last Saturday we took a trip out to Busch Gardens with our friends who have passes. Katie wasn't feeling up to riding a lot, so I had a non-riding buddy this time while Hayden and I went to see all the animals and everyone else went on the Cheetah Hunt. I've yet to be on it, someday- after I take a Dramamine. I also have a new bumper car strategy. I avoid being bumped. It's pretty entertaining actually. We climbed around Jungala some, and tried to get Hayden back on the Grover coaster- he had previously asked Kevin to go with him. But, he chickened out. As it started to get hot we decided it was time for lunch, so we all headed out.

After lunch at five guys, we were all going to go to adventure island. We'd tired Noah out so he was done for the day, and Justin didn't pack his swimsuit so I convinced Justin to take Noah home so Ann could go to Adventure Island with us. It was a really good time- despite the fact that our kids don't really get what the adjective 'lazy' means while on the lazy river- Until everyone else went off and I took Hayden to the kids area. Normally I don't mind. I just park it in the cool water in the shade and keep in eye on Hayden. This time I was sitting down watching him, and I saw a little boy take an inner tube, put it on the steps, and then climb up the steps on top of the inner tube. As I sat there watching Hayden watch the little boy, I thought to myself 'Hayden knows better, Hayden knows better'. Then I watched as Hayden set his inner tube down on the steps, and begin his climb. I immediately got up and started yelling to him to stop- but over the water he couldn't hear me. Before I got to him, he face planted into the steps. When everyone else came back I had to motion to them NOT to mention the giant scratches on Hayden's chin. He tends to freak out about stuff like that. That pretty much signaled the end of our day, and we headed home. 

Sunday was mother's day. We had planned on taking the boat out to Shell Key, but the weather wasn't really conducive for it. It was supposed to rain (which it didn't do until after we went to bed), and it was pretty windy out. So, I checked the 'Things to Do' section of the Tampa Trib and discovered that there was a Sunflower Maze (like a corn maze) about half an hour from us. We set out early with a picnic lunch in hand. It was pretty reasonably priced as far as Florida goes (stuff is so expensive here!) at $8 for adults and $4 for kids. Plus once you got in everything was free. We did the sunflower maze first, which was so much fun. At least until we got to the very end and ran into people. This group told us ahead of time it was the wrong way (what's the fun if you KNOW how to get out?), and then complained about the maze the entire time while their kids whined. I didn't get it, it's a maze, people. You might get lost in it. 

After we passed the whiny people and got out of the maze we went over to feed the cow, Rosie. She was very friendly, and the lady with her happily gave us chunks of zucchini to feed to Rosie. Calib got super slobbered on, which was pretty funny. Then we took a ride on the hayride to the other side of the farm. 

We fed the goats, checked out the chicken, and watched a couple of piglets race. (Their names were peanut, butter, and jelly! so cute!) There was an old treehouse to play in- complete with a chalk board- and old swings tied from tree branches to swing on. The boys also all planted me a sunflower in makeshift pot out of newspaper. This way when it starts to grow you just plant the whole thing in the ground and the newspaper biodegrades into the soil. 

The had other fun games. The duck race with the old school water pumps was super fun, as was the ball maze you moved with your feet. The boys really liked the non-mechanical Bull, too. (Pictures included- it's so much easier than explaining it all)

After we picnic lunched the skies were looking threatening, but we thought we could still squeeze in the blueberry picking that was just a few miles away. We picked about 3 pounds of blueberries. Peyton has eaten almost all of them, with the exception of the ones that were in the waffles for Waterstraut Waffle Wednesday- on Thursday. (I was a little behind the times with dinner this week)

When we got home I had dirty sock lines from being out on farms all day, so we figured the best way to remedy this was a trip to the pool. Because of the dark skies, there was only one other group of kids. They were kind of obnoxious and looked to be about 14. Asa whispered to me 'Do you think for Mother's Day those kid's moms were like- really, just get out of here!'

The rain held off as Asa made burgers on the grill for dinner. The really good Publix Kobe Beef ones! Then it was time for super lots of TV night. We all sat and watched the Once Upon A Time finale, and the Survivor finale, and at the end of the night Asa even let me sneak in the series finale of Desperate Housewives. 

It was a pretty great mother's day. I got some cute cards from Asa and the boys, and they all cleaned the house and were especially good on Sunday. 

Tuesday night was busy around here. Justin was over to play Catan with the mod's, and Ann came over to learn how to sew. I couldn't figure out how to get her machine threaded though, so I taught her on mine. Hopefully I was helpful enough for her to have learned a few things. I'm not an expert sewer, but I think I do alright.

Last night was hilarious. Hayden found Asa's work badge, and put on his glasses and walked around the house pretending to be Asa. "Yes! Week Advanced!" and "I'm going to go play Skyrim" were the most commonly used phrases. It got even funnier when Hayden sat next to Asa's work from home computer and started to pretend he was talking to customers. Less funny however, was when they put on my sunglasses and purse and pretended to be me. 

It was a normal work week for Asa, so he just got to work from home today. It seems like I accomplish so much more when he's at work, but I missed having him home so much. And as an added bonus, there's so much less laundry when he works from home. Anyway, today I woke up later than normal this morning, but he had all the kids up and fed and the dogs were let out. I wasn't behind schedule at all thanks to him. Plus I didn't feel guilty leaving the dogs to go out to Whole Foods, and the Tampa Downtown Market. 

Due to my lack of writing things down, I have no added bonuses for you. I'm such a failure. 

I do remember this conversation Hayden had with Peyton while alone in their room at night when they thought nobody was listening:
Peyton: "Hayden, you talk to much"
Hayden: "That's my thing Peyton. I talk to much. Like how video games is dad thing. And scissors is mom's thing."

Whatever that means. 

Up Next: Double Dates, Star Wars Weekends, and an Ocean Waterpark!! (I got the best groupon EVER this week!!) 

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