Thursday, May 31, 2012

Week 42: William Shakespeare and Other Dumb People

A blog on Thursday Night. Look out, people- things are getting ex-cit-ing!

Actually, I just have a lot to do tomorrow, and I'm trying to cross things off my list a little early. Laundry Folded, Blog Written- that sort of stuff. Because let me tell you, getting all my ducks in a row for summer vacation is a time consuming project. We are down to three days left of school. THREE DAYS!!!!

Now, this is very sad of course because all my kids won't be going to the same school- EVER AGAIN. To make matters worse, so far Peyton has been Ok-ed for school choice next year to return to Oakstead (since we live just outside the district) Hayden, however is on appeal because the originally rejected him. Their response when we called: 'We had no idea they were brothers'. Guess that spot for 'list siblings who go to this school' is for nothing. Anyway, if he doesn't get approved, he'll have to go to Odessa. I'm not about to take Peyton out of Oakstead his fifth grade school. So then I'll have to deal with three different schools. Oh boy, things are about to get real. Thank God I'm a stay at home parent or it would be complete chaos!

Again this week I failed to write anything down. As we get to the end of my weekly blog writing, I'm certainly getting lazier about it. My list is also not coming a long at all. I'll have to check out what theme weeks I can fit some stuff in. I'll have to go look and update, I haven't in awhile. So, anyway, forgive me if this seems a bit spacey or is lacking detail.

Saturday was pretty low key around here. Asa had to work since he was off earlier in the week. Plus, I can deal with crowds- but holiday weekends just become a bit much for me. The traffic is terrible, and the parks, beaches, and any sort of touristy thing is just super crowded. It's even frustrating to find a parking spot. I despise going out on holiday weekends so much I did all my shopping Friday so I could hermit it up on Saturday. Casey called and had Calib and Peyton over, so it was pretty quiet around the house. They got to swim in the Oakstead pool, which makes me slightly jealous. Granted the Suncoast Meadows pool services a whole lot less households, but it's not nearly as nice. I told Asa when we buy a house we need a pool, because that would be awesome. We did get the lawn mowed, the house all cleaned up and the dogs had a bath so it was a productive day.

Sunday we decided to go to the pool, crowds or not. It actually wasn't that bad, but the sky was getting awfully cloudy so I think people kind of stayed away from it. Somewhere along the way we lost Hayden's floaties though (ugh- and I was just at the dollar store today and forgot to pick some up, darn it!) We'll have to get some new ones, but I'm convinced he'd be just fine without them.

Sunday evening we had a cookout with some of our friends. It's nice to have the 'bigger' house to have people over in. Still loving the two separate living spaces. Anyway, Asa and I had picked up hot dogs and burgers and everyone else brought sides. Somehow we ended up with a ton of snack items left here, which has been great because the boys have been eating them all week and I didn't have to shop for after school snacks. Katie and Kevin brought Angela, and JD and Tracy brought little JD- so we even had some extra kids around.  It's much more fun to share the evening with you in pictures than to tell you what happened, so here goes.

First, JD was kind enough to tinker with my ddr pad and fixed it. I haven't used it this week, but when I do I'm sure I'm going to be thrilled to have it working again. Plus then everyone got to play on it and JD took some pretty funny video of Houston DDR-ing with his hands in his pockets, Ann trying to get the hang of it, and Asa sticking his butt out while his feet moved at the speed of light.
Fico was nice enough to take the kids down the park, and somehow got roped into playing connect four launchers with them. 

I'm not sure exactly when or how, but someone eventually decided a light saber fight was in order. Between us and JD there were 10 light sabers. I'm not sure my neighbors appreciated the madness that was going on, but we never got any complaints about it. So that's good.
Then we moved on to Apples to Apples, it reminded me lots of Taco Fiesta Nights in Huron. Those were good times, maybe I'll institute a Taco Fiesta Night here. Anyway, Katie whined about how she never wins. I'll give you one guess who won.

Then, things got weird...

By the end of the night we had some sleepy heads on our hands. 

Anyway, thanks to everyone who came out. And to everyone who listened to Hayden spew his usual nonsense. Sorry if you got sucked in.

It was 1 am by the time we all got into bed on Sunday night, and Asa had to work (though from home) on Monday so I let the boys sleep in. After they got up we decided to chance the weather and go out to Honeymoon Island. It was windy and cloudy, but on the upside not very crowded. Since it wasn't very cloudy we found some really great shells. Lots of hermit crab worthy ones. Peyton was so excited about them.

Funny thing about the beach. No matter how old you get digging a hole and playing in the sand doesn't really ever get old. We spent about an hour and a half at the beach and the boys were ready to go. They wanted to make it to the sprayground before it started raining.

About 5 minutes from Honeymoon Island is the Dunedin Sprayground. It's a nice little stop to wash off the sand and the salt. They just got a new playground put in, and theres always a little food truck there with very reasonably priced ice cream (we each got an ice cream sandwich for 85 cents). The boys happily played in the water until it started raining and then we headed home.

On Monday we also decided to turn our summer bucket list into theme weeks. So that night we sat down and planned out what themes we wanted to do and where they would fit best. I even let Calib pick which ones he would miss. I'm pretty excited for Game Week!

Tuesday night after school Calib and I went out to Saint Pete to go to a Rays game. As an early birthday present (he's so hard to shop for giving him tickets to things is so much easier) we got two tickets to the Rays vs. White Sox game and told him he could pick whoever he wanted to go with. He picked me, which Asa was happy to accept since he was still tired from work Monday and actually having to go into the office Tuesday (I felt like I was in solitary confinement without anyone home with me!) We stopped for dinner at Panera, and then headed to the game.
 Unfortunately, the Rays lost 7-2.  Even more disappointing, the 2 runs we scored Calib was in the bathroom for. It was the only time he got out of his seat the whole time. I think he had a good time anyway. He had gotten a card in the mail from his grandma and grandpa Kettner and used the money they sent to buy a Rays hat. We got home a little after 11, so he was pretty difficult to wake up for school the next morning.

Wednesday was Hayden's awards at school. They started at 10 and Asa had to work until 10. He made it just a minute before Hayden got his 'Friendly Helper Award'. Every kid gets some award, but he was pretty pleased with his. I had a good seat in the front row, so I was even able to get a cute picture of him on stage with Ms. Bazin.

After we left school, we stopped home for a quick change and lunch before Asa and I went out to Adventure Island. It's most likely our last date day for awhile, unless he's able to pick up a shift next Saturday. It was a nice day, warm and sunny so we did our usual couple of spins around the lazy river, and sometime spent in the pool before it was time to get the kids from school.


Which brings me to today, I spent the day making lists, typing out the boys summer rules and figuring out our point system for the summer. It's going to be pretty awesome. The boys will earn points for chores, good deeds, agree-ability, ect. Then on Sunday nights were going to auction off 'prize passes' for their points. Everything has a minimum bid of course, but there are some super fun prizes in there. We have the ultimate sleeper pass that lets you sleep in as late as you want. We have the Bedtime snack immunity pass where your bedtime snack won't be taken away regardless of a poor showing at dinner. You know, stuff like that. I also made up chore cards for each room, and gave them all point values. I got out my handy dandy laminator and made it all pretty. The boys are actually really excited about it.

I guess that's it for the week. I wrote nothing down this week, so I don't have any cute little funny stories to tell you. Gosh, I have to be better at that next week.

Up Next: Field Trips, Birthdays, Family Visits and SUMMER VACATION!!

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