Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Week 13: Why did the bacteria fail the math test? He thought multiplication was the same as division.

*cough cough, sneeze sneeze*

Disclaimer: Be sure to Lysol your computer after reading this, as our germs are everywhere.

Asa has been sick for over two weeks now. Should he go to the Doctor? Yes. Have I told him to go to the Doctor? Of course. Has he listened to me? Of course not. And now, not only does he have the audacity to not listen to me, but he's spreading his germs to the entire family. I just came down with it two days ago, and Hayden spent the weekend with it. Which, of course we're all getting sick now. Just in time to go spread our germs throughout the country and give them to another Sattler. Sorry in advance, Clint and Jess. But, getting each others families sick is what me and my siblings do, so nobody should be surprised.

So here I am laying on the couch with my pillow, a roll of toilet paper (because the Kleenex was gone quite a few sneezes ago), and a cozy blanket trying desperately to get better before the weekend. I figured what better time to blog than being tucked into a nice warm fleece blanket, and sharing the couch with a gaggle of sleeping dogs. I don't have a lot to say this week though, because we spent all of it with someone being sick.

We didn't do a lot of activities this week. Some games of Bananagrams, and lots of Xbox since I bought battery packs so now all four boys can play Dungeon Defenders together. But on Wednesday we did play 'What's this?' Where the boys all were blindfolded and had to determine the food in front of them. Good news, nobody's anosmic. They all had spot on smelling, and got all the objects correct. Next time I'll just have to make it harder.

Big news of the week: Calib was named Student of the Month. He's usually Student of the Month in September or October, except for that one time he switched schools mid-year and was Student of the Month at his old school in September and his new school in March. Such an overachiever this boy is. I tried to congratulate him, but at first he was just really disappointed that he didn't get it sooner. You know, because two months into school is totally unacceptable. Peyton just gets annoyed at comments like these, and I can't say I blame him. Think Me and Clint. Same concept. Anyway, way to go Calib- even if it took TWO WHOLE MONTHS! *Sigh* Who's kid is this anyway?

Hayden got to borrow the book 'More Parts' from his teacher this week. He LOVES the book 'Parts' that we have at home, and this is the much anticipated sequel. He got in the car and was all "GUESS WHAT MOM?!?!?" Like he had won the lottery or something. I sure wish I could get that excited about a book. Speaking of though, I was nearly this excited when Brandy sent me a link to the new pixels game. I was so disappointed when it was over, and now I have fifty brand new puzzles. Hey Brandy, let me know if you find another grid detectives. I loved that one too.

We were supposed to hit some Fests this weekend- because this really is the time of year when the Fests come out in full force. Even funnier was when I was watching a show that totally makes fun of the suburbs there was a whole episode about suburbs and their festivals- which is too true. This weekend was the Airfest, the Chalkfest, Pioneer Fest, the Seafood Fest, and the Swamp Fest. This weekend is Sand Sculpting and Music fest, Festival of the Masters and the RibFest to name a few. We didn't make it to any though, because Hayden was laying on the couch under 15 covers saying how cold he was. Dun Dun Dunnnn... We're missing more this weekend, but only because we have plans. I'm over sitting at home on the weekend, and in true Waterstraut form, I'm going to the extreme of jam packing this weekend.

We did find time to use our Bowling groupon this weekend. We all used bumpers, because really theres no better way to bowl. We have discovered it really puts the kibosh on Peyton's poor sportsmanship if we pick a goal as a team. We said 450, and got 488. I told everyone not to talk about their individual scores as to not draw attention to the fact that Peyton was getting beat by everyone, Hayden included. It seemed to work. Everyone, including the people next to us, would get really excited for Hayden, giving him high 5's as long as he knocked down a couple of pins. This irked Peyton, but overall we avoided any pouting. It took forever to bowl two games though, because it took Hayden's ball like a year to get down the lane. At one point it was moving at a whopping 1.45 mph.

Sunday we watched the Bucs lose again. So depressing, but I said they'd go 8-8, and here we are mid season with 4-4, so that's pretty much where I expected them to be. They're still my hometown team, and I still love them. And, on the upside the worse they do the cheaper tickets will get and maybe we'll be able to make it to one more game before the season is up (I'm crossing my fingers for the Dallas Game- it's a Saturday Night Game- whoo wee!)

We did have to have the Santa talk with Peyton. I was hoping to get away with one more year, but he was asking too many questions. I knew it was coming, because a few months ago he was to the point where he didn't believe in the Easter Bunny, because how could a giant bunny hop around your house and hide eggs? But Santa, the guy who hits every house in the world in one night was totally feesable. I didn't want to tell him so close to Christmas, but I also didn't want him to ruin it for Hayden. He seemed completely unshocked at the news.

This week also saw Daylight Savings Time come to an end. I love that I got the extra hour of sleep, but I hate that it gets dark so early now. It was 5:45 last night and the boys had to come in because they couldn't see the football anymore. 5:45!! Crazy. But here I am complaining about them having to come in so early, when if I lived up north there'd be months when they wouldn't be playing outside at all. I don't know how you up north mom's do it. I would go crazy.

Thats all. I know it wasn't a very exciting week, but for busy weeks, or lazy weeks, I said I would write one a week. I should have more entertaining things to share next week though.

Awards for the week:

Funniest Comments:
Peyton: 'whats your favorite color?'
Me: "Pink"
Peyton "Thats so 80s"

Most Annoying:
The Realtor selling our house. He seriously called every day for a week.

Most Horrible Death:
The drowning of the Remote in the Washing Machine. (I'm sorry, Asa, I didn't see it in the covers!)

Highest Opinion of oneself:
This award goes to Hayden...
Me: "Hayden you have such a good imagination"
Hayden: "I know. I have all the ideas."

Up Next: Science Boards, Field Trips, and Smores!

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