Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 15: Laundry Today, or Naked Tomorrow!

Lets be realistic, I have nothing all that exciting to report this week. The illness really set in. Should I have gone to the Doctor? Probably, but I like to live on the edge, so instead I stayed under the covers, wore my pajamas and got out of bed as little as possible for the last five days. Asa worked from home, so he got the boys up and off to school. I'd wake up, realize there was nobody for me to get ready and off to school, hack, cough, and drink some water to ease my sore throat, and go back to sleep. There were days I slept through Asa's lunch break. But, in the interest of not sounding REALLY lazy, he does go to lunch at 10 am.

Luckily, we got off easy on the homework front this week too. Peyton had two field trips, one Monday and one Thursday, so he was pretty pleased with the week. Thursday he went to the EMC where they get to catch and release fish and other marine life, which is right up his alley. He was so jealous last year when Calib went. On the huge upside, this EMC is owned by the school district, and is therefore a free field trip. On the down side, they wade in mucky water and come back with dirty clothes and shoes in a muddy bag. It's kind of gross, but Peyton is still talking about it like it was the best thing ever. Oh man, I suddenly cannot wait to use our swim with manatees groupon!

I did spend a lot of my week planning. I have the Thanksgiving Menu, and we have instituted it to be Pajama Party Thanksgiving. Which, now I'm going to have to have a theme every year, you know. This came about due to my illness, and my suggestion that if I don't feel better we will all eat in our PJs. Asa then thought this was a good idea no matter what, so Pajama Party Thanksgiving was born. Justin needs to be getting himself appropriate attire for the event.

We also drew out our black friday plans this week. Calib wants a laptop for Christmas. God help me that I've gotten to that age. But, it's better than asking for a cell phone, I suppose. Originally I hated this all these stores opening at midnight thing, but now I'm thinking all of Friday won't be wasted due to us being super tired. So, bonus there.

I have completed my list of Christmas activities for us to do. I'm going to make a punch board, you know, like the one they have on price is right on that car game? We'll start that just after Thanksgiving. I'm pretty excited about it. Until then I have a few Thanksgiving activities and crafts up my sleeve. The boys have school Monday and Tuesday, so I'll be able to get everything together before they have the 5 days off.

Last, we made a list of houses in the area we're interested in. We finally made the decision to stay in the same school district. Though we could get more house for our money elsewhere, the boys don't want to leave their school, and I don't really blame them. Problem is here, you're looking at a very small area in a school district, not like Fremont where you either go to the public school or the private school. Luckily for us, a lot of people bought houses here in 2006 when they were ridiculously expensive, and will now sell them at a huge loss to get out from under them. Anyway, the list is complied.

By Sunday I was able to get off my butt and go to the grocery store. I should actually rephrase that. When I get sick, I super appreciate my ever so wonderful husband being super helpful. But, I know, it only lasts so long. After 5 days, the kids start eating like chips for a meal or something because theres nothing left in the house, the house falls completely to disarray with toys and games and books and dishes everywhere, and the laundry is piled to the ceiling. I have a shelf life for how long I can be sick. I've hit my limit, so for better or worse I have to get up, do some laundry, go the store, and fix a well balanced meal.

Anyway, I picked up most of what we need for Thanksgiving Dinner. I do not know why I buy cranberries. Nobody ever eats them, but somehow I just don't feel like it's thanksgiving without them sitting in the nicest bowl I have on the dinner table. I have a few more things to get, but the bulk of it is done. I also went and got a 20 pound turkey, because it was requested we have LOTS of leftovers. I wasn't going to argue. Leftovers mean less cooking for me, more use of the microwave. And, I'm ok with that. I also picked up the stuff for the 2nd Annual Pie Making Wednesday event thats occurring this week. Yea, it's pretty official. I'm going to be making lemon meringue and cookie pie. Oh, Pie. I love Pie. It's really underrated during ever holiday season. Christmas has cookies. Easter and Halloween have candy. Birthdays have cake. But Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving has pie. It is therefore, in my eyes, the superior dessert season. And, it deserves an event.

I wasn't going to watch the Bucs this week, because, well, their chance of winning was slim to none. But, I just can't look away. It's almost like a train wreck. However, I was surprised that they didn't get blown out, and this is probably the best I've felt after a loss. I could even bring myself to watch Football Night in America, and I can't usually do that after we lose. Plus, they didn't drool all over Aaron Rodgers the way they do Drew Brees. So, it was bearable.

Oh, and I was the top scorer in the world on Luminous for the week. I know it's only Sunday, but there I was top of the leader board. I'm pretty awesome like that. I also played lots of Pixel Puzzles on my Kindle, so many in fact, I have none left. I'm pretty sad about that.

Thats all, I have nothing else to report, because I've been quarantined to the bedroom most of the week. Think of all the funny things the kids must have done this week that I missed. How sad. There was one moment when Asa was trying to tell Hayden not to get Penelope (the cat) from the living room. It went something like this.

Hayden: I have to get Penelope
Asa: No, Peyton gets Penelope. If Peyton doesn't get her, she doesn't sleep in your room
Hayden: Ok, then I'm just going to get Penelope.
Asa: If Peyton doesn't get Penelope, nobody gets Penelope
Hayden: *stares at Asa*
Asa: So, what are you doing Hayden?
Hayden: I'm just going to get Penelope.
This continues for at least five minutes.
Asa: Hayden, whats wrong with your ears.
Hayden: I don't know. I'm just going to get Penelope
Asa: Hayden you're not listening with your ears.
Hayden: Ok. *stares*
Asa: So, what are you doing now Hayden
Hayden: I'm going to listen for my ears?

Also, MVP of the week goes to Porkchop for being a loyal puppy and sleeping next to me all week. I'd get up, he'd get up, I'd lay back down and he'd look at me like 'is it lay down time?' and come cuddle up with me. I LOVE my PUPPY!

Next Up: Pie Making, Pajama Parties, Midnight Shopping, and a Christmas Disney visit with Cort and Holly.

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