Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Week 22: Stressed Spelled Backwards is Desserts!

Here's the deal, folks.. It's Wednesday already (where did the week go) , so we're going to just do a quick recap of the weeks events in mostly pictures.. Here we go!

Wednesday we headed out to the FL Botanical Gardens to see all the twinkling lights, and get some hot chocolate. We saw triangle, teddy bear, and zombie palm trees (yea, for real), and discovered Phenom is a fan of teenagers, but not older ladies with walkers. We also learned Mom is only good at the quiet game until she wants to know what some random building in. Then, she's a monkey.

Later, we learned you can soften the blow of a Dicecapeds loss with some ice cream. It's also not impossible to balance a card on the little dice, and nobody can beat me in the flick the dice across the table challenge. I am victorious! It was an intense game though, resulting in a pictionary tie between Asa and Justin- which was awfully lame.

Thursday, Mom took me to Costco, and split the cost of a brand new gps with me- my half was the money I got from my grandma for Christmas. I now I have disembodied GPS lady to yell at- I couldn't be happier! I also got this nifty blender/chopper/wisker that I'm pretty excited to use. Quick someone email me a recipe that requires all three!

Nintendo Monopoly- not so much fun with kids who don't know the value of a dollar. I get it, you want a Monopoly- but you probably shouldn't pay $500 and four other properties to your brother to get such a thing.

A trip to the aquarium for their Christmas Events was in order Thursday night- the boys pet snakes, and star fish, waved at the Mermaids, checked out the sand carving, watched the light show, and took a spin on a train. When we got home Asa had completely tricked me and picked me up the penguin ice cream scoop that I thought was adorable- plus my Fraggles came- so it was like Christmas all over again!

Friday my mom and I headed out to Joanne Fabrics, and Kohls for some shopping. When we got home we had a quick dinner, and then went out to Wild Wonderland at the zoo. It was a good time- with free rides, free hot chocolate, lights, inflatable slides, and reindeer. Also, filed under Today I learned.. Penguins won't swim in the dark. Apparently this is due to an irrational fear that sharks will eat them. Also filed under the Today I learned.. alcoholic egg nog is disgusting.

Saturday was New Years Eve, so after a nice brunch complete with 'ball dropping' 2012 pancakes, we took a trip to Venice. While my grandpa doesn't live there any longer, it's kind of a Sattler family tradition to be there on New Years Eve. A stop at Pleasures and Treasures was in order, so Peyton could pick out a dead fish to add to his collection, and Hayden could get some more hermit crab shells. Then we went out to Sharkys beach and Restaurant, where we had a delicious late lunch, all while breaking the 'stay on the premises while you wait' rule, and played at the beach until we watched the sun set for the last time in 2011. A trip to Venice isn't complete without a trip to the ice cream parlor, so we made a stop there before heading home.

Then, we all dragged our mattresses out to the living room, and had a New Years Sleepover. The boys got to watch 'Home Alone' for the first time, and we all watched the ball drop at midnight- where the boys all promptly got up to do every day things to say they were the first one to -insert random thing here- in 2012.

Sunday we won't speak of, oh, Tampa Bay Buccaneers.. You hurt my heart. We won't talk about what happened to them Monday either- because, while I understand, I'm also sad about that. I would say 'there's always next year' but that makes me sound like a Browns fan or something.

However, Sunday also saw the first annual Pillow Pet Olympics. Or, as Peyton likes to say PPO. (Not to be confused with our new dental plan that took effect this week. Braces and Root Canals for everyone!) Also, apparently, even when you're 30 your mother can use your middle name to get her point across. Ironically this time it was because I was DOING chores, not just trying to get out of them.

Monday I had gotten tickets to ICE! At the Gaylord Palms. A whopping 9 degrees somehow feels a little warmer when you know you can walk out of it, and never see cold like that again. The ice sculptures of Shrek were awesome, and a trip down the ice slides was also pretty cool. (No pun intended). At the exit, we were supplied with kleenex, and got to take off our parka's and return to the warmth of the Florida sun (which felt a lot warmer after being in the Ice Exhibit). Perks of going the last day: everything in the gift shop was 75 percent off!

After Ice, we headed over to the T-Rex Restaurant, where Asa ate like a T-Rex. His lunch included mashed potatoes, waffle fries, ribs, and half a chicken. Plus, we had the appetizer sampler, and Peyton shared his pasta. Gotta love the T-Rex though, and we got to eat in the meteor shower room- yay! I nearly escaped being eaten by the Dinosaur just above our table a good 15 times. That's me, super dino elusive.

After that we walked around downtown disney- collecting our free chocolate- and took the boat down to Port Orleans Resort. We figured based on crowds, the parks would be too crowded to go into. We played on the playground, walked around the pool, joined in on an alligator parade- and while I didn't get to go to Cafe Du Monde this fall- I did end up with Beignets! Afterward, we took a trip to the World of Disney- where the boys each picked out a small item.

Then it was home to pack things up for Calib and Mom, and a quick game of Frazzle, which I won, due to Calib's inability to read my strengths. I can name shoe brands better than anyone in the family- apparently working at Kohls was beneficial!

Tuesday morning, I got up at 4 am to take Mom and Calib to the airport. We'll see mom mid-February, and Calib in five days, so it wasn't too terribly depressing saying goodbye. We had a good time with mom here, and I've never been so excited to get free groceries!

Tuesday night Asa and I also watched our first episode of the Bachelor. It's so much fun to make fun of the chicks on there- but even more fun now that Asa actually knows one of them. Apparently she worked at the gym at Asa's work. He thinks he's famous now by association. Weirdo.

Funny/Weird One Liners/Conversations worth noting this week:

Hayden: "I like your belly button. Can I just look at it for a second?"

Me: "Calib, what are you doing out there?"
Calib: "I'm cutting the cheese"
We all got a good laugh out of that one- but he was actually cutting some block cheese

Peyton: "It's almost 2012!"
Asa:"Yes, and our lives will change so much because of it"
Calib: "I know, I'll have to remember to write 12 on everything now."

Me: "Let's not stay up till New Years- we can just record it"
Asa: "And then at the end of every month, we'll watch it at midnight and I'll jump in front of the screen and yell.... March!!"

After seeing the 'Alaska: this is the year' Commercial they keep running
Peyton: "Um, no. That was last year, duh"

And just now..
Hayden: "Mom will you set up my table fort"
Me: "Yea, Hayden, just let me finish my blog"
Hayden: (walks out to Asa): "Yea, mom said she's help me after she finishes her blog, whatever a blog is."

Next Up: Calib will be back Sunday!! Until then, there's a whole lot of nothing but boring things like putting Christmas stuff away. We might be able to muster in some fun there somewhere though.

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