Monday, April 26, 2021

Social Distancing Journal, Days 398 thru 404

Day 398: Thursday April 15: One Week Post Vaccination 

I know your antibodies build up gradually. They say after two weeks, you're considered fully vaccinated (after one dose of J&J or your second Pfizer or Moderna). But, they also say you reach your peak four weeks after J&J. 

Still, after one week we were feeling pretty good. We have had lunch out a couple of times- and when I mean out, always outside, utilizing a curbside option. On Thursday after a trip to Costco, we stopped by Wawa ordered curbside and then ate outside at the tables. 

We also swung by Publix for a curbside order- and I'd say they do a pretty good job of packaging up my stuff. 

On Thursday's walk, we spotted this little guy. 

And this little guy. 

Day 399: Friday April 16

Finishing up the school year, Hayden and I completed our tour through the various people, places, and events of 'We Didn't Start the Fire', and had our last Finer Things of the year. We finished 1984, after weeks of reading it (Hayden did not love this one- and when he is not into it, I assign just a handful of pages at a time). 

Whether he likes the books or not, he does enjoy discussing the books at Finer Things Club. 

We let Asa join us this time, even though he didn't read the book. But, we agreed it was a social commentary that he could certainly discuss with us. 

Day 400: Saturday April 17

And we've arrived at day 400. Now, we have collectively decided to stop the 'Social Distancing Journal' count once Hayden is two weeks out from his second shot (we assume he will get Pfizer since they are the first ones to file for approval from the FDA for ages 12-15). But for now, we might loosen our reigns a bit, but we do have to keep in mind we're living with one un-vaccinated person. 

Still, at day 400, I think back to all our days in quarantine. I used to be fun. We used to make videos and do things. And now, it's like, we talk some walks, we eat some food, and we have discussions ranging from do you eat Kraft Mac & Cheese with a fork or a spoon, or what should we put on a brunch burrito? 

But by the time day 400 came, nobody had the energy for any celebrations. There were no Olympics, no pool trips, no piñatas. 

Instead, the day was barely a blip in the days of quarantine. 

We did get a new weight bench. And some lighter weights, and Asa and Hayden have instituted "Muscles with Muppets" where they lift weights together and watch the old Muppet shows on Disney Plus. 

And we did have Five Guys for dinner. That's a quarantine favorite! 

But that does it for Day 400. My post on Facebook for the day was a video of Hayden playing 'The Entertainer' on his keyboard. Because in 400 days some of us have been more productive than others. (It won't let me upload the video to blogger or I'd totally share, Hayden is awesome at the keyboard these days!) But I also hit my 200 day streak on Duolingo, so I've done something with all my time. 

Day 401: Sunday April 18

Porkchop knows how to spend a lazy Sunday. 

And you guys, look at this picture I took of Etta getting pets from Calib. She just loves us SO. MUCH. 

And, I started to get things together for Hayden's new summer program of school work. It's lighter, and funner, and only has math once a week! So, he's amped about that. 

Less work. More Fun. Sounds like Summer to me! 

For dinner Asa made his awesome Madagascar meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, and strawberries. And it was awesome. We're still eating outside for a lot of meals- someday soon the heat and humidity will come for us. 

Day 402: Monday April 19

Mondays are for napping, at least as far as Dipper and Ellie are concerned. 

But we also had had 'Making It' Monday- basically craft day! 

We decided to put together one of our craft bags from the library. 

I've been stock piling the last couple for summer vacation because they give you basically everything you need, which means minimal work for me too. 

So Hayden and I got to work. 

And we made cute little felt egg magnets! 

We also changed our Misfits box days to Mondays. Though, they changed their set ups. Instead of getting a small or large box and picking your produce- now you have to pick produce to total $30 (which is more expensive than my last box). So, it's still a good set up, but not AS good, depending on what you pick. But, we had been 'adding on' items like brussels sprouts, and we don't have to do that anymore. We did switch to a box every other week though. 

Still, I love my Misfits day! 

It's been awhile, and the garden isn't taking off as much as usual. But, I haven't done a garden check in for awhile. 

I do have a baby squash coming! 

And one of my five sunflowers sprouting. 

And we have baby lemons coming again! 

And my orchids are blooming! 

Hayden and I also made some banana bread, like it was 2020 again or something. 

And I made some Rumplestilskin for dinner along with all the veggies and fruit from the box. 

Day 403: Tuesday April 20

Tuesday was the fork or spoon discussion. Kraft Mac and Cheese is a spoon, no matter what Calib says. 

Again, Ellie and Dipper were sharing the bean bag. 

And Miss Ellie is getting a little forward when she wants her walks. 

Or someone to play with. She makes you drag her around on her belly. She LOVES it. 

Day 404: Wednesday April 21

Check out our new countdown: Days till Antibodies! 

On the morning walk, I spotted a gator across the pond. 

We had cauliflower (and some chicken) tossed in buffalo wild wings sauce for dinner (I love this- it's like the same flavors, but much better for you. Sure, sure, the sauce isn't great for you. But at least it's coating grilled cauliflower instead of fried chicken. 

Our evening walk was fun. 
I found a snail shell on the sidewalk. 

We spotted a tiny baby gator. 

And the weather was perfect! 

Over by the big pond, I found a much larger snail shell. 

And on the way back around we saw a baby crane. 

And in the park, this guy was just chilling. 

It was also time for muscles with muppets again. 

And, I started in on our Summer of Shakespeare Books. I loathe reading old english and things like Shakespeare. But, I found this fun set of kids books that give you the gist of the story in 60 pages flat (with pictures! It's meant for younger kids, I'm sure. But whatever, it's summer vacation people!) So, we're reading one of these a week. It's light reading, Hayden will at least know the characters and plots, and then there's a few pages at the end that tell you all about the themes and such. 

Although, apparently he had no idea the plot of Romeo and Juliet, and he was like 'what?!?! THAT's what happens at the end?!" 

He said he wanted something less depressing next time. He picked Julius Caesar. So, who wants to tell him? 

That's it from here. Next Up: Asa, Calib, our antibodies, and I headed out to Disney World to celebrate two weeks post vaccination! 

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