Two and a half weeks ago, our youngest turned 14! Asa and I survived year one of three teenagers, and we only have three months left to go, since Calib will be 20 in just a few months.
Hayden always wants to be home for his birthday but jam pack the whole thing full of activites. As he gets older, I keep waiting for that to change, for him to want to do something- but for now, we're still at home playing hot lava, eating cake, and finding his presents via pirate map.
We did run out and get him some birthday donuts, though.
And for lucn we went out to Ford's Garage.
Of course, they also gave him a birthday dessert. I was glad he picked Ford's Garage over Taco Bell, because, obviously.
When we got home he looked for his presents via pirate map. New this year, he asked me to include the whole yard and everything.
So off he went on the search for his presents.
He didn't have a lot, though. Mostly he gets his ticket to CEO for his birthday, and he knew about that since he wants to compete this year and he had to pick the games he wants to play in, but he also got a few odds and ends. Plus mom brought him some Tony Packo's hot dog chili, and who doesn't want a treasure chest full of chili for their birthday? (The treasure chest is for our leap day time capsule, but we obviously don't need it yet.)
Of couse he wanted to play some games.

Like six person Spy Alley. Peyton was just thrilled to partake, can't you tell?
And, we usually play hot lava for his birthday. But here's the thing, as he's gotten older it's just become a giant choatic mess, with people wrestling each other into the "lava" and people ending up angry, with no real point to the whole thing. So, I decided I needed to make it into more of a game. So here's what I came up with, everyone would have a commodity.
I would be the library with books.
Hayden would be the armory with weapons (light sabers, nerf guns, ect).

Peyton would be the banker with a jar of pennies (and a bad attitude about the whole thing, but whatever, he partook).
Calib would be the farmer, he had the food and set up shop in the kitchen.

And Asa would be our technolgy guy with all the electronics in the office. (Peyton was real annoyed that Asa got all of our phones to start the game).
The object was to trade items until you had one of each. Once you did, you could challenge someone to a duel by presenting all your items to the queen (my mom) in the basket (the laundry basket that is). We set up the foam burritos from Throw Throw Burrito (Peyton's Christmas Game), and three stepping stones (pillows). When the duelers and the queen were ready, you picked up the burrito, took three steps, and then threw the burrito at your opponnent. The queen watched to make sure everyone followed the rules, and nobody fell into the lava. But whoever got hit with the burrito would be banished from the kingdom (and sent to the back porch).
So everyone spent awhile peacefully going around and making trades to collect one of each item in their bags. Pictures following from once I traded to get my phone back. I then traded for another electronic (a controller) so I wouldn't have to present my phone to the queen for a duel, and could instead take it with me if I was banished.

Peyton mostly laid around and complained about not having his phone.
So once I gathered up a book, a piece of food, money, a weapon, and technology, I presented my items to the queen and challenged him to a duel.
But, then I lost. Peyton got all my stuff, and I was banished to the back porch.

Asa tried to avenge me, and challenged Peyton to a duel...

...and then got banished right along with me. He was mad at the queen for her ruling though.

Then Peyton challenged Hayden to a duel.

And the birthday boy was banished, though I let him grab bananagrams so we could play (it's not fun to be bannished on your birthday!) Calib decided with Hayden out, we should wrap things up, so he challenged Peyton to a duel.

And Calib would come out victorious in the 2020 game of Hot Lava. Remember this for New Years Eve Jeopardy, everyone!
Nobody was too hungry for dinner, since we had that giant lunch at Ford's Garage, so instead we just had cake. We got the chocolate cake from Costco and decorated it with M&Ms per Hayden's request.
And then we spent the evenign playing more games. Overall, a very enjoyable low-key birthday, just what Hayden wanted! Fun fact: next year the Super Bowl IN TAMPA is ON his birthday, so that'll be interesting.

I leave you with a funny Calib and Dipper picture from Hayden's birthday.

Up Next: We had two days without visitors, and they were full! Plus, Lincoln's birthday. (I'll probably Lincoln blog next, just to get it done)
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