The last blogI have to catch up on is from Layla, Allison and Nate visiting. They were here for a week, and we were so excited to have them.

My pictures are all out of order and so I thought, I'd just write a little about our adventures, and then you can page through and see the pictures. It's lazy of me, I know, but that's how we're doing this!
I've been to Virginia to see Layla twice since she was born, but this is the first time she's come down to see us- and the first time Asa and the boys got to meet her.
I tied to be on "Layla duty" as much as I could be while Nate and Allison were here to try and give them as much as a vacation as you can have when you have a one year old in tow. But, there were lots of people, and animals to keep her busy. She loved feeding my fish, petting the dogs, and sharing her food with Etta especially. Porkchop wasn't a huge fan, but he did ok- and Phenom was shockingly excellent with her. Etta took all her snacks nicely, and Ellie, well, she was fine to let Layla ride her. You know Ellie, she's super easy going.
Peyton, especially, was not thrilled with a baby coming to visit, but he came around. Calib had trouble getting Layla to like him, but he won her over sharing his Cherrio's and bananas. Hayden was pretty indifferent, but one day Nate, Allison, Calib and Asa went to Universal and Hayden stayed with me and took Layla down to the lodge with me when we went to the playground, fed the fish, and visted the nature center.
We also played with playdough and I constructed a makeshit water play "table" of sorts for her, plus we got out the blocks and set up the books from when the boys were little. She also enjoyed the piano and my windchimes outside. I think we were a decently entertaining household for a one year old.
Of course, we love having Nate and Allison visit too. They both cooked us good food (Allison's greek chicken, salad and pita chips is like birthday meal worthy it's so good), and Asa and Nate even tried their hand at making an instant pot cheesecake. Plus we had a cookout once night, and another night we watched Layla so Nate and Allison could have a date night.
It was pretty warm when they were here too, so we made a trip to the pool. The water, however, is still really cold. But Layla still liked splashing around. We watched a lot of Disney plus, had a lot of snacks and just visited. It was awesome, and I so appreciate the effort for them to drive all the way down here with a baby.
I appreciate it so much, I gave them my room. Asa and I took over Calib's room, and Calib bunked with his brothers for the third time in a month (such a trooper!) Of course, Calib has a full size bed and I just cannot sleep on that with Asa, so I grabbed the chair bed. It wasn't so bad, until like the 8th night. But, I surived, and I'd do it again.
It was a super fun visit, and I miss them already! Enjoy the pictures below.

Next Up: It's leap day guys! I love leap day!!
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