I am SOOO behind on blogs, you guys. It's not that I've had nothing to blog about, it's that I've had virtually no time to blog. I am hoping to get myself all caught up this week, so we'll see how it goes. I had to go back and look-see when the last time I filled you all in, and it's been a minute.
So let's rewind to the begining of Feburary when Snackadium construction was in full force. Usually I make one out of various poster boards, card boards, and foam boards. But that means every year I trash the whole thing. I don't want to have to do that, so I thought with my new found (albeit modest) construction skills maybe I could just build one. So I took my measuring tape, I went to Lowes, and I constructed a Snackadium we can use every year!
The only throw away items are the printouts, but I even just pushpined them on, no tape required!

I decided I would leave the front so I could design it differently depending on what stadium is hosting the Super Bowl, so this year it was in Miami and I did a beach scene. But you guys, next year it's back in Tampa, and I'm so excited about that. We'll have all that fun Super Bowl stuff in our very own hometown!
And then we filled it with snacks. Asa went to pick up the subs from Publix in one endzone, and Calib went to PDQ to get the BOGO chicken tender platters. This time for the subs, instead of ordering a platter we just preordered three different subs and cut them up. Note to future self: excellect idea, but two subs would have done it.

And in the middle, instead of a cake that never gets eaten, I made a refired bean dip, mixed with rotel and velveta, topped with lettuce for the "turf" and drew the lines in sour cream. The boys liked this much better than the cake.
It didn't turn out exactly the way I wanted. But, I think I did a decent job with my limited skills. I'm consdering getting it back out for election night, since that is the "super bowl" of politics after all!

Of course, we were all excited this year that we didn't hate EITHER team playing in the Super Bowl. I would have been fine with the 49ers winning, but it was cool the Cheifs won too. I tried to convince Calib to skip class on Monday to go to Disney to see Patrick Mahomes, but he declined.
Also, Calib might had fed the dogs some chicken tenders.

Also worth nothing: this house is on a serious Civ 4 kick, everyone just sits around yelling at each other from room to room. On the one hand, it's nice they're all doing something together. On the other, it's slightly annoying because they're always shouting about going to war.
Of course, I also have some cute dog pictures for you.

Oh! And The Great Candy Election of 2020 is underway. We haven't done as much with it as I would have liked, but we've had three sets of visitors in the last month, all for a week or more, so we have come to snails pace with it. We did draw for states though, and we plan on making a couple videos this week while we also catch up on a couple of president's birthdays we missed.
Figuring out states was a bit of an undertaking. I had to line up families with what size states they should be in, and then fix it all so it was a random draw.

Then Hayden and Asa made a video about it, which we had to edit, because Asa called my friend Ben "you old bastard" and I was like "Asa! This is supposed to be kid friendly!"

Once we got all the states drawn, I had to record it all. It's a lot, but it's done, and we're ready to roll.

Of course, the regular election is going on too, so on Iowa Caucus day, I had just the right shirt to wear. What a mess that was though, right? We were all excited to see it, and then just nothing... way to screw it up Iowa.
Disney Plus is still going strong here too. I've taken to turning it on almost constantly to keep the dogs from barking at anything going on outside when I'm sitting in the front room. But, I think Hayden loves it just as much as me.
Oh, and my mom was coming to visit, so I emptied out the freezer in anticipation of her taking us to Costco, which she does every time she visits. I've had a hard time with freezer space before, so I try and empty it out and defrost it before she comes now.
Next Up: Reagan's birthday & Mom's visit!
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