Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Adventuring on the Island

Another quick blog tonight. We have a presidential birthday tomorrow. James Buchanan may have been crappy president, but he'll still get his own blog, so come back tomorrow if you're interested in our 15th president (and I have a super fun craft/game/project for it that I'm totally excited about too, I'll give you a hint: The Pony Express! It may or may not involve mops from the dollar store). 

But, before all that excitement, We've been busy the last two days. Yesterday was an Adventure Island kind of day. Hayden was excited when he found out we were going on a weekday, and said "Oh good, there won't be any schoolers there!" Funny kid, that Hayden. 

Last time (and the first time) we were there was a couple weeks ago, but Spring Break crowds made some lines super long, including that of the new water slide, the Colossal Curl! 

Hayden and I stayed behind to watch, he was too nervous to go on it. 

Do you see the complete lack of people? It was GLORIOUS. 

The poor life guard was terrible bored, so she messed with the boys for awhile. 

We were the only people as far as the eye could see on the lazy river, which was AWESOME, and we went up and down all the waterslides with virtually no wait at all. I knew going into 'summer mode' early was a good plan. (Plus the boys have been great at doing the little I require of them without any problems at all, a nice break for all of us.) 

I mean, just look how empty it was. So awesome.We have plans to go back next week too, but we also want to get a Disney day in. 

Feeling brave,  Hayden decided he wanted to try the Colossal Curl too. 

And he loved it!

We headed over to the cliffs, and Hayden kept jumping off the little ones before he finally asked if he could jump off the tall one (12 feet or so, I knoe it doesn't look it in the pictures, but it's up there!) I was pretty apprehensive about it. He's a good swimmer, but not a strong swimmer. But Hayden begged, Asa assured me he could do it, and the life guard (who was also bored, and kind enough to wait to give Hayden the green light until I went and got my camera) thought he could do it too. So, I let him jump.  Really, I thought he'd get up there and turn around, but he did it and he LOVED it. 

He went up and down a million times it seemed (as you can see there was no line there either). 

He had a very big, brave day. (And just for the record, I jumped off the cliffs too. If Hayden can do it, so can I!) 

Around 2:30 we decided we better head out not to get stuck in traffic. You guys who don't live here have no idea, it's just been getting worse and worse lately. Ugh. The one draw back to living here. 

But, we did stop for a cheese fry snack. 

The sun totally wiped us all, so we just hung out the rest of the day, played some games and sat on the couch catching up on some TV. And, Porkchop was really glad we were home. Commence the funny Hayden and Choops sequence. 

And Ewok Nooms. 

We did catch some of the Lightning Game, but they ended up losing to the Red Wings, so things aren't looking too good for them. 

And the DDR pad has been getting lots of use this "weekend". 

Oh, and the NFL schedule FINALLY came out. Calib actually wants to try and go to the last game of the season as our away game in Charolette. It's actually not a bad idea, a new year, Asa will have vacation days back, and there's a Great Wolf Lodge there. Could be a fun trip, so we'll see. 

We also discovered we only have one away game in December, pretty much locking in our December trip up north, but you guys, get this.. that same weekend the Broncos play IN Pittsburgh. Calib & Peyton would both LOVE to go. I didn't promise, because I don't make promises I can't keep (and tickets might be WAY out of our price range), but it would be SO MUCH FUN to take them. And, I have a pretty awesome cousin in PA who has already said she'd be happy to have us, so we'll see. 

As far as the Bucs schedule goes, I'm not thrilled with it. Our only night game is away against the Rams (blah!), and we only have two 4 o'clock games. (The 1 o'clock ones are brutal in the heat!) On the upside we open at home, and thanksgiving weekend and both weekends book ending the cruise we aren't at home. That all works out with our scheduling, so that's good. 

Today Asa and I headed out for a lunch date. We stopped at our brand new Lowes and picked up some stuff for the garden (we all went out there tonight to work in it for our Earth Day project) and a few new plants. 

We went to Panera, nosed around the Book Store, and stopped at You Say When for some frozen yogurt before coming back home. We thought about the beach, or the ropes course today, but we're all slightly sunburnt from Adventure Island yesterday, so maybe next week. 

The rest of the day we've played some games. (I was on a winning streak and everyone left mad). We also worked outside like I said, and cleaned up a bit. Then Hayden and I worked on another project I've been meaning to get to: Guess Who, Presidents Edition. I think I might change it up a bit because the easy printable version didn't choose the 24 presidents I would have picked, but for now this is awesome. We played it a whole lot. Now I'm thinking this format knows no bounds, think Explorers, Authors, Inventors! Suddenly I want like 8 Guess Who Games. 

That's it from here. I'll see you tomorrow for your history lesson! 

Up Next: Can you believe it's James Buchanan's  224th Birthday? They grow up so fast... 

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