Thursday, August 25, 2022

Day 14: Last Call for Roller Coasters!

After coffee Thursday morning, Asa and I decided to head out on a walk (you know, because it's not 100 degrees with 1000 percent humidity at 9 am in Ohio in the summer). I wanted to check out some new things around Fremont. We walked down to my high school, and old church. The parking lot I'm standing in there used to be where my grade school was. It had been torn down since the last time I visited. 

though they did keep the corner stone from the school and put it on the new sign for the church. 

After that we walked up past the courthouse.. 

...the the Memorial Park to find my dads brick in the ground. 

We headed past the library (and Old Betsy). The library is being remodled, but unlike ours is open during the remodel (ours should open any day now, and I'm SUPER excited about it. It's been closed over a year, and I miss our library tremendously.) 

After that we headed into downtown, where they have some cute little gardens and murals. 

We decided to have a light breakfast at the coffee shop. 

The orange blossom muffin I got was delicious, and Asa enjoyed his bagel sandwich (it was not as good as Born and Bread, but what is?) 

We rented some scooters to get back up to my moms house. They are significantly cheaper in Fremont, Ohio than they are in Tampa, florida. But still just as much fun! 

By then everyone else was up and around, so we headed out to Sandusky. Our passes included the Water Park, and I wanted to go at least once. Asa and mom said they would be happy to come along, while Peyton and Hayden headed into the park. 

Asa did try out one of those drop slides, where you climb into the little chamber and the floor falls out under you sending you down the slide. A couple of water parks around here have them, but we've never done them. The line was short enough, so Asa gave it a go. 

He said it was fun, but terrifying. He was gald he did it once, but wasn't clammoring to do it again. 

Meanwhile, we enjoyed the Renegade River and the bucket area. 

Lots of stuff was closed: I'm guessing for lack of lifegaurds to man it, but there were a few slides open in the bucket area, including the baby slides. I was happy enough to go on those though. 

And we swam in the pool with all the stuff you can climb up on (the gators and logs are gone, but the snakes still remain). 

After a couple hours at the water park, we headed back into Cedar Point to meet up with Peyton and Hayden. Mom took the boat ride, while we went on some other things. 

And got some last snacks. We needed one more dose of mini corn dogs and cheese fries, and an elephant ear to complete our trip. 

Everyone stopped by to see the animals with me one more time, too. 

And we got some hay to feed them. This time I knew other animals besides the horses ate the hay, so we saved it for the llamas and camel. 

The goats and sheeps were happy to get the crumbs at the bottom of the cup, too. 

The last ride of the day went to Iron Dragon (lots of other stuff was down, so they didn't get on a ton this day). 

On the way out, I did tell Peyton and Hayden to take one last good look at Dragster, because it might be the last time they ever see it. Sure enough, today, Cedar Point announced that it would be "Retired". They did say there would be some re-imaging involved though, so it sounds like it won't be torn down completely. Still, Hayden is sad he never went on it. 

And that's it for our trips to Cedar Point. In all, we used our passes four times in just over a week. So, thanks to Cedar Point for renewing them! 

On our way home, we stopped by Tofts, a Sandusky staple. Grandma had brought everyone else here a few days ago, but I had missed out, and everyone didn't mind going twice in one trip. 

They have arguably the best ice cream, ever. The portions are also crazy big. My "kids" cup contains FOUR scoops of ice cream! 

That evening we had to head out to the fair to help grandma at the flower building again. Because flowers don't last that long, there's actually two different flower shows during the fair. That means on Thursday night everything gets take out for a new show on Friday morning. But, someone has to help with tear down and set up. When we're here, that's our job!

Next up: Peyton and Hayden head home, while Asa and I head to EMU

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