Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 18- 2251 pictures, and a (wild) moose ain't one!

Today was the dreaded travel day. I knew it was going to be bad when I booked it. A 7 am flight sounds fine, until you add in that it's at an airport 45 minutes away, and you actually do need to be there 2 hours ahead of time. Boo for getting up at 4 am. Better than a red eye, I suppose. But, Hayden was crank-y. We stopped at 7-11 to get some money from the ATM for the trip home, and Hayden really wanted a sluirpie. I blame oh thank heave day for this.

Luckily, Asa and I had our flights departure time booked within 2 minutes of each other. He was supposed to leave at 7:10 and I was 7:12. He was able to go through security and most of the way to the gate with us. Peyton always takes it the hardest to say goodbye to Asa. I'm trying to really cater to all of them today, so we can have a good trip over to Ohio. Hayden is the most grumpy, we've had a few near melt downs today, but so far we've escaped from any massive ones. Knock on wood.

I do wonder what Hayden especially thinks of all this traveling. He's seen a globe, he knows how this works. I think at this point he's thinking we're just circling it and we'll be home when we get back around to it. To him, he's just been non stop traveling for 17 days now. Calib and Peyton can at least look at a map and get it. Hayden has no concept.

When we were out on the runway, I saw an Alaska airline plane taking off (Asa's airline, which is funny because he didn't fly it to Alaska, but he's flying it from Seattle to Dallas). I snapped a picture thinking it was Asa's plane, but when I landed in San Fransisco I found out he had a delay. All seemed to be going well with his connection though.

I'm not sure how that turned out because I am currently typing away on my netbook however many feet in the air planes fly. The boys really like this plane, there's tv's built into the back of everyone's seats, you do have to pay 8 bucks for it, but when you're traveling with a grumpy Hayden 8 bucks is well worth it to keep him occupied. There are also electrical outlets, so they don't have to worry about anything dying. Plus they get to have some pop, so they are pretty happy. I've had no issues with United, so I'm happy. You know after that US Airways debacle. Although, two days ago Bridgette had a consumer report magazine and US Airways was listed as the worst airline. So, really, there's no way to go but up. Even if United is the second worst.
There was at least a kid's Area in San Fransisco they could play in. We had just over 3 hours for a layover, and I was trying to convince the boys to go to Candlestick Park to get in another stadium on this trip. Peyton and Calib didn't want to go back through security, and Hayden was confused why there would be a park of candles. He also noted that would be very dangerous for kids. So, alas, I did not go. At least there was free wifi to keep me occupied. Thank you, San Fran airport.

We also had a discussion about whether or not my kids get to add California to their list of states. Cort contends you have to leave the airport for it to count. Jessica says you have to have a meal, or stay there and have the experience of the state for it to count. Aunt Patty says you just have to have your feet on the ground in the airport for it to count. So, I'm not sure how that works. It's not like anyone sat down and made the rules to this getting to 50 states game. But, you know us Sattlers, we'll turn anything into a game/competitive battle to be won. We never had to deal with this airport situation when I was a kid, since I never went on a plane and we just drove. I wonder what dad would say counts.

I've been organizing all my pictures on the plane, since the boys are all occupied. Really,best 8 bucks I could have spent. I divided everything into days and did a final count. Obviously you know the number, but down at the bottom you can check it out in the count for the day section. Cort uploaded somewhere around 1300 to Snapfish, I wonder if he uploaded them all. I was going to pick and choose, but if this is some sort of competition, I must win. That would be why I broke it down, so then he can't say 'well, but you were on vacation longer'. Cort likes to win on technicalities. Like how he was the first one to all 50 states, and contends I will not be the winner if I make it there before I turn 36 (as old as he is now). Apparently however, he bends the rules to whatever suits him though, since he tried the same age claim with Aunt Patty (she only needs Maine for her 50 states).

Ugh. Turbulence. Better close up shop before I get air sick. Don't want to add an airplane to the places I've thrown up on this trip due to motion sickness.

Photo Count (ending yesterday at day 17):
Phoenix: 42
Alaska: 1697
Seattle: 512
Total 2251

Least being Denali to Anchorage at 61 , Most being 227 the day we drove from Anchorage to Fairbanks to meet up with everyone.

That's an average of 132.4 a day. I'm slightly disappointed with that number, it's only 5 an hour. One every 12 minutes. I could have done better than that.

Update: I got to my moms house safe and sound. Hayden is whiny, and I tried to remedy that by letting him have ice cream for dinner. It was a long travel day again, but just think-- this will make going Detroit to Orlando with no layovers seem like a tiny little flight.

Also, I thought I would add a new feature to my blog... the homesickness meter. I'd say were at about a 6.3. I tip the scales from the midway because when we landed Hayden yelled 'YAY! We're in Florida!" They've all been telling me they are a little homesick for the last two days now. I'm trying to fend it off with promises of all the things we can still do before we go home.

Next Up: Adjusting to Eastern Standard Time and warm temperatures in Fremont, Ohio.

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