Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 25- Boat Number Eight

Today was Peyton's second day of kids college, in addition it was super hot out so I had to get Hayden out of the house. (I'm a Floridian, I can handle heat, but I can't handle a lack of AC) We went up to imagination station, which is the children's museum type thing in Toledo (it's in the old COSI building, and is pretty much still COSI, it just has a different name). My friend Ben lives right near there, so he met me and Hayden. Hayden liked the tennis ball you could shoot into the sky by dropping a weight probably the most. But, the little hospital and grocery store are also a big hit. I enjoyed the block building, and even made a tower taller than Hayden. But, alas, I have boys so I know what I build, must be knocked down. Hayden also had a great time doing that.

We were going to go to Max and Erma's for lunch but Ben had a senior moment (it happens when you get old), and we ended up at Ruby Tuesdays, which is also a pretty good lunch stop with that salad buffet and all- plus they have cupcakes. They weren't as good as the cupcake spot cupcakes, but they did alright. Plus the company was pretty good. Ben and I have been friends since I was in 5th grade (even though he totally used me because I was the only one he knew with a CD player), and he's the one staple when I come home. I have to visit with him.

Unfortunately, Hayden is five. This means trying to have lunch conversation is very difficult. I didn't really think ahead to bring anything, because as I mentioned yesterday even packing my purse stresses me out these days, so I handed him my camera. He's weird though and before I knew it he was taking pictures of Ben's feet, and the lettuce at the salad bar. He was a little out of control today. It is Day 25 after all.

I spent so much time with Ben I was late picking Peyton up from kids college, which was fine, because he just got to spend some time in my mom's office. He had a really cool dinosaur he made/constructed today in dino mania. He had said his lost in space teacher wasn't very nice early this morning, and when he got in the car I said 'so how was your teacher today'. His response: She was great. Apparently Grandma is her boss'. You can do the math on that one.
We came home so I could fold laundry and complain about how hot it was. I gathered some things up for a picnic dinner, and went back out to pick my mom up from work. We only have her car while I'm here, but we're making it work thanks to some help by her fabulous friends/co-workers. It's very nice of them to help us out. Thanks Pam and Lynne!

Mom also has some wonderful friends- Bob and Linda who very nicely invited us out for a ride on their boat. We were supposed to go last night, but it stormed and the water was really rough. Today the weather was beautiful. Out on the lake it wasn't nearly as hot, the breeze was wonderful and the lake was really calm.

Their boat is parked in the Huron Marina, so I got to see my old stomping grounds from a boat, which was a unique view. Then we headed out onto lake Erie, and parked the boat for a swim. They boys were able to wade in the water, it was shallow enough I didn't have to worry about floaties or anything with Hayden. I just had to make sure when he jumped off the back of the boat he was smart about it. Because, well, if left to his own devices smart and jumping don't go together in the same sentence when it comes to Hayden.

We ate our picnic dinner and swapped cruise/day that never ended horror stories. Although Bob's was much more entertaining than mine. There was no well endowed women, guys willing to push me around in a wheelchair, or quarantines in mine. Just a lot of delays and a long travel time. Suddenly June 25th seemed kind of lame.

After a little more swimming, Bob drove the boat out to Cedar Point to have a look at it from the water, in all my years at cedar point, I've never gotten to see it by boat, it was pretty cool. We headed back because it was getting dark, and Linda slowed the boat and let the boys drive it for a little while. It was so nice of them to surprise the boys with that. Peyton steered it much more effectively. Hayden was a bit more crazy with the wheel, like he was driving one of those bumper cars at Busch Gardens. Good thing with it being a Tuesday night and all there weren't a lot of people out on the water. When we took the boat back in, we even got to drive right under the rail road tracks with a train heading down them. It was a really nice trip, and Bob and Linda said we should make it an annual event. They are really nice people. We appreciated them taking us out.

Hayden's behavior was a bit on the Gwen side today (ha- totally kidding, we're not calling it that or anything- I mean, not officially). He was a cranky pants though. I had told him if he got three Xs I would make him sleep in the other room. When we got home I changed him and set him up on the futon. I didn't intend to have him stay out there- but after crying and whining about being scared out there by himself he fell asleep. I did move him though, since he was sweating in his sleep out there, and it's much cooler in the bedroom. Hopefully this will be lesson learned and he straightens up for our last couple of epic vacation days (ekk! can you believe were nearing the end?!?! It often times seems as thought it will never come).

Peyton and I stayed up to play hotels, which is an awesome game. If you happen to have 300 bucks and shop ebay a lot you should check it out. We are lucky enough to still have it from long ago. I had pinky promised I would play tonight- not knowing how late it would be when we got home. I fudged numbers a smidgen (in Peyton's favor), and when I ran out of money I didn't sell anything back, I just told him he won. He was pretty happy about it, so much in fact he started to rub my nose in it, and I almost rethought the whole end when you run out of money instead of when all your assets and money are gone. But then I realized it was way past mdnight. Then I just let the heckling continue.

Todays self take picture is of me, smiling, with a thumbs up next to a sleeping Hayden. Because boy was it a relief when he fell asleep tonight. He was a pout pout fish, with a pout pout face for sure
Homesick meter: 8.9 It possibly subsided a bit today, but twice today Peyton said 'it's just that I miss home' when he was warned about his behavior. Plus I almost cried when Asa sent me a picture of pork choopers.

Casualty number 4 has occurred, or at least temporarily. I can't find my camera, though I know I brought it back from the boat, so it's around here somewhere. Anyway, this means no pictures today. Luckily, I have Brandy's camera for tomorrow until I find it. Add camera to the list of previous casualties: Calib's camera, toothpaste cap, Peyton's flip flops, and now my camera.

Update: Camera was in the car, safe and sound. Adding pictures now!

Next Up: Kids college, and Camels and Breadsticks!

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