Monday, June 16, 2014

Week 25: Sports Week, Sort Of

Quick blog tonight, as not a whole lot of interesting things went on here today, and Asa and I are gearing up for tomorrow. 

It is Sports Week, though, so we had to get a few activities in. Sports Week is one of those weeks we always have, but we throw it in during a week that's got a lot of other things going on. It's kind of how we always have Water Week during Peyton's Birthday week, and the 4th of July. 

First, lets rewind to last night. We tried the finally frozen pudding pops. They were ok. Not exactly the ones I remember from my childhood, but not too bad. 

Also, worth noting: Asa passed another class. No rootbeer float picture to show yet though. He submitted his Java program in the wee hours of Sunday morning, and got it back last night. All 4's (the best you can get) in every area, and nothing to correct. One class closer to graduation. We'll celebrate with rootbeer floats soon enough. 

It's also sports week, because I've staggered weeks that will take all of our attention, with weeks that allow us to get some school work done. After all, we're pretty house-bound in the summer months here (air conditioning is our friend), so we might as well use that to soldier on with school. Hayden was struggling a little with his multiplication today, but he got out his abacus and did much better.  

I took the opportunity to clean the house, clean out my coupon sorter, and get some projects done. If you know anything about our point system, you know the boys use them to buy cards. I refreshed the cards today, took out a few things, upped the price on a few things, and added some things the boys asked for. Basically, chores or favors or general good behavior earn them points, they keep track on a dry erase board in our kitchen, and then they can use them to buy cards. They can use them once per week, and have to take them off their hook on the wall, and put them into the card box. The cards go back up on Friday. It's an awesome system, and it's been going strong for a couple years now. Refreshing the cards was something I'd been talking about for about a month, so it was nice to finally get it done. 

Also, a clean laundry/home school room. With a small house, you have to do the best you can with space. We do alright here. 

After lunch, and some more school, we did our theme week activity for the day-- we built our own rackets out of PVC pipe and rubber bands. 

They're super fun, and I tried to convince the boys to go outside to play with them, but it was nearly 100 degrees and super humid out today, so they just played inside for awhile. 

Later, I found them in my room. They all have a bit of the sniffles. I think it's like the reverse effect of living up north- we're all inside in the summer so we get sick then, instead of the winter when we're out at the park, playing in the back yard, and going out all the time. 

So, some of you might have seen my campaign for a new kitten on Asa's facebook wall. The animal shelter here is over run with them, and looking for homes. I haven't mentioned it to the boys yet, because I don't know if I can get Asa on board. But, Maybel is the best cat ever, and I chalk it up to her being a rescue. I want to give another one a good loving home! 

Hayden and I also did a check to see if we'd done anything on our summer bucket list. We took down the 'ride the new snow white ride' bucket, but so far that's all we have. We need to get moving. 

After Asa was done with work, we took the boys down to the pool where we played some football and volleyball like activities. I guess if I can't get them outside to play, at least they're all super happy to go to the pool. 

Asa made an awesome honey chicken for dinner tonight, he was happy it wasn't a theme week where I already had a recipe, and he could make whatever he wanted. It was SO good too. Who would have thought Asa would become such a great cook? 

Up Next: Four Years of Wedded Bliss! (So actually, there probably won't be a blog tomorrow- check back for a biggy Wednesday) 

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