Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Week 28: Welcome to Game Show Week!

Get Ready for a bunch of pictures of us at the kitchen table. I knew we've been cooped up here since Sunday, but I didn't realize how much until I picked out the pictures from the last three days. We've had a lot of rain, and I've been a little under the weather. Couple that with the fact the plan was to get a bunch of school work done this week, and there's not a ton to report. (Thus the lack of blog the last few days) I planned in game week in an effort to still have something fun for the boys, but knowing it would keep our days pretty free to tackle some much needed projects around here. Most notably, I've been working on Peyton and Hayden's portfolios for their evaluations (every home schooler in Florida has an evaluation once per year to make sure they are doing well, last year Peyton and I got a glowing review). Their evaluations aren't due for about six weeks, but I'm hoping to get it in before the end of July. 

In the meantime, I've been working with the boys in some areas they seem to be struggling in. Peyton mostly uses Khan Academy for Math, but when he's just not getting it, we sit down for some hands on work. Fractions definitely required something more than the computer, so we've been working on those. (Simplifying, adding, that sort of thing) Hayden on the other hand is just starting with them, so while Peyton is using the manipulatives to check his work on simplifying, he asks Hayden to hand him pieces of the pie, and Hayden is learning the basics. It's working out pretty well. 

But, you're not here to read me go on and on about fractions. As exciting as they are, they're no game week. Each night after dinner, we've been playing a game show. The boys are earning points for them, which is good because they're starting to think about saving up to cash in for vacation. 

Our game Sunday night was Jeopardy. I made a board on our chalk board using just some painters tape and printer paper. (I haven't taken it down yet, because I think it's so cool, and everyone really wants to play again!) 

Every question up there was something they had learned this school year. Some of it was back in September though, so I wasn't sure how well they would do. I was very, very pleased and surprised at how much they remembered. Peyton even did all this math problems pretty close to perfect! 

Hayden, by the way, was better than I thought at locating things on the globe, too. 

I kept all the answers they had right on the table (in case we needed to re-check their score keeping) 

While the answers they had wrong were guarded closely on the chair by a sleeping Dipper. (He is the only living thing I've ever seen sleep deeper and be harder to wake up than Calib) 

Halfway through the game, you can check out their strategies. Hayden was all over the place. Peyton was avoiding Government and Language Arts, while Calib saved the 400 and 500 point questions for last. 

And then it was time for Finale Jeopardy. The category: Things you should know, but probably don't. I tried to be very clear not to bet the farm on one answer. 

Hayden bet 500, pretty modest. His question: Name the name of the building that Congress works in. He didn't know. 

Peyton's question: What amendment abolished slavery? Now, you'd think he'd look like this if he didn't know the answer. Here's the thing, he did know, and he got it right (it's the 13th). BUT he only bet 1 point. 

Calib's question was "How many members are there in the House of Representatives". He bet it ALL (even though I made it pretty clear they shouldn't do that-- ugh, teenagers). He came in with a very shaky 345. Sadly, he got his numbers confused (it's 435) and lost all his points. 

Peyton ended with 5701, Hayden ended with 2700, and Calib, well, we know what happened there. 

Oh hey, shout out to Peyton's pen pal, Rachel Baker. She worked with Asa and I at Sneak Peeks, and volunteered to be one of his pen pals when I was looking (she has even sent him pictures of the fish she's seen snorkling with a game for Peyton to identify them!)  She sent Peyton the cutest card for his birthday, and $12. I know he owes you a letter, too, Rachel- it's coming soon, I promise! 

Oh, time out to show you how distracting Dipper likes to be when we're working on things at the table. Drives me nuts, but the boys think it's hilarious. This kitten thinks EVERYTHING was put on this earth to play with-- paper, pens, cups. 

Monday night Asa decided he wanted to go the nightly game, so he put together Family Feud for all of us. 

Which meant I finally got to play! Hayden was my teammate, though, and it didn't end so well. 

The team of Calib and Peyton smoked us. Totally embarrassing. 

Tonight's game was Hundred Point Money Drop. (Million dollar money drop was one of those quick summer game shows a couple of years ago, but the boys really liked it). Basically, there are 7 questions, a lot you're not expected to know. You have 100 chips (or a million dollars), and you bet on a certain answer. You can put money on all the answers, or some, but you only get to keep the money from the right answer. If that doesn't make sense, I'm sure you can youtube the show. 

Hayden was up first. 

Those wits and wagers boards are coming in total handy this week too. 

Hayden got down to one chip, but he got the last answer correct, and got to keep his chip. 

Peyton made it through three rounds with nearly half his chips (He couldn't remember if the Capital of Qatar or Bahrain was Doha.), and then lost them all when he refused to split up his chips. 

Calib only bet on one answer the whole way through, and lost them all four questions in when he was convinced the air was made up of 30 percent oxygen, not 20 percent. 

Asa was in the office today, but is off the next two days. I think we all need to get out of the house, but sadly the Verizon guy is coming to fix our internet (it's dropping out and slow, ugh!) and the only time we could get was 8-5. Lame. 

We're hoping to head to summer of shakes tonight though, so at least that's something. 

Next Up: Who Wants to be a Millionaire? 

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