Monday, March 30, 2020

Social Distancing Journal, Day 17

Nationally, the US has passed 160,000 cases. We're nearing 3,000 deaths. I've stopped watching the news for the most part, because it's freaking me out. 

On the Florida front, nothing much else has changed. Our governor is an asshat still. Although, I today he was going to tell South Florida they officially had a shelter in place order. But, just like three counties. I know this because he said they would be under the order until "mid-May", then later said that was a mistake and he meant to say "mid-April". And there's a cruise ship heading for Miami with infected passangers that he doesn't want here, because not only do they have coronavirus, they're also "foreigners".  Anyway, CNN said 78% of Americans have a shelter in place order. But, not Floridians. Hey, guys, go crazy- go to church even! Tampa at least issued their own "safer at home" order and arrested a priest who held church anyway (apparently he's had a few warnings about this, but STILL held church yesterday).  Florida has 5,700 cases *reported*

I am getting out to take the dogs for their morning walks though. Monday's are busy for Asa, so I usually have to go it alone. 

And we haven't done a garden check in a few days. Something is eating my zucchini and my squash overnight. I haven't figured out what yet, though. 

But, we have enough stuff these days to have "backyard" for lunch, so that's something. Tomatoes are coming pretty regularily, lots of greens, beans, green onions and peppers. 

Yesterday was John Tyler's birthday, so Hayden and I celebrated that today. 

We did the whole birthday timeline and then he drew his John Tyler picture while we watched Frozen II (and Lilo and Stich, and Tangled account for our Disney Plus viewing today). 

Meanwhile, Calib and Ellie worked on his math. 

And then Hayden and I broke out another puzzle. This makes puzzle number 2 for quarentine. This was less peices than the last one though, at 550. Calib and Asa helped occassionally. 

That's it for today. I did some laundry, and we opened Candy Bar Election voting. Pretty par for the course for a Monday. 

Oh, and I did have to fill up all the toilet paper holders in the house again. Hopefully by the time we need some more it's easier to find? 

Most popular "hurricane snacks": Homemade Pita Chips

Current binge watching obession: Ozark! 

Most popular game: Asa and Hayden are just about to play Power Rangers tonight. 

Boredness scale 1 to 10: 2. It's not so much that I'm bored, I just want to get out more than I am. 

Frozen II Watchthroughs: 13.5 

Trips to the store: 2, and one take out trip

Days Down: 17

Days Remianing: Undetermined. 

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